The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 802

Cloud shallow month a Zheng, can't believe to look at Rong Jing, he and grandfather's gamble is bridal chamber candle?

"If you don't play this game instead of grandfather Yun, I'm sure to win!" Rong Jing looks at the cloud and the moon, and sighs gently.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly felt the sky extremely gray, she looked at the cloud old lord, cloud old lord nodded to her, she Teng stood up, angrily staring at Rongjing, "then why didn't you say it earlier? If you had said so, I would not have killed him! "

"Smelly girl Cloud old lord immediately angrily scolded, "you are not ashamed! Is that how you want to marry him

Cloud shallow moon face a red, some shame indignant way: "natural think!"

Cloud old Wang Ye mercilessly dug cloud shallow moon one eye, beard a Qiao Qiao, scold a way: "fruitless!"

Cloud shallow month hums a, red face does not speak, is some worthless! But where does she know that two people are playing this bet? I thought it was the old man who was so bored that he asked Rong Jing to play an ordinary game of chess!

Rongjing stretched out his arm and pulled Yun Qianyue into his arms. He took hold of her slender waist and looked at her indignant little face. Suddenly, he buried herself on her shoulder and began to laugh, laughing happily.

"What are you laughing at?" Cloud light moon red face asked.

"Cloud light moon, so you think of me so!" Rong Jing has a strong smile, even the sound seems to be like the notes of singing, some trickling warmth and deep intoxication.

Yun Qianyue was ashamed and angry, but now she is as red as fire. Hearing Rongjing's laughter and words, she suddenly felt a little shameless. She suddenly bumped into his body and withdrew from his arms. She turned around and walked out. She angrily dropped a sentence, "Rongjing, you want a bridal chamber, but there are no doors!"

Rongjing stopped laughing.

Yunqianyue thinks about what is "old man shameless". What he says is her bad old man grandfather. What is little shameless is Rongjing. It's disgusting to take this as a gamble!

"Stinky girl! You're just leaving? " Looking at the cloud light moon walking very fast, Mr. cloud hummed: "do you even know what shyness is? Rare

"You'd better shut up! Or I'll pull out all your beards! Don't think I dare! " Cloud shallow month turns back, to cloud old Wang Ye stare, put down a cruel word, see Rong Jing stand up to want to chase after, she cruel way: "you'd better not appear in front of me again in three days, otherwise don't think of bridal chamber all one's life."

Mr. Yun stopped immediately.

The steps of Rongjing stop.

Cloud shallow moon see two words shocked two people, turned out of cloud old Wang Ye's yard. She went far away, only to hear the cloud old lord murmured and scolded a "Stinky girl!" , Rongjing murmured: "three days, some boil!" Suddenly, she was a little funny and walked to the moon pavilion with ease.

On the way, we can see Yunli and the seventh Princess come out. They are walking side by side. The green trees and red flowers are on the porch bridge of the waterside pavilion. They are walking slowly. The seven princesses and Yunli are not talking to each other, but there is a trace of harmony and beauty. She stopped to look at the two, and was suddenly gratified. If they were able to live in harmony, she would be happy to see it. Nanlingrui and yunmuhan are both gone. Yunli is his brother. He shouldered the responsibility of the cloud palace. Naturally, she hoped that this brother would be happy.

"Sister!" Cloud from the first to see the cloud shallow moon, called out.

Seven princess also raised her head, see cloud shallow moon stands in front of, face slightly red, did not speak.

Cloud shallow moon see cloud from the face of the red, not like last night when she came back to see that frightening. "A shallow smile," brother to daily medicine on time, not long this face will be able to restore the appearance of! "

"Good!" Yunli nodded.

The seventh princess looked at Xiang Yun Li's face and Xiang Yun's moon in surprise. She seemed puzzled and asked, "can such a deep wound restore your appearance?"

"Yes! I have a bottle of gel for him Yunqianyue blinked her eyes and said with a smile to the seventh princess, "those princesses have no eyes, but you have eyes. How can I not treat you well? You're going to be my sister-in-law. I want you to watch my brother enjoy himself every day, don't I? "

Seven princesses blushed and bowed her head.

Cloud from the face also some red, to cloud shallow moon way: "I send seven princesses out of the mansion!"

Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods, two people carry step to go to the mansion, she stops to see two people for a moment, continue to walk toward shallow moon Pavilion. Not long after returning to the shallow moon Pavilion, jade bracelets and green branches came to the shallow moon pavilion with account books.

Cloud shallow month sees jade bracelet to ask with a smile, "Rong Jing? Are you still in grandfather's yard

The jade bracelet shook her head and said with a smile, "jingshizi has just returned to the mansion!"

"Did he say anything?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"When King Shizi left, he said he would go back to his house and think about his mistakes behind closed doors." The jade bracelet answers with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon flat mouth, think he knows wrong good! Men can't make him too happy! I always think she's a bully. Suddenly, she was amused by her childishness. She reached out and rubbed her forehead and murmured, "the more you live, the more you go back."

"Miss light moon has not arrived yet! It's still small! " The green branch said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon smile, looking at two people, two people immediately explain the intention. The first is for the income of the shops and fertile fields of the property under the name of the yunwangfu and the expenditure of the mansion during this period; the second is about all preparations for the inheritance ceremony of the son of heaven of Yunli, as well as the list of gifts given by each mansion and the preparation for a visit to yunqianyue.Cloud shallow month took over the account book roughly once, and two people put forward some opinions. Two hours later, they left the pavilion. She yawned sleepily and nestled on the soft couch to keep her eyes closed, but she fell asleep unconsciously.

For the next three days, the wife of Tiansheng capital was peaceful, and no big or small things happened. These three days, Rongjing did not appear in the cloud palace, let alone in front of the cloud moon. Guard against the words of cloud and shallow moon, which are extremely destructive to him.

Cloud shallow moon is nest in the shallow moon Pavilion, a good three days no one disturb the day. After all, I went to motianya for a ride for a few days. Later, although I came back from Yuncheng, I went to sleep by car, but the carriage was also tiring. These three days are just for rest.

Three days later, it is the day of Yunli's adoption ceremony.

In the morning, the palace of Lord Yun was as lively as the Spring Festival. All the people in the mansion, from old lord Yun to Lord Yun, to Yun Qianyue, and today's leading role, Yunli, and his servants, all changed their new clothes. Since then, guests have come to watch the ceremony.

Yunli was granted the title of Prince Yun's son. In his great anger, yunqianyue wrote a letter of divorce to the sixth princess. Many people thought that the palace was going to be over, but they didn't expect it. However, overnight, the cloud palace did not end. Instead, the Emperor gave the seven princesses to Yunli. The cloud mansion accepted the seven princesses with great joy 。 The ministers in the court took the helm when they saw the wind, and all of them came to watch the ceremony and pay homage. The cloud palace was full of excitement in the early morning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!