The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1320

Yunqianyue puts down the curtain, thinking that it's OK. Everyone in Tiansheng is happy to see her child born, and her aunt should be happy to see her.

The carriage came to the gate of the palace. After getting off the carriage, he saw that many vehicles had gathered at the gate of the palace. The Empress Dowager died. All the women of the imperial court had to go into the palace to observe filial piety for the Empress Dowager.

The women of the Imperial Palace gathered at the gate of the palace, headed by Princess Deqin, waiting for people to come together and enter the palace.

Seeing the arrival of Yun Qianyue, they all rushed forward. Yun's identity is no longer the legitimate daughter of a dandy in the cloud palace who is arrogant and arrogant and does not understand etiquette. It is a talented woman who is praised by scholars in the world in an admonition to the emperor. All the scholars in the world praise her very much. The Hundred Surnames have mentioned her these days, and they no longer think she is worthy of Jing Shizi. Instead, they changed their views one after another. Suddenly, Jing Shizi was wise. No wonder thousands of women only like cloud and moon. It turned out to be reasonable.

Princess Deqin took Yun Qianyue's hand, and her eyes were slightly flushed. She comforted him and said, "miss Qianyue is going to find the emperor! Life is a husband and wife, and death is a husband and wife

"Princess Deqin is wrong. My aunt has long regretted marrying into the royal family. She has done enough for her husband and wife in this life. She has become a stranger in life and can't be together after death. I hope they won't see each other! The two will never see each other on the huangquan Road, and they will never meet after reincarnation. " Cloud light moon intercepts the words of Princess De Qin.

German kiss princess a stiff, the second half of the sentence did not finish swallowing back.

All the life wives dare not give out the atmosphere. If they are so rebellious, they will dare to say so.

"I haven't arrived yet! The princess will wait here. I will go first. " The cloud shallow moon withdraws the hand, walks toward the palace gate.

Princess De Qin could not help but let go of her hand. Naturally, she knew that because the old emperor had given the Empress Dowager fruit, she was unable to conceive. Later, she ate another one and made her pregnant. That child is nothing but the old emperor's pedal to give the seventh Prince Ye Tianyi the power of the emperor. The Empress Dowager was a stranger in her life, and she was right. She didn't know what to say and watched her walk into the palace gate.

Night Qingnuan stood beside Princess Deqin. Seeing yunqianyue walking towards the palace gate, she walked quickly and followed yunqianyue in a soft voice: "sister cloud, I'll go in with you!"

Cloud shallow moon looked at her, did not speak.

After they entered the palace gate, the women were silent for a while. A moment later, a woman said, "Miss shallow moon, everything is good, but she doesn't give people a friendly face."

Princess Deqin looked at the woman and sighed, "she is in deep love with the Empress Dowager's nephew. Now that the Empress Dowager is dead, she feels sad. Miss shallow moon is a real character. " The words fall, see again two carriage, the last two life woman arrived, then to all humanity: "go, let's go in."

All of them answered and walked into the palace gate.

The palace has been hung with white sails. As soon as he entered the palace, he heard a faint cry coming from the ronghua palace. Although the imperial concubines, beauties and empresses of the imperial palace were all cleared away by night Tianyi, there were still princesses, maids and eunuchs. Now it's obviously those people who are crying.

Yunqianyue comes to ronghua palace. The guards of ronghua palace have been removed, and the spirit hall has been built in the palace.

A number of princesses headed by the sixth princess have knelt in front of the funeral hall.

Brunei was guarding the gate of the palace, apparently waiting for yunqianyue. Seeing her coming, she rushed forward, "miss Qianyue, the Queen Mother's hall has just been built, and the Empress Dowager's clothes have not been worn yet. King Shizi ordered that she would wait for you to wear them before entering the coffin."

Cloud shallow moon nodded, looked around, did not see Rong Jing, asked: "Rong Jing?"

"King Shizi went to the Treasury to choose the things to be buried with the Empress Dowager." Brunei road.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, go to the inner hall.

The light and warm night follows behind the moon.

When they entered the inner hall, mother Guan came forward to greet them with red eyes and said in a low voice: "Miss shallow moon, the Empress Dowager will tell you that she will treat you as her own daughter. This child just realizes her dream of being a mother. If you can take care of him, you can take care of him. If you can't, don't ask for it. In her heart, you are the first. "

Cloud shallow month purses lip to nod, aunt still loves her.

Mother Guan stopped talking and opened the curtain of the inner hall.

Yunqianyue thought yesterday that she was standing here, afraid to take a step forward. She was afraid that her aunt, like Zhao Kehan, would die in her arms in a twinkling of an eye. But now her aunt is still dead. This step always needs to go in. Even if she doesn't want to, she has to dress for her and put her coffin in. She curled up her hands and went in.

There is no one in the hall. The Empress Dowager is lying on the bed and has been washed. She is wearing a new red silk lining which represents the color of the back dress. A set of red afterwear is folded neatly at the head of the bed, waiting for her to wear it.

As she approached, her tears ran uncontrollably.

Even if the tears blurred her vision, she could clearly see the happy smile on her aunt's face. Maybe he knew that the child was alive. She had sacrificed so much, even her life, and the child was left alive with one breath, which was her greatest joy.

"Sister Yun, if you feel bad, cry out!" The night light warm reaches out to catch the cloud shallow moon's tears, does not let it drip to the Empress Dowager's face.Cloud light moon closed her eyes and covered her face with her hand. Think that compared to her aunt to her good, she is really not very good to her aunt. She even suspected that she had reached some kind of agreement with nightlife for her children. In fact, even if some kind of agreement is reached, it is understandable that she is in the position of the empress dowager, with the son of heaven in her belly, and she has a greater suffering than ordinary people. However, she did not want to be threatened by nightlife and did not accompany her for the last journey.

The hall is quiet, everyone is silent, and there is great pain in the air. There was a big cry outside the hall, but I couldn't hear much sadness.

For a long time, yunqianyue let go of her hand, took out Juan PA, wiped her tears, and began to dress the Empress Dowager.

Night light warm stands aside, silently helps.

Half an hour later, the Empress Dowager's clothes were well dressed, and a mother from the palace came to make up for her. After that, someone came in and carried the Empress Dowager's coffin, and the moon followed him out of the inner hall.

Outside the Lingtang of ronghua palace, there are officials in charge of martial arts, family members and wives of the imperial family, and princesses and princesses of the royal family.

The empress dowager, the mother of the emperor and the empress dowager, had been besieged by ronghua palace day by day. Now the palace is no longer prosperous and the vegetation is withering. However, her funeral seems to be more brilliant than that of the old emperor.

Yun Qianyue covered the coffin for the Empress Dowager in the eyes of everyone. She turned around and saw night Tianyi coming. She said to him in a clear voice: "Auntie, it's not certain! Leave her life and death to those who will live and die. "

Ye Tianyi nodded, "OK!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!