The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1246

In the early morning, the streets of the capital were bustling with people, as bustling as ever.

Yunqianyue lifted the curtain, looked out, and said, "the old emperor has been in charge of Tiansheng for 30 years. In the end, the white sail has only been hung up for a few days. He thinks that heaven saint can't leave him, but now the people are still doing well. I don't know what he thinks when he sees him under the ground. "

Rong Jing took the cloud and the moon into his arms and laughed, "what the people care about is not who is in power, but who can make them live a peaceful life."

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, the people really think today's heaven holy peace?

The carriage made its way to the palace.

No other words, came to the gate of the palace, the carriage stopped steadily.

Rongjing lifted the curtain and slowly got out of the car. He reached out to pull yunqianyue. Yunqianyue gently lifted his hand and jumped out of the car. After standing firm, yunqianyue saw that several carriages had stopped at the gate of the palace. Naturally, they were the vehicles of the ministers of the imperial court. The rest also included the carriage of her father king Yun.

Some people have already entered the palace gate, while others have not. Seeing Rongjing coming, they come to see the ceremony one after another.

Rong Jing holds the hand of cloud shallow moon and greets with it.

After a while, the party walked into the palace gate with mutual humility. No one asked why Yun Qianyue appeared in the palace so early. She thought she had something to do with her entry, or she came to ask the regent to see the queen.

The party came to the meeting hall. When they saw Rong Jing holding the hand of Yun Qianyue, they were all surprised. Two senior officials of the imperial eunuch said in succession, "King Shizi, you are Is this to take miss Qianyue into the Council hall? "

Rong scenic spot nodded, Wen said with a smile: "in order to avoid the cold wind outside, waiting for me to fall ill, I brought her."

The old ministers of the Imperial Palace changed their faces, "how can this be done? Women are never allowed to enter the Council Hall... "

"She's not a normal woman, and it's OK to enter." Rong Jing said with a smile.

"Not ordinary women are also women. Women are not allowed to participate in politics. This is against the rules and regulations of our ancestors..." They said in an urgent voice.

Rong Jing said with a gentle smile, "I don't know. Five years ago, I opened mountains to drink water to relieve the drought in Northern Xinjiang, and solved the troubles of Northern Xinjiang five years ago. Terraced fields, irrigation and development have turned tens of thousands of hectares of barren land into rich soil. At that time, she helped half of the seven princes who were able to establish themselves in Northern Xinjiang. If she said she was not allowed to participate in politics, she had already participated. She is a woman, but she is better than countless men. I don't think the Regent will object if she goes into the Council hall. "

People suddenly opened their eyes and couldn't believe it. No one can imagine her interference in the policies that benefit the people and stir the whole world, but Rongjing never says it in vain. The two eunuchs were silent for a moment.

Rong Jing no longer said more, pulling the cloud shallow moon slowly into the conference hall.

Cloud shallow moon thinks of Rong Jing to shake off her things like this? What's the purpose? She looked at him inquisitively, and he said in a low voice: "it's boring and tiring to go up and down every day. If I can take you around every day, I won't feel bored. If you don't tell me your story in this way, their impeachment books may be higher than the mountains. I'm not afraid of impeachment, but I'm going to lose face. "

Yunqianyue is a little speechless. Mr. Rong, when are you going to have more face than Prince Yu?

Rong Jing laughed and seemed to be able to understand what she was thinking, "I've always wanted face!"

Cloud light moon is speechless.

While they were talking, they entered the conference hall, which was a very bright hall. It was divided into East and West warm pavilions and was blocked by screens. There were two rows of bookshelves in the north and the south. There were files on them. There were 20 or 30 tables in the middle. Each table was extremely clean.

More than ten people had arrived early, and they heard Rongjing's words at the door. At this time, they were also surprised to see the cloud and the moon. Among them, there are several familiar faces, Prince Xiao, Leng Shao Zhuo, Prince de and Prince Yun.

Yunqianyue thinks that the people who can enter the Council hall are all important officials in the court. She is afraid that she is the first woman to enter the Council hall in thousands of years, and she is a rare animal. Being looked at by so many men, although she is a little uncomfortable, but based on the identity of the previous life, women in that position were very few, so she quickly calmed down and calmly received people's surprised eyes.

Although he proposed to follow Rongjing to the conference hall, she did not agree without consideration. Ye Tianyi and Rongjing are fighting in secret. As a regent, ye Tianyi will pile up more and more things on Rongjing. He goes out early and comes back late. Naturally, he doesn't have time to get along with her. She doesn't want to spend every day in the Rong Wang Fu or Yun Wang Fu and count the time waiting for him to go to court. It would be boring and boring to think about those days. Now that he is willing to bring her and share her ideas, then these people's eyes must be borne. After this, she can naturally follow him.

"Good morning, gentlemen!" Rong Jing gives a gentle smile to everyone.

Prince de took the lead to return to God and looked at Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue. "King Shizi, although miss Qianyue is talented, this is the Council hall. I'm afraid this is not appropriate. Since ancient times, no women have participated in politics, let alone women enter the Council hall.""Three thousand years ago there was a queen, and two thousand years ago there was a queen. In southern Xinjiang, after the death of Princess ye, she will become king, and the goddess of state protection in Xiyan has been participating in politics. The head of the blue family is also a woman. No matter in ancient and modern times, there is a history to test and evidence to rely on. " Rong Jing said lightly: "how many precedents have been set for things that have not existed in ancient times for a hundred years since the founding of the heavenly sage?"? It's good for this woman to participate in politics. "

Prince de opened his mouth, as if unable to refute, for a moment there was no voice.

Rong Jing voice a turn, a faint smile, "and she is not to participate in politics, just accompany me to do companion reading."

"This Even so, it's not right. The emperor's deadline is only a few days, and the court platform is unstable. If a woman messes up the court situation, then... " The prince of Germany has a dignified face.

"Prince De, you think highly of me. I'm just a little girl. How can I disturb the imperial court?" Cloud shallow month laughed, "don't worry, I won't disturb the people's office."

Prince de was silent.

"Jingshizi, I think it's not right for me. She's not someone else. She doesn't go out of the house, and there are rumors about her day by day. Although she said that she was your companion, the ministers here were not disturbed Prince Xiao spoke at this time.

"Yes, jingshizi. After all, this is an important place to discuss state affairs, not an ordinary place. Although there are examples of history that can be tested and attached to, it is still too absurd for me to be a saint of heaven. " Prince de said again, the words fall, asked to have not spoken to the cloud Lord, "cloud King brother, you say but this truth?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!