The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 835

"It's better not to sleep. Now that we are in the water, you will accidentally catch the cold in the water." Cloud shallow moon reminds the youth, "but dozens of miles of waterway just, soon arrived. Hold on a little longer. "

"What do you always stand for? Sit down! Protect me with your true spirit, and I won't be able to get cold? " The young man waved to Yun Xiaoyue. Seeing that she did not move, he said again, "don't forget that I can give you two precious medicines for your maid! You have to be nice to me. "

Cloud shallow moon head also does not return, glance at him.

"I'm so sleepy! And I'm very tired after saying so many words. " The young man said again, "I must be in a better spirit, or I will be heartbroken when my brother Zishu sees me."

Yunqianyue turned to look at the young man. At that time, she saw him for the first time in Yuncheng. Although he was ragged and ragged, he was in high spirits. Today, although her clothes are fresh and gorgeous, she looks very tired. She has been riding for many times, and she still has some dishes. She shakes her head, goes to the young man and sits down. She inspires her true spirit to take a warm circle around him.

"I knew you were the best!" The young man pulled her arm with satisfaction, put his head on her leg, and leaned most of his body against her arms, closing his eyes somewhat comfortably.

Cloud shallow moon looked at him, did not push him away. Ling Lian and Yi Xue look at two people, also no longer speak.

The river valley is quiet, only the gurgling sound of rafts. There are green mountains on both sides. If you don't look at the rolling stones and sand, it's really a beautiful landscape.

Cloud light moon is sitting quietly like that, her face is hidden in the aperture of real gas and water vapor, and her face has no emotion. The boy soon fell asleep and breathed evenly.

After walking for about two hours, the originally narrow valley gradually widened and gradually became a large valley. This is the only raft on the river, more silent. It's going to be late. It's Valley County.

"Miss, do you think the people on the shore over there are Jing Shizi?" Ling Lian didn't speak for a long time, and her voice was a little hoarse.

The cloud shallow moon also saw the distant shore, faintly has a person's shadow. The distance was a little far away. At this time, the sky was dark, and the water was shining from afar. The figure's appearance and clothes were completely indistinguishable, but she recognized it as Rongjing at a glance and nodded, "it's him!"

"It seems that Jing Shizi knows that the young lady is coming! I was waiting there Ling Lian said with a smile.

"Jingshizi is about to miss miss!" Yi snow also laughs a way.

Yunqianyue thinks that they haven't seen them for seven days, right? If they do not see each other for three years, they will be twenty-one years old. If one day is counted as a year according to what he said, it will be seven years. I really want to. She could not help smiling at the faint figure. Her eyes were burning on the figure and couldn't move away.

As the raft moved in gradually, the appearance and clothes of Rongjing became clear.

Cloud shallow moon looked at the distance from the shore has been close, she withdrew the true spirit, reached out to push the youth, "wake up, arrived!"

The young man opened his bewildered eyes and took a look at it. He curled his mouth and swept his eyes around again. He didn't see anyone else. He frowned and said, "why didn't brother Zishu come to pick me up? There will be no accident, will it

"Your brother Zishu is so powerful, how could he have an accident? If you go and look for it, you will know! Get up Yunqianyue pushes the boy aside, stands up, comforts the young man, points lightly, leaves the raft, displays the lightness skill to the Rongjing.

"It's true!" The young man stood up happily. Seeing that yunqianyue was about to leave, he reached out to pull her, but he didn't hold on. He pointed his toes and took a look at the distance between the raft and the shore, but he was unwilling to fall down.

When Ling Lian and Yi Xue see the young man's movements, they naturally know that his lightness skill is inferior to that of the young lady, and they dare not leave the raft. Their lightness skill is not as good as miss. Now they are still a little far away from the shore. They think they can't do it.

When yunqianyue was halfway through her lightness skills, she realized that she was in a hurry. The distance between the shore and the raft was too far, and she could not get to the shore. What's more, there was no trampling thing in her hands, and there was nothing over the water, so she couldn't stop and breathe. She thought that she would have a big diving in the landscape. However, she was not afraid to lose face in front of him, who called miss him too much.

At the moment when he was about to release his strength and step on the water, the people on the opposite bank suddenly flew up. The crescent white brocade kerchief drew a clear and gorgeous arc. Rongjing came to yunqianyue in an instant and held her slender waist.

The familiar breath with a trace of clear water vapor will her package, cloud shallow moon a sigh of relief, lift eyes, is on the face of thinking day and night. She immediately put her arms around his waist and gave him the whole weight of her body. She said with a soft smile, "it's good that you came to pick me up, otherwise I must fall into the water today."

Rongjing did not speak and looked down at her.

Although the night, the sky has been dim, but the cloud light moon clearly saw the light in his eyes, the light reflected a strong look of missing, the look of missing was full of her face, she was tired and disappeared in an instant.

In a moment, Rong Jing lowered her head and covered her lips.

"Rongjing, I officially declare war on you. I want to marry Yun Qianyue! Listen to me At this time, the voice of the youth came from the raft, sonorous and powerful.Cloud shallow moon long eyelashes trembled, Rongjing left her lips, squint at the juvenile. The young man picked his eyebrows and said in a loud voice, "don't look at me like this. I'm not afraid of you."

"Is it?" Rongjing's voice couldn't hear his emotion. In a moment, he waved his hand suddenly, and a gust of wind swept over the boy. The boy had no way to avoid, and he could not hide. "Ah" cried out, and he was immediately hit by the water. , the fastest update of the webnovel!