The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1318

"Whose yard is this?" Rongjing asked.

"Third aunt's!" Cloud light moon road.

"The third aunt of the cloud palace was married to the cloud palace, and she was the matchmaker of the Prime Minister of the former Qin Dynasty." Rong Jingzhuang said casually, "she is the second daughter of Beijing Zhaoyin and Li."

"Is it?" The cloud is shallow and the moon frowns.

"About it!" Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue thinks about Rongjing and says that it must be. Her face sank, and she said in a cold voice: "when Yun Xianghe committed suicide by wiping his neck in the prince of filial piety's mansion, I just got the news. Soon after my third aunt got the news, she ran to the ancestral hall and told the Phoenix side concubine who was demoted to be a concubine. I later tried to clean up the inner courtyard, but there were too many things happened. She did not attract my attention. I forgot her. It turns out that she is the matchmaker of prime minister Qin

Rong Jing smiles, "this is a bad thing for yunshizi and the seventh princess. They can't always be under your protection. They must have the strength and courage to protect themselves."

Yun Xiaoyue nodded, "yes, my sister-in-law has been in charge of my family for so long. She was born in the palace again. She disguised herself under the eyes of Princess Mingfei for ten years. Who is Mingfei? That was the person who had fooled her. If I hadn't reminded her, she would have taken her as a good sister. My sister-in-law should be cruel this time. Women can do anything to protect their children. When she wakes up, she will check. She will do the same. Let's go

Rong Jing nodded, and they stopped talking and went to the courtyard of old prince Yun.

When he came to the courtyard of Mr. Yun, he had already arranged dinner in his room. Obviously, he was waiting for Yunli and the seventh princess to come. As a result, he didn't wait for anyone. Seeing Rongjing and yunqianyue coming, he immediately asked, "what's up? Have the seven princess's children been saved? "

"Yes, we did. Fortunately, we arrived in time. I'm afraid we won't be able to keep it a little later." Yunqianyue takes Rongjing to sit down, picks up chopsticks, and gives Rongjing a pair, a pair of his own.

"The seventh princess is too benevolent. Those people in the mansion and those outside are also too rampant. They dare to fight in the cloud palace and don't want to live." The cloud old prince snorted coldly, "have you found the person who started?"

While eating, yunqianyue said the story again.

"It's not like what the little girl with no brain of Princess six can do." After hearing this, Mr. Yun said.

"I think so!" "Shen Zhao said that Qin Yuning was in Nanliang. Did Princess Liu and her secretly send a message? When ye Tianqing and ye Tianyu were fighting against the palace, she and Qin Yuning appeared together, and Qin Yuning was her companion since she was a child. Otherwise, who else could there be besides Qin Yuning's help in her strategies? Ye Tianyi and ye qingran should not be able to do such things. Although they are well planned, they are still too clumsy for them. If they did, the life of the seven princesses would have been gone, not to mention the children. "

"It could also be Qin Yuning." "The old man, Prime Minister Qin, is dead. She has a daughter who has some abilities. She ran to Nanliang. Did you tell that bastard? Don't let him suffer. "

"I sent a letter to my brother. My father is in Nanliang. What can he lose?" Cloud light moon suddenly thought of the night light warm, to Rong Jing asked, "do you think it is possible that night light warm helped the six princesses?"

"Night light warm these days has been in the house, never out of the house, a few days ago Princess six was to find her, she did not see." Rong Jing said: "it should not be her. Persecuting the seventh princess is not good for her."

Yunqianyue thought about it, so she put aside the matter and said to old prince Yun: "grandfather, I went into the palace to see my aunt. It's been a few days since my aunt came to see her. Now she can't even get out of bed. I want to see you. You can go to the Palace tomorrow!"

"No!" Mr. Yun's beard is warped.

"Go Cloud shallow month looks at him, "you can be this a girl, I am this aunt."

"Let me send the white haired man to the black haired man? Since she wants to give birth to the seed of Yeshi, she is going to die. What can I see her do! Nothing promising. " "Don't talk about it, I won't go," he said. Say more and get out of here

Cloud shallow moon stopped to persuade. She went to the ronghua Palace today. It was so hard to meet her aunt. My grandfather is old. As he said, white haired people give black hair people. How can they bear to see her aunt like that? Forget it.

Next, cloud shallow month did not speak again, cloud old lord ordered people to bring wine, and Rongjing side talk, while drinking.

Cloud shallow month looks at an old and a young, a drink, a shallow product, to also complement each other, not abrupt.

Satisfied with food and drink, old master Yun asked Yun Xiaoyue, "Stinky girl, did you promise to help her take care of Ye Shi's race?"

"Grandfather, don't be so bad. It's my aunt's child." Cloud shallow moon glared at cloud old Lord one eye. What is the race of Yeshi? Yes, but I can't say that.

"Why am I wrong? It's Yeshi's race. I didn't agree with her at the beginning. She wanted to stay. She had never seen a child in this life. She couldn't wait to be reborn in the next life. What can she do? My old man doesn't have such a stupid daughter. How many days will her baby live? It's just tiring Cloud old lord angry way.Cloud shallow moon looks at him, remind a way: "if there is no child in her belly, now night Tianyi is the emperor!"

Cloud old Wang Ye coldly snorted, "what about that boy who is emperor? It's no different from the Regent now, but what about her? She is always the daughter of the cloud palace. She has caught you. The old man of the emperor died and left such a disaster. He calculated well

"My aunt will not restrain me, and her children will not restrain me. Although I promised her to take care of the child, I will try my best. When I can't, I will not forget his surname night." Cloud light moon must be tunnel.

"If only you knew it in your heart! You have to have a brain when you do anything. Don't let Jingxiao clean up the mess for you. You can save him some worry. " Cloud old Wang Ye is obviously satisfied with cloud shallow moon's saying, wave his hand, "it's late, you go back! Jingxiao, you go into the palace for me tomorrow to see her. If she has any last words, just pass them on to you, and you will pass them on to me when you come back. "

"Don't worry. I'll go to see my aunt for you tomorrow." Rongjing nodded and stood up slowly.

Cloud shallow month glared cloud old Wang Ye one eye, when did she let Rong Jing clean up the mess for her? Is it that bad?

They no longer lingered and left the courtyard of old lord Yun.

When they came to the gate of King Yun's mansion, they saw the two maids who were close to the seventh princess came out of the inner yard with a sunspot in their hands. They got on the carriage. Yun Qianyue stood in front of the car and waited for a moment. When the two men came, they asked, "what are they loaded with? Where are you going?"

"It contains the head of Zheng Taiyi. After the seventh Princess wakes up, she orders her servant to kill her and orders them to send them to the palace to the sixth princess." One of the maids said.

"Cloud shallow month picked pick eyebrow," Zheng Tai doctor's body? How to deal with it? "

"Yunshizi has sent someone to inform the Ministry of punishment to come and collect the body of doctor Zheng." Another maid said.

Yunqianyue smiles and looks at Rongjing. "You're right. Today's business may not be a bad thing for my brother and sister-in-law!"

Rong Jing glanced at the box and said to the maid, "take it to the Regent first, and then ask the regent to send someone to follow the six princesses. You must open it for the sixth princess to see."

"Yes The two men answered immediately.

Rong Jing doesn't speak any more. Yun Xiaoyue gets on the carriage, the curtain falls, and the string song waves the whip. The carriage leaves the gate of the cloud palace.

Not long after returning to the purple bamboo courtyard of Prince Rong's mansion, news came from the palace that the sixth princess had seen the head of doctor Zheng. Zheng's death was terrible. She screamed and passed out.

Prince de himself took people to the cloud palace. Yunli took Zheng Taiyi's repentance before his death as an excuse. Since people have committed suicide, they will no longer be held responsible for their families. Prince De takes Zheng Taiyi, who has no head, to leave.

After Prince de left, the seventh Princess drank the medicine, stabilized her fetus, and called all the people in the palace to the West Maple Garden, except for the old master. It was found out that her fall was caused by the third aunt's intimate mother-in-law spilling oil. The third aunt refused to admit that it was the man who ordered her. She claimed that it was the woman who was dissatisfied with the seventh princess in private. The woman also confessed all her sins, and it was none of the third aunt's business. The seventh Princess killed the old lady and two of her accomplices on the spot. The third aunt fainted and the seventh princess took charge of the third aunt The teachers were sent back to Zhaoyin's house. In addition, Yunli ordered to ask for a grand physician, the little man identified as suffering from the woman's benefits, said to ask Zheng Taiyi, the boy was also Zhang.

However, in half an hour, the seventh Princess punished the four servants of the cloud palace who were involved in the matter. The people in the cloud Palace first saw the means behind the seventh princess's gentleness. Everyone did not dare to breathe. The deterrent effect can be imagined. , the fastest update of the webnovel!