The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1340

Yu Qingqing's words fall, and the audience is shocked. Prince De, Prince Xiao and other old ministers naturally remember the exchange of betrothal keepsakes.

In those years, when the emperor and Princess Yun exchanged keepsakes and entered into an engagement, the Historiographer recorded this. Although the Historiographer was old, he was still in the imperial court.

For a moment, everyone was silent. Qi Qi thought that the third was the key to Princess Yun's appearance here today.

Some time ago, Princess Luoyao of the East China Sea released her engagement with King Shizi. Jingshizi has no engagement, but miss Qianyue still has an engagement. Now the cloud Princess appears and cancels the engagement in person. Once the engagement is lifted, miss Qianyue will be free from the bondage of the engagement. When she is with jingshizi, she will be able to get a proper name.

"Aunt Qing, you have just come here, and you have to cancel the engagement. I'm afraid it's not appropriate." Night light dye looks at Ye Tianyi and opens her mouth.

"What's wrong with that? How long I've just come or how long I've been here has nothing to do with breaking the engagement. It's all about sooner or later. " Yu Qingqing smiles and takes out two things. One is the palace card of Princess Yun's identity certificate, and the other is the dragon and Phoenix match when the emperor exchanged. "Although I'm a princess of Donghai, I'm also Princess Yun. Although it's been more than ten years, I haven't really died, but I'm back in the East China Sea. Now I come to Tiansheng, not only as Princess of Donghai, but also as cloud The identity of the princess. Can't I believe these two keepsakes in my hand? Can't confirm my identity? "

Night light dye takes a look at the palace card and dragon and Phoenix match in the hands of Princess Yun, and has no words to say. These two keepsakes are naturally trustworthy. The seals of the emperor Donghai and the calligraphy of yuzishu in her hands are all true.

"Princess Yun, this matter should be careful. The engagement is not a trifle. The late emperor liked miss Qianyue very much. Before he died, he gave her a decree to marry her to the Regent. Now that you have just arrived, it is not appropriate to terminate the engagement... " The Regent spoke.

"Yes, Princess Yun, the first emperor liked miss Qianyue. She contradicted the former Emperor several times, and the former Emperor did not blame her." Prince Xiao also opened his mouth in a hurry, took a look at the scene, and cautiously said: "and today is the new year's Eve, Princess Yun came from afar, to have a rest, and then discuss this matter well."

"Yes, Princess Yun, if you are tired, you'd better go back to the cloud Palace first! If you know that you are still alive, you will be happy. " An old minister immediately said.

Then, the crowd echoed.

Yu Qingqing looked at the moon and asked with a smile, "moon, what's your opinion? I've just heard that you and Nai Yuet have been married for a long time. My mother thought that since I made the engagement, I should break it for you

Cloud shallow moon nods, "my heart is happy Rong Jing, natural hope dissolves engagement."

Night Tianyi body a shock, tightly staring at the cloud shallow moon.

"Little girl, you and the Regent must have been engaged since childhood. If you have had ten years of affection and five years of correspondence with him, are you not afraid of half a silk?" Night light dye straight looking at the cloud shallow moon.

"Regent, dye prince, in the matter of engagement, we still need to love each other so that the husband and wife can live in harmony for a hundred years. It is obvious that Xiaoyue has no intention of the Regent. As the saying goes, it's not sweet to have a fight, and the marriage won't have a good result. " Nan Lingrui interposes.

Night Tianyi eyes light slightly cold to see south Ling Rui, "the second prince from where to know we are strong pull marriage?"

"I don't want to know. However, miss Qianyue is so famous that her affairs have been passed on to the East China Sea, which has become the chatting among the people in the East China Sea. Naturally, I know it. Not only do I know it, but also everyone knows it from the East Sea to the father and down to the peddlers." Nan Lingrui said with a smile: "especially this year's Chinese Valentine's day, Jing Shizi's" non Qing doesn't marry "and miss Qianyue's" one person's weight is the world's lightest. " Such deep feelings are like the sea. They really envy people all over the world

Ye Tianyi is silent.

Cloud shallow moon looked at Ye Tianyi, "Ye Tianyi, change the token back! The dissolution of the engagement is good for you and me

"Is it? Good for you and me? " Night Tianyi eyebrows, deep eyebrows.

"Nature! I love Rongjing, I must marry him in this life. A person in my heart can't be put in any more. You should understand what's going on these days. Breaking the engagement has always been what I thought. " Cloud shallow moon quiet tunnel.

"So, you knew for a long time that Aunt Qing was alive and pulled her out to terminate your and my engagement?" Ye Tianyi looks at her.

"I didn't know my mother was alive! It's only today that I know. She has her life and secrets. Although I am a daughter, I have the right to ask, but I don't want to. Who has no privacy? As long as I know she loves me Cloud shallow moon does not admit. Once she admitted, the cloud palace will be charged with failing to report.

Ye Tianyi sneered, "have you been waiting for this day?"

Cloud shallow moon nodded, "yes!"

Ye Tianyi laughed, the laughter was desolate and painful, and implied depression and suffering. "Do you know that I am also waiting for this day, waiting to see how you can terminate our engagement. I thought you would force me to hand over the Jade Flute, or openly break my face with me to terminate the engagement, but I didn't think there was a trump card behind you, aunt Qing."Cloud shallow moon does not speak, there is a bloodless blade, so that he had to break the marriage, she naturally did not want to bleed.

Ye Tianyi looks at Rongjing and stares at him tightly. His eyes are dark.

Rong jingduan sits on the jade table, meets the sight of the night Tianyi, and the jade Yan is light.

They looked at each other for a long time, and everyone felt that the air in the hall was condensed together, and dozens of braziers could not resist the cold. No one dares to show off.

"Regent, how long do you really need to think about? I'm tired. I want to go to the cloud palace to have a rest! " Nan Lingrui is very arrogant to speak, tone dissatisfaction, look dissatisfied, obviously, "is not to terminate the engagement? There are so many good women in the world that you don't have to put away the woman whose heart is not on you? "

When they heard this, they all took a cold breath, thinking that the second prince of the East China Sea was really arrogant. However, it is said that although he is romantic, he is very popular with the king of the East China Sea. He is very friendly with the jade prince. The East China Sea is rich and powerful. Even if he stands in the golden palace of heaven, he is certainly entitled to be arrogant.

Ye Tianyi takes back his sight and looks at Nanling Rui. His tone is very light, "as for!"

Nan Lingrui raises eyebrows.

"Ten years ago, or more, she was the one I wanted to marry. I've never thought of any other woman except the moon Night Tianyi light way: "the father emperor will be married to add on me, I am ecstatic."

Everyone looked at him, and the Regent liked Miss moon, as everyone knew.

Cloud shallow moon pursed lips, did not speak. , the fastest update of the webnovel!