The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 801

Cloud shallow moon some surprised to see the youth so easily left, then suddenly, he is lifted Rong Feng's quilt, sorry to see Rong Feng! All of a sudden, she was amused, too.

Jade bracelet also pursed a mouth to smile, "really let the son of the world guess accurately!"

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, ask a way: "Rong Feng actually did not come?"

The jade bracelet nods with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon to lift step to go inside, think Rong Jing really has a way, so she don't have to worry. After she left the West Maple Garden, she was in a good mood. At this time, she left the master who made her headache. Her steps were more relaxed. Soon she came to the backyard. There were two people sitting in the arbor in the backyard. They were sitting face to face across a table. There was a chess board on the table. They were playing chess, one old and one young. It's her bad old man, grandfather and Rongjing.

When they heard the sound of footsteps, neither of them looked up at the moon.

Yunqianyue steps easily to Rongjing, he is tasting tea, looking at the chessboard, head also did not lift. But the bad old man's brows were frowning, and he was obviously puzzled by Rongjing and was thinking hard. She sat down on the square stool beside Rongjing and put her hand around his waist.

Rong Jing drinks tea and finally looks up at her from the chessboard.

Yunqianyue leaned her body into his half arms, held him in both hands, put her head close to his chest, looked up at him with a big smile.

Rong Jing raised eyebrows at the cloud and the moon.

Yunqianyue winked at him and muttered in a low voice, "Rongjing, I miss you!"

Rong Jing's eyes flashed, put down the tea cup, and did not care about the old man sitting opposite him. He reached out to take a look at the slender waist of Yun Xiaoyue in his arms. His voice was low and hoarse, "how much do you think?"

"I really want to." Yunqianyue's head is rubbing against his chest. There is a feeling and joy to come inexplicable, but it is true and real existence, just like she came out of the West Maple Garden, suddenly miss him. After seeing him, this kind of thought not only did not decrease, but also deepened.

Rong Jing low smile, "know wrong?"

"Wrong?" The moon's head can't turn.

"It's really a bad memory!" Rongjing snorted.

Cloud shallow month Leng for a moment, think of cold Shao Zhuo's letter, he said is about this, she flat mouth, innocent way: "I just have a bad memory, anyway it's none of my business, you can't take other people's mistakes to punish me, it's not fair."

"There's more reason!" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

Cloud shallow month tiny Du mouth to look at him, she did not feel that this matter did not manage, of course, can not be timid.

Rong Jing looked at the soft pink lip with the moon and cloud, and his eyes were shining slightly. In a moment, he lowered his head and his lips were close to the moon.

Cloud shallow moon one scared, whole person immediately stiff. She didn't forget that there was an old man sitting opposite her, her grandfather. She quickly retreats, intends to withdraw from Rongjing's arms, Rongjing to imprison her waist, do not let her withdraw.

"Grandfather is still here!" Cloud light moon red face whispered.

"What are you afraid of?" Rongjing has a low voice.

"Low key! We need to keep a low profile. " After the light of the moon, she saw that the old man still locked his eyebrows, as if he had not found her and Rongjing's actions. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "do you want to respect the old and love the young? Otherwise, the old man will blow us out for polluting our ears and eyes! You don't want to lose face, do you? "

As expected, Rongjing stopped.

Yunqianyue breathes a sigh of relief. She doesn't want to show children's inappropriate pictures in front of the bad old man, who will laugh at her later. But when she was just relieved, Rong Jing raised her eyebrows and looked at her. She was surprised and asked, "what are you thinking about just now?"

What do you think? Cloud light moon blinked, "what are you thinking, what am I thinking?"

"I just wanted to help you remove a maple leaf from your hair, and that's what you think?" Rongjing's hand suddenly loosened Yun Xiaoyue's waist. He gently clipped the middle finger and index finger on her head, picked up a maple leaf and handed it to her. He raised her eyebrows and asked solemnly.

Cloud shallow moon looks at that maple leaf, and looks at Rong Jing where there is just about to kiss her posture, serious can no longer be serious, she some speechless.

Rong Jing threw away the maple leaf in his hand and looked at the opposite old king of cloud. He said in a warm voice, "grandfather cloud, or I will let you three sons? Otherwise, you may not be able to finish a game of chess in the dark. "

"Why don't you say you go to the bridal chamber with the stinky girl first and then play chess with me?" Cloud old Lord looked up at Rong Jing, and then glared at Yun. The moon was still clinging to Rongjing's hands around his waist and hummed: "it's immoral!"

Cloud shallow moon face a red, some embarrassed, angry way: "smelly old man, you pour is quick to go! That son is placed in the center position, eats him to eat a square. I can't see it. What a fool! Do I doubt you are my grandfather

Hearing this, the old king of cloud looked at the chessboard. As soon as his eyes brightened, he immediately put the pieces in his hand at the position that Yun Qianyue said. He cursed, "Stinky girl, the arm and elbow have finally turned inside."

The cloud shallow month picked to pick eyebrow triumphantly, "that is you stupid!"

Cloud old Wang Ye snorted, to Rong Jing way: "it's your turn!"Rongjing slowly picked up a piece and put it on the chessboard. The situation which had been inclined to cloud old Lord turned suddenly. Then, he frowned again. A moment later, he suddenly said to Yun Qianyue, "Stinky girl, you can play this game for me."

"No!" Yunqianyue holds Rongjing and shakes his head.

"Do you want to see me lose an old bone to a boy?" Mr. cloud glared.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing. Rongjing picks her eyebrows. She hesitates for a moment, holding Rongjing in one hand and taking the pieces on the chessboard with the other. Until her son, Rongjing did not speak.

So, cloud old Wang Ye, who was originally a chess player, watched Rongjing and yunqianyue fall back and forth.

Half an hour later, a game of chess came to a draw.

Cloud old Wang Ye stroked his beard and nodded. For the first time, he affirmed to Yun Xiaoyue: "worthy of being my old man's granddaughter!"

The moon rolled her eyes.

Rong Jing suddenly lowered his head and asked the woman who had been stuck in his arms, "do you know that this game of chess between me and grandfather Yun is a gamble?"

Cloud shallow moon one Zheng, where does she know? Is this bad old man calling for Rongjing to bet for him? What's the bet? She looked at the scene and didn't know why.

Rong Jing suddenly sighed, "I bet I want to marry tonight! Now that we have a draw, what do you say? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!