The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1341

"Ah, but Yueer doesn't like you, Xiaoyi, let it go! As regent, there are many good women in the world. Don't blame aunt Qing for breaking the engagement. She likes you very much since she was a child, but yue'er's happiness is the most important thing. " Yuqingqing road.

Ye Tianyi suddenly smiles and looks at Yu Qingqing, "Qing Yi, are you sure that Rongjing is her happiness?"

Yu Qingqing was stunned, looked at Rongjing, nodded, and said with a smile: "as long as the moon likes, she is happy!"

"I don't think so. Jing Shizi's heart is big. She is more than just yue'er. " Night Tianyi smiles and sneers at the corner of his mouth, "the entanglement between the cloud palace and the Rong palace, to this generation, King Shizi is not the one who is willing to face the moon day by day in the palace of Lord Rong."

With a faint smile, "what does the Regent want to say? What I want to say is that the ancestor emperor was sorry for Rong Wang's mansion a hundred years ago and forced him to accompany his younger martial sister who had been engaged since he was a child? Or do you want to say that women in the palace of cloud must marry the royal family for generations? In those years, when the first patriarch beat the world, he said that the world was four harmonies. He was happy with the people and sad with the people. But after a hundred years, I think he is the only one who is happy? I and cloud shallow moon two love each other, my heart size how? She's a little girl. She's just big. The Regent is not me. How do you know what I think? I loved her for ten years. The first thing I did was to protect her from the blade of his Highness the prince. At that time, the Regent was still in Northern Xinjiang and didn't return to the dynasty, did he? She has been in danger several times, and I have also kept her behind her. Love a woman, not only mouth said love her, to put into action. What the Regent has done, I don't see that you love her half as much as you want to keep her in your possession. "

"Jing Shizi is the winner. Now you can say what you say. You're right. I'm not you. How do you know what you think. Similarly, you are not me, how do you know I don't love her? There are many kinds of love. She is not a woman behind a man. She is willing to retreat behind a man. " The way of night nature.

Rong Jing smiles and looks at Yun Qianyue with a gentle voice. "She is really not a woman behind a man. She doesn't need to stand behind a man. But she is tired, tired and bored. When she can't cope with some things, she cuts her body with sharp sword. She also has pain and pain. I'm willing to stand in front of her. Why not? How do you know she was born to be independent of men, so women don't? How do you know her heart doesn't want to rely on? Regent, you still don't understand her. "

"It seems that jingshizi understands it very well?" Ye Tianyi sneered, "Yun Qianyue, who I know, has never been hindered by rain or wind. If one person can carry a city or territory, women in the world can't catch up with it, nor can ye Qian in southern Xinjiang. How in your mouth, she is a delicate flower that needs others to shelter from the wind and rain? I think you don't understand Jing Shizi. Do you want to trap her into your possession? "

"Maybe the Regent's eyes are what you said about her, or she acted like that in front of you. But she's not what you said in front of me. She is just a little woman in front of me. In my heart, she is just a little woman. She needs to rely on, comfort and shelter from the wind and rain. She is not omnipotent, stronger than the women in the world, and her heart is not invincible. She is really as delicate as a flower. I need to take care of her, for fear that if she is not careful, she will wither. " Rongjing looked at the cloud and the moon, and her tone became more gentle. "So, I am willing to maintain everything for her. No matter what she thinks, what she does, even what she wants, or what she wants to do, I am willing to do it for her. I do not ask for anything else, just ask her to be one-sided."

"Is it? I can't see. You're calculating her heart everywhere! " Ye Tianyi sneered, "at the beginning of the chaos in Northern Xinjiang, I couldn't go back to Beijing. Was it Jing Shizi's operation? Does King Shizi dare not admit it? "

People were surprised, although the two people wind sword frost sword, conspiracy, secret do not know how many rounds, but this is the first time to point out.

I dare to admit it. It is true that I have played some tricks on the northern part of Xinjiang. She knew it, too. There is nothing that can't be said about cloud and moon. She knows me better than the Regent. It's not necessary to explain them all. "

Ye Tianyi's face sank, "a little bit of a trick? King Shizi is really a great talent. Can you make the whole northern Xinjiang turmoil a small trick in your eyes? So what's your big plan? For the country and the family

Rong Jing stopped laughing, and his face faded. "Regent, he said cautiously and acted cautiously. I don't think I need to tell you what the Rong Wang's house has done to the Ye family and the common people in the world in the past 100 years. In recent years, most of the income of Rongwang's residence has been used for disaster relief. To put it bluntly, the National Treasury has not spent as much money on disaster relief as Prince Rong's house has done in recent years. This world was fought by the first emperor and the four princes' houses. The Regent should not forget that there is a part of the house of honor in our country. If we really want to, we need not plan. "

Ye Tianyi sneered, "does Jing Shizi seem to have this idea?"

Let Jing Yang eyebrows, elegant posture, "I only for the cloud shallow moon just, if anyone obstructs me to block me, seizes her, three feet green front preparation, this world naturally does not matter. The Regent wants to hear the truth. What's the matter with me today

All of them were angry."Rongjing, what you said is too much!" Night light dye, face suddenly sink down.

"Have you? I don't think so! I don't see the world in my eyes. What I can see is just a person named Yun Qianyue. " Rong Jing gave a faint smile, which was as light as cloud smoke. "It's a good thing that dye Xiaowang is loyal to the monarch and patriotic. But I hope that dye Xiaowang can see the nature of the situation and blame others again. What I'm talking about today is not Rong Jing, but how about the engagement! The eldest princess and the second prince, Zhou Ma, are still waiting here. The Regent had better make up his mind as soon as possible. Presumably, the emperor and the jade Prince of Donghai also want to know the result as soon as possible. "

Night Tianyi squints her eyes, her eyes are cold and cold, and she looks at the scene coldly, and her whole body is full of murderous spirit.

Rong Jing sat there, just like a cloud in the sky, clear and light, with picturesque features, without any fear and murderous spirit.

"Xiaoyi, take out the jade flute! The hundred year engagement between the royal family and the cloud palace is enough. How many daughters have suffered from it in the past dynasties. Although ronghua palace is a noble place, the daughter of the palace of cloud loves not the ronghua palace, but the purple bamboo forest. Everyone here knows that. " Yu Qingqing said again: "when the former Emperor and I made an engagement, the reason why they promised me that one side would repent and the other party would have to cancel the engagement was because the former Emperor did not want to continue the engagement. The former Emperor had the heart to remove the cloud palace, so as not to let his relatives continue to grow up. Now that the first emperor has passed away, King Shizi and yue'er are so single-minded that everyone wants to have a lover and get married. I, who is a mother, is also willing to. It's no harm to you to terminate the engagement. After all, Yueer doesn't like you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!