The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1317

In the room, Yunli is holding the seventh princess. Her face turns white. The seventh Princess seems to have been in a coma. A doctor in his fifties is giving the seventh princess a pulse. His hands are trembling.

Hearing that someone came in, Yunli raised his head and saw Rongjing and yunxiaoyue. He called out, "jingshizi, sister!"

"King Shizi, Miss moon!" The doctor stopped immediately and stood on one side with his head down.

"Rongjing, please show it to your sister-in-law!" Cloud shallow moon looked at the doctor, let go of Rong Jing's hand.

Rong Jing stepped forward slowly to feel the pulse of the seventh princess. In a moment, his eyes slightly sank. He took out a needle from Princess seven's abdomen, raised the needle and looked at the doctor. He said slowly, "doctor Zheng, is this needle yours?"

The doctor, about 50 years old, saw that the color of the needle in Rongjing's hand changed. He knelt down on the ground with a thump, "King Shizi, spare your life!"

Cloud shallow moon eyes light a cold, did not speak.

Yun Li looked at Rong Jing and took out the needle from the seven princess's abdomen. His face was also changed, but he did not speak.

"How can you spare my life? You have to say what you have done before I can decide whether to spare your life or not. " Rong Jing looks at Zheng Taiyi, who is kneeling on the ground.

Zheng Taiyi kowtowed and shivered: "Wei Chen is forced to be helpless Wei Chen didn't want to harm the seventh Princess But the sixth princess captured Wei Chen's grandson Threatening Wei Chen If I don't do it Sun Tzu died... "

Cloud shallow moon squint eyes, is the sixth Princess again!

"Jingshizi, you know, Wei Chen was only born in his thirties, and his son's marriage has not been happy for several years. He only heard the good news more than a year ago, and his grandson was born under 100 years old." Zheng Taiyi bleeding blood from his forehead, dyed the ground red, and cried: "King Shizi, spare your life, and the old minister is also forced to do nothing..."

"You can hurt your own grandson Cloud shallow moon looks at Zheng Tai doctor coldly.

Zheng Taiyi's body kept shaking. "Miss Qianyue, please forgive me. I haven't done anything wrong in my life. I don't know what kind of evil I've done. I've been watched by the sixth Princess..."

Cloud shallow month calm face looks at him, ask to Rong Jing, "sister-in-law's child can keep?"

Cloud from also looking at the scene, white face tight.

"Fortunately, we came in time. The needle stayed in the seventh princess's abdomen for a short time. Otherwise, the child would not be protected. Now that I am here, I can naturally keep it." Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Cloud from a loose complexion, closed his eyes, hoarse voice: "thank you king Shizi!"

"Yunshizi, you are welcome. There is no need to say thank you to your family." Rong Jing hands the needle to Yun Qianyue and turns to the table to prescribe the prescription.

Yun Qianyue reached out to take the needle and asked Zheng Taiyi, "when was your grandson caught by the sixth princess?"

"Not long ago." Doctor Zheng Tao.

"How did you invite Dr. Zheng?" Cloud shallow moon asks cloud to leave.

"At the time of her accident, I was returning to my house. After seeing her, I ordered people to invite them." Cloud from pursed lip road.

Cloud shallow moon looks to wait on seven princess's two maids, "how does sister-in-law fall?"

"The prince returns to his house at this time every day. The seven princesses will pick up the son every day. Then they will go to the old prince's yard to have dinner with him. The old prince will be free of trouble if he is afraid of trouble. However, the seventh Princess insists that since the grandfather is too troublesome, he will not wake up in the morning, and he will not be free from unconsciousness. When the prince comes back, they will go with him I eat. So it was stipulated in this way, and the rule came from the marriage of the seventh princess to the mansion. " A maid immediately said, "we will support the seventh princess. She said that she is still light, so she should be supported by someone. Then how can we get along with it? It's no use for us. We followed her, but when we got out of the West Maple Garden and passed by the lily of the valley, we and the princess slipped on the ground together

"Water on the ground?" Asked the moon.

"It's not water. It's spilled oil. It's light and dark. It's not easy to be found." The maid said, "when the seventh princess fell down, the maid went to pick her up and slipped. Fortunately, she hit the maid, otherwise..." The meaning behind her is self-evident.

Yun Qianyue's face became cold. Obviously, it was a premeditation to let the seventh Princess slip. If she planted the child, it was just the intention of the sixth princess. If she didn't plant the child, Zheng Taiyi would take the opportunity to kill her by seeing a doctor. The sixth princess has always been stupid. When will she use such a clever method to harm people? If it was not for her and Rong Jing who happened to come, she would have won. She looks at Rongjing.

At this time, Rongjing had already finished the prescription and waved to the maid, "according to this prescription, I will feed the seventh princess to take it."

"Yes The maid answered immediately and took the prescription.

Rong Jing walked slowly over and said to doctor Zheng Tai: "it is a capital crime to murder the son and concubine of Prince Yun's house and his direct grandson."

Zheng Taiyi's face was gray, and he knelt down and begged: "the old minister is willing to die. He only asks King Shizi to save his grandson."

"Your grandson is afraid to have returned to your house now. Even if you go to identify the sixth princess, she does not admit to threatening you with your grandson, you can do nothing with her." Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.Zheng Taiyi was shocked. He couldn't believe it.

"If you don't believe it, you can go back to see if your grandson has gone back," he said

Zheng Taiyi bowed his head, and his blue veins jumped. In a moment, his face was gray and he didn't speak any more.

Rong Jing no longer pays attention to Zheng Taiyi, and looks at Xiang Yunli, "it's time for the disordered people in the cloud palace to be cleared up!"

Cloud from tightly pursed lips, nodded.

"Let's go! Let's go to grandfather Yun, and the matter here will be left to Yun Shizi or wait for the seventh princess to wake up and deal with it! If yunshizi and the seventh princess were kind-hearted and spared the doctor Zheng, they would not be investigated. If they did not, they would send someone to inform Prince De of the Ministry of punishment and ask Prince De to send someone to take them away, or Just kill it. " Rongjing holds the hand of cloud and moon.

Zheng Taiyi's body vibrates violently, half silk voice doesn't make out, the whole person seems to have no half silk anger in vain.

Cloud shallow moon looked at the cloud from a glance, low voice way: "brother, cloud mansion son of a son should have the courage of cloud palace son! Let people know, even without me, no grandfather, no father, no one will bully you on your head. The sixth princess is a princess, and the seventh princess is also a princess. The identity of the cloud palace and you, as well as the identity of the seventh princess, is not low. Who will go

"My sister said! I'll take care of it. Go to my grandfather's Cloud from heavy nodded.

Cloud shallow moon and Rong Jing out of the West Maple Garden.

Passing through the suzulan courtyard mentioned by the maid, Yun Qianyue stopped and looked at the ground. It was sure that there were shallow oil stains. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see it. When the seventh princess came into the house after her divorce from Yun, she gave her family to the seventh Princess. The seventh Princess treated the people in the mansion kindly and leniently, but not everyone was loyal to the cloud palace. These years, the eye line that we mixed in is not no, but it will not be easily dared to do so. Now we dare to start the seven princesses. So careful, not seven princesses are too thick, that is, six princesses receive too much reward from the recipients, or even behind her, there is a powerful helper give advice and suggestions for her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!