The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1388

Ling Lian and Yi Xue were watching, others covered their mouths and held back their laughter. They were not afraid of it, and "Puff Chi" burst out laughing.

Let the scenic spot nod, "you're right, then I'll have two too! You can't be born alone. You need my cooperation. "

The cloud is shallow and the moon is red. Mr. Rong, so many people are watching! Can you be more cheeky?

Rong Jing looks at the face of the moon without rouge, which is as beautiful as peach blossom. He slightly infatuated for a moment, took the tray in the hand of Rong Lingyan and put it into the hand of cloud shallow moon again, "you feed me."

Cloud shallow month hate ground clip two to Rong Jing mouth.

Rong Jing took a look and said with a gentle smile, "the first child was still a twin."

Cloud shallow moon hand a shake, Rong Jing contains two small steamed buns. It didn't seem to have any flavor at all. She ate it gracefully in front of her.

Yun Xiaoyue's face was as hot as fire, and she returned the tray to ronglingyan. Her voice seemed to squeeze out from her teeth, "I want to eat! If you don't bring anything you can eat, tonight you will... "

"Set the table." Rong Jing laughs and intercepts the second half of the moon.

Rong Lingyan answered in a hurry and gave an order to the outside, and immediately someone rushed in with the meal.

Rongjing stares at the cloud and the moon, and the scarlet Phoenix crowns are shining. She has been washed clean, and her face is now stained with a thick layer of cloud and mist. The bright red of the room is not equal to the color of her face. His eyes were blurred for a moment. See her apricot eyes round stare, he stretched out his hand to pull her up and walked to the table.

Two drinks on the table.

Smell wine, cloud shallow moon know is Rouge drunk.

Rongjing took a glass of wine to her, and held the other in her hand, smiling at her tenderly. She had just blushed with shame, and now she has gone out of her way. How can she not be thick skinned when she is with this person? The arms of the two people entangled, changed the wine glass, a cup full of goblet wine.

The mother-in-law of Shiquan immediately gave a lot of good words about a long-term relationship.

All the women outside congratulated. No matter they were sincere or insincere, no one dared not show joy on their faces.

After a while, the table was full of banquets.

Although the cloud shallow moon is extremely hungry, but so many pairs of eyes, also want to eat with reserve.

Rong Jing looked at her with a smile and waved to ronglingyan. Rong Lingyan waved to the people inside and outside the house, and they quickly withdrew. Not long, a group of people under the leadership of Rong Lingyan out of the purple bamboo yard.

This is the first time in many years that these people have entered the Zizhuyuan and Rongjing's room.

Yiling and the others left.

Cloud shallow month ate a half full, think of the guests in front of, to Rong Jing way: "you don't need to go to the front to show a face, greet guests?"

"No! I'll be with you. " Rong Jing shakes his head.

Cloud shallow moon hook hook mouth corner, no longer speak.

Full of wine and food, yunqianyue put down his chopsticks and leaned lazily on his chair. In the future, she will really be Rongjing's wife. This feeling is absolutely different from that when she lived here. Before today, she only stayed here. After today, she is the hostess here.

Rongjing looks at the cloud and the moon. The sunlight comes into the room and hits her. There is a kind of quiet beauty. The red wedding dress hasn't been changed. Zhu Chai's cloud temples are towering, and her skin is like snow. The beauty is dazzling. He can't help reaching out, and his fingertips slide through her skin, delicate and gentle.

"It's still early." Cloud light moon was only touched by his two fingers. He took a look at the sky outside and said in a soft voice, "where can I see the red brocade you've laid for the world?"

Rong Jing took back his hand, and his gentle voice seemed to coagulate for a moment, "Yulongshan."

Yunqianyue thinks that the top of Yulong mountain is so high that you can really see it. But are you going to Yulong mountain? Look at her.

Rongjing got up and stood up, took her hand and said, "go

Cloud shallow moon is pulled up by him, ask softly, "go to jade dragon mountain?"

Rong Jing nodded, "Hmm!"

"If you don't want to go, we won't go." Cloud light moon stopped.

Rongjing chuckled and said in a warm voice, "it is today that I will go. Yulongshan not only lives in the Yeshi, but also lives in the Murong family. What's more, I have painstakingly paved the world with brocade and red to marry you. How can I not let you see it? "

Cloud light moon also really want to see the world covered with red silk brocade in the end what kind of, also no longer hesitated.

Two people out of the door, Rongjing embracing cloud, light, such as a wisp of breeze, out of the purple bamboo yard.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue had been guarding the door. Seeing Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue out of the room, they were stunned for a moment. They turned their eyes and disappeared. They looked at each other and thought that on the day of their wedding, they would not stay in the bridal chamber, but would run out. It would be Jing Shizi and her family's miss.

The front yard of Prince Rong's residence is still bustling and full of celebration.

Yunqianyue looked down at rongjinghuai, and the scenery of rongwangfu flashed by. Rongjing took her out of rongwangfu and went outside the city.

Today, the streets and alleys of the capital are decorated with water banquets. The food in the city is fragrant, and even the air is full of strong food flavor.After a while, they left the city.

Rongjing's body method is too fast, and the wind rolls up her and Rongjing's big red clothes. Yunqianyue only hears the wind in her ears.

Half an hour later, he came to the foot of Yulong mountain. Rongjing was standing at the mausoleum of Murong family with cloud and moon.

Rong Jing didn't speak. He stood half a ring at this place and reached for yunqianyue to go up.

Cloud shallow month looks at Jade Dragon Mountain, she came several times, the time that Zhao Kehan buries here, she and night light warm went up the hilltop. But never reached the peak.

After several days of heavy snow, the snow in other places has melted, but the snow in Yulong Mountain has not yet melted. People walk past, leaving a row of footprints.

Looking at the road under his feet, yunqianyue walked for a moment and said to Rongjing, "there are several people who have come before us."

Rong Jingwen nodded, "well, you can guess who it is."

Cloud shallow moon carefully looked at the road under his feet, the wind blowing, swept the snow on the ground layer by layer, originally light feet almost submerged without trace. She said, "there must be Zishu."

Rong Jing's eyes flashed slightly, "Oh?"

Cloud shallow month affirms a way: "I am married, he must come."

Rong Jing's hand tightened around her waist, stopped and looked at her, "cloud shallow moon, I'm going to be jealous again!"

"Cloud shallow moon is funny," my surname before all crown your surname, Rong childe, you this vinegar want to eat when? "

"As long as he appears, I smell vinegar all over my body." Rongjing's voice was a little depressed, "Donghai to Tiansheng, a month's journey, I gave him half a month, he actually arrived."

Cloud shallow moon hook hook the corner of the mouth, from yesterday she saw Rong Jing took the Yellow calendar to look at, she knew that Zishu must come. Seeing Rongjing holding her, she did not let go, and did not go forward any more. She said with a straight face: "there is still a light and warm night! We're fair. "

Rongjing's long eyelashes blinked.

"On that day, I visited Yulong mountain with her. She told me that she left six years ago and saw you standing in the position of Murong imperial mausoleum. At that time, I thought it was a coincidence, or that the words were transmitting some information, but I didn't think deeply. I didn't want her to hide so deeply. " Cloud light moon road.

Rong Jing let her go with a smile and pulled her to go on. "She is the little princess of Deqin palace, surnamed night."

Yun Qianyue followed him forward and asked deliberately, "if my surname is night, if you like me, will you marry me?"

Rongjing chuckled, "yes!"

Cloud shallow month looks at him, remind way: "I say if my surname night, you really marry?"

"Yes Rongjing nodded affirmatively, looked at the top of Yulong mountain with a cool voice, "as long as it's you, no matter who you are, even if your surname is night, I will marry."

Yunqianyue stepped forward, put her arm around Rongjing's waist, buried her head in his arms, and said softly, "this is the most beautiful words I heard today. It's a thousand times better than those auspicious words said by the perfect mother-in-law."

This man! Even if her surname is ye, even if the Rong Wangfu and Yeshi have a feud, he will marry him. She believed what he said because he was Rongjing. Rongjing has always cared about her alone.

"Come on, if you don't go up, it's getting late, and you won't see it." Rong Jing looks at the people in her arms and smiles deeply.

Yunqianyue nodded and came out of his arms.

Rongjing takes her again, and gently points to the top of Yulong mountain. The peak of this precipice is as high as ten thousand feet. Few people can climb it. Ordinary people have never dared to climb it.

At the foot of the mountain is still covered with white snow. Halfway up the mountain, the snow turns into ice. The more you go up, the snow mountain will be cast like ice. Rongjing takes out his thin ice sword at the middle of the mountain. Without the help of cloud and moon, he takes her to fly on the rock.

Cloud shallow moon nest in his arms, eyes to the distance, into the capital of Tiansheng capital hundreds of miles are wrapped in red silk, full of brocade. Every time the scenery goes up, the scenery becomes wider and wider.

An hour later, Rongjing went to the top of Yulong mountain with cloud and moon.

At the top of Yulong mountain, ice and snow are natural.

Yunqianyue stands on the top of the mountain and looks into the distance. Far into the red eye of the sky. Nanliang, Xiyan, Beiqi, Nanjiang, Beijiang and so on were covered with red brocade and silk. This is the wonder of the world, let Jing send her wedding gift, her eyes wet wet, light voice way: "thousands of miles of picturesque rivers and mountains, when it is."

Rong Jing's eyes also look at the distance, the voice is gentle and gentle: "cloud shallow moon, I will send you a piece of beautiful mountains and rivers." , the fastest update of the webnovel!