The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1535

Under the command of yunqianyue, they beat drums to attack Fenghuang pass. The soldiers behind her had already been infuriated by the soldiers in Nanliang. Hearing her order, they rushed to Fenghuang pass like the tide.

A group of soldiers in the front row rushed in front with shields. The armored siege tower was pushed behind. Soon they came to the wall, and the soldiers set up a ladder. A drum, as powerful as a tiger, rushes to the city wall and the gate.

Shouting, hissing, thumping on the door, chopping with knives and axes, the sound of iron wire, loud, deafening.

Phoenix closed, commander-in-chief six prince was killed by the arrow, immediately chaos. The deputy general directed to throw arrows and rolling stones, but it was also difficult to resist the madness of the siege soldiers.

At this time, a group of people, dressed in the service of soldiers from the southern Liang Dynasty, came out of the city shouting, "the wall has been broken, run away quickly." The voice was loud and resounded throughout the city. The people were in a panic, and the soldiers were also in a panic. It was a war that had not been fought for many years. No matter the soldiers of Tiansheng, the soldiers of Nanliang, the people of Nanliang who lived in Fenghuang pass, or the common people of Tiansheng could not adapt to the sudden war and bloody murderous spirit. Many people began to throw down their weapons and flee everywhere.

There was a riot in fenghuangguan.

It was Zhang Pei and Han Yi who were shouting. They made a lot of hard work to enter Fenghuang pass from the gully of Tianshui cliff and the cave of Zhuque peak. After that, with their skills in the river and lake, they secretly gathered up a small group of Nanliang soldiers on patrol and replaced them with their servants. According to Yun Qianyue's command, they cooperated with her inside and outside.

In the chaos, the two came to the gate of the city, Zhang Pei's axe and Han Yi's whip. After years of fighting against each other, they are now the people who know each other best and cooperate perfectly. Soon, he cut off the rope and opened the gate.

As soon as the gate opened, the soldiers of Tiansheng rushed into the city.

"The city is broken. Retreat!" An assistant general called on the soldiers of Nanliang to flee to the north gate.

Several of the six Prince's cronies protected the six prince, who was injured by an arrow and was unconscious, also fled to the north gate.

Cloud shallow moon raises a voice to shout, "surrender does not kill!"

"Surrender will not kill!" The soldiers of the heavenly saints shout as they rush in.

"Do not kill people, do not rob people, do not commit violence." Cloud shallow moon again clear voice cries out.

"Do not kill people, do not rob people, do not commit violence." The voice of heavenly saints' soldiers was resounding through the sky.

The people who were afraid to escape stopped. Some of them lived in Fenghuang pass for generations. Since the tianshuiya sluice collapsed last year, tens of thousands of people have died, and all the people left are survivors. After half a year's recuperation, many refugees who could not survive elsewhere migrated to Fenghuang pass and were left behind. Now they are reluctant to leave. So I didn't run away.

Tiansheng's soldiers rushed into the city. Although the shouts of killing shocked the sky, the people found that they did not hurt the innocent people, nor did they burn, kill and loot. Therefore, some people who hesitated and could not believe it immediately believed it.

Some soldiers are in Fenghuang pass, so they don't escape.

After shouting two sentences, yunqianyue stopped shouting when he saw that the soldiers were following him. He turned to Rongjing and said, "Mr. Rong, how are you? Are you a military division? Should we go out and make some military contributions for our war?"

Rong Jing looked at her with a smile, "what is the general's assignment?"

Cloud shallow moon angry him one eye, low voice way: "block six prince, I shoot that arrow, his wound only you can save."

"Madame has a destiny, don't dare to obey." Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

Yunqianyue pushed him for a while, and Rongjing flew up with the trend. His crescent white figure was like cloud smoke, and he immediately pursued and protected the man who had left the sixth prince.

Yun Qianyue beat his horse into the city and reined in his horse. Qingsheng ordered, "Hua Shu reorganizes the south gate, Ling Yan reorganizes the north gate. Zhang Pei and Han Yi have made great achievements in this battle. My general immediately promoted them to Zhonglang generals. Zhang Pei rectified the east gate, and Han Yi rectified the west gate, each with two thousand men. "

"Yes Hua Shu and Ling Yan thought that they were appointed by the emperor, but Yun Qianyue could not use them. Unexpectedly, she used them now. They were stunned for a moment and took orders immediately.

Zhang Pei and Han Yi didn't expect to be promoted to Zhonglang general by Yun Qianyue in the first battle. When they thought that they had made great achievements, they promoted a small leader first. Qi Qi was overjoyed and immediately took orders.

As soon as the four left, yunqianyue called out to a man behind him: "Sun Zhen."

"General!" A thin man in his thirties answered. He was wearing a third grade uniform.

"Count the soldiers and settle the people. I'll give it to you. Be sure, or you will be the only one to blame. " Cloud shallow moon does not turn back, command way.

"Yes Sun Zhen takes orders.

Cloud shallow month looks back to blue Yi, command way: "blue Jian Jun all the way can tired?"

"The general has never been tired, so I am not tired." LAN Yi Dao.

"Since LAN Jianjun is not tired, let's work harder. Let's accompany sun Xiaowei in the whole army and pacify the people." Cloud light moon road.

Blue Yi picked to pick eyebrow, immediately answer, "good!"

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, with a team of soldiers to Phoenix pass general military house and go.Fenghuang pass commander-in-chief's house, there are only some servants who can't run. They kneel on the ground with fear. After the arrival of yunqianyue, two thousand Pro guards immediately occupied the headquarters and protected the headquarters.

Cloud shallow moon with Ling Lian, Yi snow and other Pro into.

As soon as she entered, a black shadow floated down. It was the green shadow. He whispered: "the childe has brought back the sixth prince to save people in the main hall."

Cloud shallow moon nodded, green shadow retreated, she went to the main hall.

When she came to the main hall, there were two men in black guarding the gate. They were both very young and of long stature. One of them she knew was moju. She stopped and raised her eyebrows at the ink chrysanthemum.

Mo Ju blinked at her. In a moment, she opened her mouth and said, "last time I saw Madame Chu, it's true." Words down, he knelt on one knee, "ink chrysanthemum to see the mother."

Obviously, it was a sonorous voice, and it was quite comic to do it after and after him.

Cloud shallow month raised a foot to kick him, Mo Ju a heel to hide in the past, raised his head, looked at cloud shallow moon, "subordinate didn't remember offending the mother?"

Cloud shallow moon glanced at him, "offend."

Mo Ju looks at her innocently.

"I was forced to take a lot of medicine last year." Cloud light moon road.

Mo Ju immediately exclaimed, "that was the order of the young master. At that time, your spiritual power was too heavy. It's none of my business."

"On you." Cloud light moon road.

Mo Ju's face suddenly bitter down, mumbled: "it's not a good thing to be hated by the mistress." After that, he lowered his head and murmured, and said with enough voice that Xiaoyue could hear: "my subordinate followed you through the mountains and mountains to the south of Xinjiang. Later, you and ye Qian, the woman, flew away on a kite. One of my subordinates was still at the top of the mountain. I didn't hate you..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!