The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1513

Leng Shao Zhuo seems to know this for the first time, whispered: "I have never heard of you before."

The princess of filial piety touched his head and said with a smile, "silly child, you were spoiled by your father before, or he deliberately used to you, so that the late emperor could know that the filial piety palace is also absurd and mediocre, and is going downhill. You don't know the height of heaven and the earth, and it's ridiculous. How dare mother tell you? " After that, she sighed, "but now that Jiang's secret training, and your mother have a secret connection with your little uncle in Southwest China, you can't hide it from jingshizi. He let you come to me. However, Qian Men and Jiang's ancestors were brothers with the same heart and soul, and the two famous families were in the same breath. He accepted Qian Men, and it's not surprising that Jiang's Secret instructions were known to him. "

Leng Shao Zhuo suddenly.

"Originally, if you had been with your father, your mother would never have told you. If he had known, he would have sold Chiang to the present emperor." The princess said in a low voice, "but this time your little uncle is on the crest of the waves. Today you have heard that the emperor said that there is no amnesty for killing. Night small princess took the son of Heaven Sword to go, will not be soft. My mother is really worried

"You can rest assured that King Shizi will keep the younger uncle." Leng Shao Zhuo road.

The filial Princess nodded, "today's emperor is unfathomable and extraordinary. King Shizi is also a gifted talent. Now, the competition between the two sides, light and dark competition, the world as a game of chess to play. My mother doesn't ask for anything else. Just ask you to be safe. "

Leng Shao Zhuo nods.

Two people no longer speak, carriage all the way to filial piety palace.

In the purple bamboo yard of Prince Rong's residence, Yun Qianyue naturally knew that the eight hundred Li rush was urgent, and cangting was intercepted to the Hengshui crossing of Jiangling city. As early as that day, when she and Rongjing planted peach blossom and Yuzixi, they went to the study to look at the topographic map. Now it has played a role and is naturally worthy of celebration.

Yunqianyue stood in front of the window, looking at the peonies in the garden outside, sighed: "this secret training of Jiang is really good!"

With a faint smile, she took a look at her, her delicate figure graceful and graceful, smile without words.

"The king of filial piety would never have dreamed that it was his princess and his son who broke up behind him." Yun Xiaoyue sighed again, praising: "did you also think of the Chiang family when you accepted the money gate? If you accept the Qianmen family, you can also use the Jiang family. It's killing two birds with one stone! In the middle of the house, you will win thousands of miles. "

Rong Jing still smiles at her and says nothing.

Cloud shallow moon says again: "this wants to blame, blame him Ye Shi to bully too much. There is no room for people. Just want to eradicate, not to accept. How can the world last long? Every day, we should guard against all kinds of civil and military officials, famous families and clans. The hidden guards all over the world are frightening and can't sleep. In the end, let's see it now! Eat your own evil fruit. If he had not killed his father and brother, the princess would not have helped her son resist her husband

Rong Jing looks at her and still doesn't answer.

Cloud shallow moon turns head, frown to Rong Jing, "what do you look at me to do? Why don't you talk? "

Rong Jing sat on the chair, motionless, stretched out his hand to her, warm voice way: "come here."

Cloud shallow moon looked at him in a solitary doubt, moved to his side, he stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, did not say a word, bowed his head to kiss down.

Yun Xiaoyue's heart thumped twice and suddenly remembered what she had said in the carriage earlier

A moment later, Rongjing picked her up, went to the big bed and put it down on her body. Ruyu's hand opened the ribbon and said in a low voice: "I can't spare you today."

Cloud shallow month immediately stretched out procedures to cover his eyes, GA mouth low voice beg for mercy way: "I admit you are good, such as today is still early, let's go out to enjoy peony, OK?"

Rong Jing shook his head, "not good."

"I haven't seen my grandfather for days." Cloud shallow moon thinks of a way, "filial piety is always a big thing."

"To be filial to him is to give him a grandson." Yung King Road.

"Then we..." Cloud shallow month also want to say, Rong Jing took off her hand, kiss her, do not let her spit out half a word.

Curtain down, the curtain gently swing, a room swaying snow lotus fragrance.

At noon, at night, when it was over, yunqianyue was exhausted and nestled in Rongjing's arms. Before she went to sleep, she thought of the business and asked vaguely, "the night is light and warm, and has taken the emperor's sword to Jiangling city. Who will be sent to protect Jiang lie?"

Rong Jing Shi Sui Zhi Wei, satisfiedly kisses her hair horn, the clear moist voice is lazy, "Ye Qian."

"Well?" Yunqianyue's head tears out a trace of lucidity from her lethargy.

"Since Tiansheng is going to send troops to invade Southern Xinjiang, ye Qian has been scolded by Tiansheng people, and the black pot that assassinated me has to be carried. Tiansheng and Nanjiang are at odds. How can she still sit in the palace and wait for the night light dye to send troops? " Rong Jing smiles. "Southwest is the border between southern Xinjiang and Tiansheng. Ye Qian appears in Jiangling city. Jiang lie is held by Ye Qian and can't open the gate. It's no accident. It's not in vain. She's carrying the name of the God of disaster. "

Yun Xiaoyue opened her mouth and said with a smile, "at that time, when you talked about this, I thought that if something happened in Jiangling city and stopped cangting Pavilion, ye qingran would send yeqingnuan, because she has a foundation in Southwest China, but who can be the opponent of night Qingnuan? That is Ye Qian, the successor trained by the royal family of Southern Xinjiang since childhood. "Rongjing "um" a, smiling patted her, "sleep!"

Cloud shallow moon nodded, closed his eyes, Rongjing looked down at him, eyes light is full of overflow of tenderness.

Yu Qingqing's procession to Nanliang to meet the king of cloud was supposed to leave before noon, but due to the light and warm night, he was sent to Jiangling city in Southwest China, so the team was delayed.

Night light dye says, "Southwest thousands of miles, the road is far, must have someone to accompany. In addition, choose someone to accompany Princess Yun. "

The selection was decided in the evening. It was the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty in the palace.

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty asked yeqingran for an order, saying that her injury was slight and did not affect her travel. She had been living in the palace all these years. She had never traveled far away, nor had a taste of the scenery outside the capital. Since yexiaojun could not go there, she wanted to accompany Princess Yun for an early walk and go to Nanliang for relaxation.

Night light dye is right now! So the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty accompanied Yu Qingqing to leave the capital and go to Nanliang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!