The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1244

Rong Jing nodded sincerely, "it's only comfortable to keep fat."

Cloud shallow month by his "comfortable" two words make some throat hair dry, light cough, suddenly no words.

Rong Jing got up and sat up, and gave an order to the outside. Qingshang answered. After a while, the door opened and the meal was served. Rongjing picked up the cloud and the moon again and went to the table. Came to the table, but did not put her in the position, but holding her sitting in his arms, he picked up chopsticks to feed her.

Cloud shallow moon face red, "I have long hands!"

Rong Jing smiles, does not answer, stubbornly feeds the dish into her mouth, cloud shallow moon can only cooperate to open mouth. So many times, he fed yunqianyue. When yunqianyue couldn't bear it, he grabbed the chopsticks and fed him in turn. Rongjing opened his mouth with a smile.

This meal is over when you grab chopsticks to feed me, and I grab them to feed you.

After dinner, Rong Jing took Yun Qianyue back to bed and said to her, "there is something else in the Council hall. I'm..."

Cloud shallow month holds him not to let go, "do not go! Without you, the earth doesn't turn? How much will the night house give you? The salary is not as much as the money you spend on a meal, so you can't help it. "

Rong Jing smiles.

Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand to pull him to bed, "accompany me to sleep, or accompany me to talk, anyway is not allowed to go."

Rong scenic spot nodded, followed her strength to get to bed, held her delicate soft body in her arms, smelled her delicate fragrance, and sighed, "cloud shallow moon, it is really not to fight with you again in the future! My happiness is based on you. If you are not here, the sun will not shine on me

Cloud shallow moon eye socket one acid, embraces him, "I am also."

Rongjing no longer talks, holding her tight, as if to embed her in the body.

Cloud shallow moon also no longer speak, enjoying the warmth of meeting again after a long time and torturing for several days.

It seems that there is no need for too much language to confirm each other's intentions and the weight of each other in their hearts. When feeling deep, sometimes any words are pale.

When Rongjing was not long ago, he heard a sound of even breathing. Yunqianyue looked up at him and found that he had a faint shadow. She stretched out her hand to touch him and was afraid to wake him up. So she nestled in his arms and looked at him quietly.

This man, is to burn her feelings with life, she clearly knows that this life, can not love him.

Rong Jing is sleepy, which proves that Qingchang hasn't slept for many days. Yunqianyue looked at him, but he didn't feel sleepy. From the afternoon, to the evening, to the night, and then to the night, he didn't wake up. She seemed to think a lot in her mind, but didn't think of anything. It was very early in the morning that I was sleepy and fell asleep.

At noon the next day, the cloud light moon just woke up, Rong Jing was no longer around.

She stretched out and rolled on the bed with the quilt in her arms. Then she called out, "green clothes!"

Qingchang immediately answered, opened the door and came in. She saw that the cloud was waking up, and her eyes and eyebrows were full of smile. "Miss shallow moon, you can sleep more than a son of a generation. The prince woke up today and missed the morning. He said something like "the spring night is bitter and short." he walked away with a high spirit. He also told the maid not to disturb you and told you to rest in the room after you wake up. "

Cloud shallow moon looks at her with a smile on her face. She asks, "yesterday your son didn't go to the meeting hall. Does anyone come to look for it?"

"The Regent sent someone to shout, but they were pushed by the maids, and no one came again." Qingshang shook her head.

Yunqianyue thinks that night Tianyi is quiet now, is it open? Or have you learned that whatever he does doesn't work? So you don't have to ask for it? Or is it because there are so many things in the court that he, as regent, can't care about her again? Whatever it was, it was always good for her. She laughed, stopped thinking, and asked, "talk about things outside."

Qingchang immediately said, "the king of Nanliang announced his abdication and became a monk in Jiutai mountain together with the emperor of Nanliang. From then on, he ate his fast and chanted Buddhism, and he never cared about Nanliang. According to the imperial edict, Prince Rui ascended the throne as king of Nanliang, and a ceremony was held half a month later. In addition to informing the world, the king of Nanliang also issued abdication documents to all countries. "

Cloud shallow moon nods.

"News came from Xiyan that the goddess of national protection was seriously ill. It seemed that the time limit was coming." Green clothes and the way.

Yunqianyue thought that xiyanyue had just returned to Xiyan to be reunited with her parents. She was afraid that heaven and man would be separated forever. She sighed, pushed aside the quilt, sat up, put on her clothes and got out of bed. She said to Qingchang, "I'll send a letter to xiyanyue later."

Qingshang nodded and saw that the moon was no longer asking, so she went down to fetch a meal.

After dinner, Yun Qianyue sits at the table and writes to Xi Yanyue. Although there is no cure for the disease of the goddess of national protection, and she can't help anything, it's always good for her to send a letter, at least to relieve his suffering.

After writing a letter to xiyanyue, he sent a letter to nanlingrui. Later, she asked Qingchang, "do you have any correspondence with Zishu?"

Qingshang nodded, "yes! A few days ago, the prince also received a letter from Prince Yu. "

Yunqianyue is a little dissatisfied. The two men exclude her. It's a bit too much. She then picked up the pen and wrote to Yu Zishu. The general content of the letter was to try her best to denounce him. Naturally, he left her aside and threatened him to write her a letter. After writing three pages of paper, her hand was sour, she gave up. She folded the three letters and handed them to Qingchang. She said to her, "send them separately by the messenger of your family son."Qingshang nodded and went out with the letter.

Yunqianyue stood up from her chair, stretched her arms and legs, and then stood in front of the window to enjoy the peach tree in the courtyard. In the afternoon, Rongjing didn't go back to the mansion. Yunqianyue took Qingchang and ate with her. After dinner, two people sat together and chatted.

On this day, nothing happened smoothly.

In the evening, until it was dark, Rongjing came back from the mansion. Cloud shallow moon still met to go out, looking at him some tired expression frown, dissatisfied way: "you are also a prime minister? Why do you look more tired than the emperor

Rong Jing looked at her with a smile and held her in his arms. Her face was warm and warm. "Regent Wang supervises the country, prime minister commands civil and military officials. This position is not easy."

"I think Prime Minister Qin is very relaxed when sitting in this position. Is it you who are not relaxed when you sit in this position?" It's not hard to imagine that the night sky Yi supervises the country, but it is a lot of government affairs to him.

"This time, that time." Rong Jing laughed. It seemed that she didn't want to say more about the affairs of Chaozhong that made her unhappy, so she changed the topic and said, "today looks good."

Cloud shallow moon smile touch face, pick pick pick eyebrows, love hurt people, can also support people.

Rong Jing looked at her childish appearance, and fondly kisses her face and drags her back to the room.

After dinner, it was completely dark, and the room was lighted. Rongjing held the cloud and the moon in his arms and sat on a soft couch to chat. Both of them seemed unwilling to talk about business, so they talked with each other. Until it was late, Rongjing carried her to bed, two people nestled to sleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!