The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1321

Cloud shallow moon asks again, "where is the child?"

"Little Prince Ran is looking after him." Ye Tianyi took out a bright yellow scroll and said to Yun Qianyue: "this is the Yizhi left by the empress mother before her death."

Cloud shallow moon looks at night Tianyi, and doesn't reach for it.

"It was written by the empress mother herself." Ye Tianyi added: "Jing Shizi was also there."

Cloud shallow moon took over the imperial edict, opened it slowly, looked at it, and then handed it to Ye Tianyi, and said faintly: "you read it! I take orders. "

Night Tianyi took over the imperial edict and opened his mouth in a low voice, "the mourning family was born in the cloud palace, and Meng Zuxun entered the palace for the later. From the date of marriage to the emperor, he abides by the etiquette and upholds the virtue of the empress. God is generous to me, leaving a son. I wish to bless my son for a hundred years. Cloud palace niece cloud shallow moon, since childhood, laughing knee, AI family has already regarded her as a daughter. I hope my niece can't see my son grow up. I hope my niece can see him grow up for me. I'd like to take care of him and respect my elder sister. Don't ask the emperor to be expensive, just to be ordinary. Prince Jing, Regent, witnessed it. That's it

After the night, hundreds of people outside ronghua palace were silent. In particular, the sentence "do not ask for the son of heaven is expensive, just to be ordinary." It makes people think deeply.

"Cloud shallow moon meets empress dowager's Yizhi!" Cloud shallow moon kneels down and takes over the imperial edict willingly for the first time.

Ye Tianyi stares at the cloud shallow moon and slowly hands the imperial edict to her.

Cloud shallow month gets the imperial edict, tightly clenched in the hand. Then slowly stand up.

Ye Tianyi looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice, "the Empress Dowager is thousand years old!"

They all woke up and said, "empress dowager, thousand years old! Thousand years old! Thousand years old

"Emperor elder sister thousand years old!" Ye Tianyi said in a deep voice.

They all cried out in unison: "emperor elder sister thousand years old!"

Cloud shallow moon looked at Ye Tianyi and others, and asked Ye Tianyi: "where is night light dye?"

"In the emperor's bedroom." The way of night nature.

Cloud light moon with the imperial edict to the emperor's bedroom hall, the night light warm look to night Tianyi, see him nod, immediately follow her.

When I came to the emperor's bedroom hall, I heard the cry of a child. The voice was very small and almost unheard. But it sounded very disturbing. It seemed that the next moment I would be out of breath and couldn't cry again.

Cloud shallow moon heart under a tight, fast step to the inside. The people outside the palace of the emperor's bedroom saw that the moon was coming, and they all met with ceremony, and did not stop her. It was obvious that she had been explained by night light dye.

After entering the inner hall, yunqianyue saw a large number of maids kneeling on the ground. Night qingran was walking anxiously with a cylinder wrapped in a quilt, coax something in his mouth, and the cry came from the quilt.

"Little girl, you're here at last. How slow you are!" The night light dye sees the cloud shallow moon to arrive, is relieved.

Cloud shallow month sees his forehead has tiny thin sweat, did not speak, reached out to pick up the child in her arms.

"Can you hold it?" Ye qingran looks at her suspiciously.

"Yes Cloud shallow moon nods.

Ye qingran handed the child to her and frowned: "he has been crying since he was rescued. He has been crying for more than an hour. If it goes on like this, you can't..." He did not fall, the child has not cried, he "Yi" a, surprised to open his eyes, "he will not cry in your arms! What magic did you do to him

Yunqianyue doesn't speak and looks at the child in his arms. He also opens his small eyes and looks at her curiously. Although she is very small, she weighs about four or five Jin. Her small facial features are very clear. She looks like her aunt. She cries too long and is too fierce. Even if she doesn't cry now, she still has a gasping sound. She thinks that she is like her aunt, otherwise, if she looks like an old emperor The emperor's words, she is afraid will be disgusted to throw him out.

"Elder brother, cloud elder sister did not cast any magic, certainly is you will not hold the baby." Night light warm also comes forward to look at cloud shallow moon bosom child, to night light dye way.

"Why can't I hold a baby? They hugged them one by one, but they couldn't. He kept crying. I also ate Ganoderma lucidum juice earlier, but later I didn't eat it. I didn't drink water. I cried all the time Night light dye eyebrow immediately erect, "you don't believe to ask these people here?"

"Back to the young lady of the moon, to the little princess, the little prince is right." The people on the ground said in unison. It seems to be as relieved as night light dye.

"He is so small that you can see that he looks like the Empress Dowager." Night light warm light voice way: "also some like cloud elder sister!"

"The Empress Dowager and the little girl are originally aunts and nephews, but they are somewhat similar. It's not surprising that he looks like a little girl Night light dye looked at cloud shallow month one eye, see she only stare at the child to see not speech, he asks: "little girl, Empress Dowager installs coffin?"

"Yes, I did!" The moon answered.

Night light dye no longer talks.

Yunqianyue stares at the child for a moment. Instead, she yawns and tilts her head. She sleeps in her arms. The pain and haze that she brings from the emperor's bedroom are scattered for a few minutes because of his small expression and behavior, and suddenly laughs. Although the old emperor disgusted him, even if he died a long time, he also hated him, but the child is innocent, and he is still her aunt's flesh and blood, can protect him for a lifetime, then from this moment on, he is willing to protect him for the rest of his life."It's amazing!" Night light dye tut Tut, dissatisfied with the way: "Ye Tianyi and I spent nine cattle and two tigers to save him back, but he has been crying in our arms, the weak beauty took over, did not cry, weak beauty left, he still cry, now in your arms do not cry. Are you still asleep? This little thing just climbed out of his mother's stomach and didn't recognize the night people? "

Cloud shallow moon thought move, did not speak.

"Brother, this is the son of heaven. You even call him a little thing. Cure you The night is warm and smiling.

Night light dye hums, mumbles: "he is a small thing, so small, I can mention him with one finger, if there is not that 500 year old Ganoderma lucidum and weak beauty refreshing pill, where is he still alive now?"

"No matter how young you are, you are the son of heaven." The warm night reminded him.

Night light dye hums again, did not refute.

"Has he got a name?" Asked the moon.

"The Empress Dowager gave it a name in her lifetime." Night light dye looked at cloud shallow moon one eye, way: "call night day gift."

"Does the Empress Dowager say his name is yuntianci?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

Night light dye looks at cloud light moon, positive color way: "little girl, his surname is night, is heaven Saint new emperor. The Empress Dowager was strict in her life and her mother was in the world. These things were not changed at will. His family name is not Yun, but night. "

Cloud shallow moon does not agree, whether it is night, or cloud, just a surname. She walked out with her baby in her arms. "I'll take her back to the Rong palace."

Night light dye a grabs her, "no way."

Cloud shallow moon stops to pick eyebrows.

Night light dye frowns: "little girl, how can the emperor leave the palace? You are not holding a child in your arms, but the son of heaven. It's the new emperor. "

"I can't take him out of the palace. Can you see him?" Cloud shallow moon inquires.

"The Empress Dowager Yizhi that you are the emperor's elder sister, and you should take care of yourself. From today on, you should live in the emperor's bedroom hall or ronghua palace." Ye qingran looked at her and said, "since ancient times, no emperor has grown up in the house of ministers. What's more, the place you take him to is not Prince Yun's house, but Lord Rong's house."

"I don't live in the palace." "If you don't agree, look at him from now on. Although I promised my aunt to help her take care of her children, I didn't promise to live in the emperor's bedroom. His surname is ye, but not Yun. I'm just looking after it. He's not my job

Ye qingran frowned and asked, "do you know what elder sister Di represents? If the Empress Dowager's edict is granted to you, it will be announced to the world. From now on, you will be the emperor's elder sister, who will take care of the son of heaven. How can you say that he is not your duty? You have taken the order

"It's good that I take care of him! I took him to Lord Rong's house to raise him, but I didn't disobey the will. " Cloud light moon road.

"Not at all! You can't take him to the Rong palace. " Night light dye also decidedly way.

Cloud shallow moon will be in the arms of the child into his arms, "then he will give you to take care of it! I don't care. " Then she stepped out.

Night light dye hastily catches the child, raises the eye, sees the cloud shallow moon to walk out without hesitation, he immediately cries, "little girl, how can you be so stubborn? The emperor should not have taken it out of the palace and put it in the minister's house

Cloud shallow moon as if not heard, blink of an eye out of the emperor bedroom hall.

Night light dye and "feed" two, see cloud light moon really left, he stare at the shaking curtain, want to chase out, take a look at the child in his arms, and give up.

"What can I do, brother? Is sister Yun gone? " The night is light and warm, watching the night light dye.

Night light dye frown, some angry way: "where do I know how to do? Now she is determined to recognize the cloud palace. The Empress Dowager Tuogu and her aunt and nephew can not resist the attraction of a Rongwang mansion. What kind of enchanting soup does Rongjing give her? The emperor's bedroom hall and the ronghua Palace are the most respectable places in the world. How can the palace of honor compare with each other? "

The night is light and warm and says softly: "brother Jing is very good originally! The purple bamboo forest in the Rong palace is very beautiful. "

Night light dye smell speech to stare at night light warm one eye, evil voice way: "you go to ask Ye Tianyi how to do? I don't care about this little thing. I'm upset by crying. "

"He doesn't cry now." Night light warm road.

"It's sleeping, and you may cry when you wake up." Night light dye road.

As soon as his voice fell, the child in his arms suddenly woke up and opened his eyes. Seeing that it was night light dye, he began to cry seriously.

"Look! He cried again Night light dye frown way.

Night light warm immediately said: "he really cried again, brother, or I will go to find sister Yun back? Let her take the baby away? "

"No way! The son of heaven was raised in the palace of Prince Rong. Does the palace no longer exist? " Night light dye waves, annoyed way: "you go to find Ye Tianyi, ask him how to do."

Night light warm nod, looked at the night light dye in the arms of the child, turned out of the emperor bedroom hall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!