The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 836

When the boy fell into the water, he made a big bang, and the water splashed all over the river.

The raft swayed slightly, and Ling Lian and Yi Xue stood steadily on the raft and were not affected.

Rong Jing took cloud and moon's waist and fell on the bank. Without looking at the boy who fell into the water, he stretched out his hand and took her to walk away. Crescent white robe in his turn that moment sprinkled a layer of frost.

Cloud shallow month opened a mouth, looked at the face of Rong Jing, and swallowed the words to the mouth again. Looking back at Ling Lian and Yi Xue, and glancing at the surface of the young man's fall, the two immediately realized that they all jumped down into the water to catch the boy. They remember that when they first got on the raft, the boy said that he would not swim. There was no one here. If he was not rescued, he would not be able to get to the water, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

Rong Jing suddenly stops and looks at the moon.

Yunqianyue winked at him and pulled out a flattering smile. She put her body close to his arms and hugged him in a soft and wriggling way: "there is no one else here but us. If we don't save him, we will die. He has promised to help me to break the engagement between Donghai Kingdom and Rong Wangfu. If you don't save him, it's useless. "

"To help you to break the engagement between Donghai Kingdom and Prince Rong's residence?" Rong Jing picks eyebrow, will help you two words to bite some heavy.

Yunqianyue immediately nodded and affirmed: "yes, help me!"

The corner of Rongjing's mouth was slightly raised, and his cold face was warm, but it was so warm, especially with nine points of cold. His tone was slightly heavy: "help me to break the engagement, but I want to marry you. Is your head rusted with iron

"If he wants to marry me, he must first break my engagement with Ye Tianyi! Why not do something when someone helps? Isn't it good for us to enjoy ourselves? " Yunqianyue was suddenly touched by Rongjing's warm and cold face. She put her arm around his waist, rubbed her head against his chest, and said in a low voice, "anyway, our water is muddy enough. There's nothing wrong with more water, right?"

Rongjing "hum" a, do not speak.

"I never stop working day and night. I intended to see you in Luoshui City, but you left one day earlier. I was so depressed. Now that I've finally met you, are you sure you want to be cold to me? " Cloud shallow moon looks up at Rong Jing, some aggrieved tunnel.

Rongjing enjoys the beauty in his arms. His eyes like a spring have already warmed. He takes a deep look at yunqianyue, and suddenly pushes her away. Her heart suddenly cools. The coolness just climbs into her heart. Suddenly, her body suddenly lightens. She is held up by her waist and gives a light cry unexpectedly.

Rong Jing held her and walked forward, saying, "you are light again!"

"Think what you think!" Cloud shallow moon does not want to take over the words. The coolness in my heart disappeared at the moment when I was picked up by him. The corner of the mouth can't help but smile. This is Rongjing!

Rong Jing suddenly low smile, the whole body completely warm down, low eyes staring at cloud shallow moon, repeat her words, "hmm? Think what I think? "

Cloud shallow moon face a red, but still did not avoid cloud shallow moon's eye light, and his eye light, nodded, "well, just want you to think!"

"How much do you think?" Rongjing asked in a low voice.

"I want to, I want to!" Cloud shallow month stretch finger to chest, "think this all ache!"

The eye light of Rongjing breaks out the bright brilliance in an instant. The eye light seems to burn the cloud shallow moon into the soul. He no longer talks, only looks at the cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon had gone this way, the body is clear and cool, now by Rong Jing's eyes see whole body anxious. If it is put into the flame mountain, the whole person will burn up. Seeing that he did not speak, he asked in a low voice, "do you miss me?"

"Yes Rong Jing spits out a word, his voice is slightly dumb.

"How much do you think?" Cloud shallow moon asks.

"My heart aches when I think about it!" Rongjing whispered.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly buried his head in his chest, some childish way: "I listen to how you abuse my heart!"

Rongjing suddenly chuckled. His chest vibrated slightly because of his pleasant smile. He looked at the cloud and the moon, and his smile grew bigger and bigger. After laughing, he looked at the man who was buried in his arms and no longer looked up and said, "you're good to hear. I abuse it every day, almost all the time. Now that you come, think about how to comfort it."

"Good! It's on me, and I'll comfort it. " Cloud shallow moon smiles to guarantee, the tone is also full of smile.

Rongjing no longer talks, although walking forward, his eyes did not see the road, but always looked at the cloud in his arms.

Cloud light moon also no longer speak, enjoy many days of thinking about the final perfect feeling.

"Rongjing, you villain Behind him came the voice of the young man, who was obviously rescued.

Rongjing didn't hear it, and didn't even look back.

"I tell you, I didn't tell you the truth. I'm going to marry Yun Qianyue! I will marry her into my house. You'd better be prepared to see how I can Brother Zishu The young man angrily said a large series of words, suddenly the voice was stuck, stopped for a moment, and exclaimed in surprise.The cloud shallow moon buries in the Rong Jing bosom, the mind moves, can't help but look up to see.

Rong Jing suddenly reached out and patted her on the head and said in a low voice, "don't look!"

Cloud shallow moon's head immediately froze, can only be buried in his arms, this just found that there are shallow footsteps ahead. There are three people listening to the sound of footsteps. One is in front of the other and two are behind. The current one's martial arts skills are obviously very high. There is no sound in walking. The shallow footstep sound is made by the two people behind him. She thought that the first person should be the prince of Donghai.

"Yu'er, you are naughty again!" There is a sound coming from the front, which is obviously cool like water, but it is warm to anyone, such as the rain and dew falling on plum blossom in the warm day. It seems that as long as you hear such a sound, it will warm your heart and spleen. Even the night adds warmth.

"Son Brother Zishu... " The boy's surprise voice suddenly turned to be timid, like a naughty child who was caught by an adult and was doing a bad thing. Originally, he yelled and became a clever little sheep.

"King Shizi! Yu'er doesn't know what to do. It's too much trouble for you! " The master of the voice came near and stopped. The people behind him immediately stopped. This place suddenly became extremely quiet, and his voice became more and more clear.

Cloud shallow moon I do not know why, hear such a sound at that moment, even their own breath can not feel, it seems that something penetrating the clouds, breaking through time, broken into bits of stars. Although her head was buried, the starlight was shining in front of her eyes. The starlight exploded in the clouds, shining and disappearing in the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!