The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1243

Cloud light moon complexion some white, in the heart pulls up, some astringent way: "I don't think he didn't sleep for a few days!"

Qingshang said in a low voice: "that's because the son of heaven is good at martial arts. He meditates and practices for an hour every morning. He makes himself energetic and looks like a man who has nothing to do. Only we know that he is supporting himself."

Cloud shallow moon pursed lips, no longer speak.

"The son of a prince is really very kind to you. I don't want to talk too much, and I don't want to say anything about you, miss. I just want to tell you. You don't blame me for being too talkative. The son of God will see you more than his own life. The people we serve know that. When you write a letter, he will spontaneously smile and be in a good mood. If you don't, he won't say a word. I feel that the son of a prince is not good at expressing himself. No matter how much he has done for you behind his back, he should give three admonitions to his mouth, and let's do it three times. I will punish you if you know about this. " Qingshang hung down her head and said, "but even if she was punished by the son of heaven, I also want to say it."

Cloud shallow moon light vomited a breath, gently looked at green dress one eye, smile, "I know!" After that, she added, "we all know how to do it."

Qingshang nodded and stopped talking.

Yunqianyue was angry earlier, but now it is regret. She shouldn't just want to come back to see him in a hurry, but ignore her own body. She lived two lives and didn't learn how to love. She only took good care of her feelings for fear of hurting him, because she knew a lot of her own problems, but the more she did not know, the more so, if she broke him to pieces. What he always needed, perhaps, was just a reassurance. And she never gave it to him.

Out of the purple bamboo forest, came to the purple bamboo yard, then smell a peach blossom fragrance. In this cold winter day, everywhere is covered with cold plum fragrance, this peach blossom fragrance can be imagined how special.

Entering the hospital, I saw a peach tree in the southwest corner, budding, which was more gorgeous than half a month ago.

Cloud shallow moon turns to walk toward that peach tree, green clothes follow come over.

Came to the peach tree, cloud light moon looked up, full of peach blossom, pretty but stand. Before it's in full bloom, it's brilliant. What mood was Rongjing standing here to see the peach tree? Suddenly she couldn't imagine. For the first time, I realized that what she did for him was far less than what he did for her.

With a sigh, she closed her eyes and recalled the ten years.

"Miss moon, go back to your room! You are just sick. You have plenty of time to enjoy the flowers. Today you just came back from Beishan Meilin. Although it's warm, it's winter after all, and it's still cold. The son of the earth told you to soak in hot water to drive out the cold. " Qingshang whispers a reminder.

Yunqianyue nodded, opened her eyes and turned to the room.

When she comes to Rongjing room, Qingchang opens the door of the darkroom and yunqianyue enters the hot spring pool. Qingchang is not at ease. She comes in to wait.

Cloud light moon faded clothes, green clothes sincerely way: "you are really thin too much!"

"I try my best to raise them and try to fatten up when your son's peach blossom is in full bloom." Cloud light moon road.

Qingchang nodded immediately.

The two of them were talking. Cloud shallow moon coma wake up these days and nights tossing and turning, also did not sleep well, not much time, came to sleepy idea, and Qingchang talk and then sleep in the past.

Qingchang stopped and watched the hourglass for less than an hour, so she stood by.

An hour later, Qingchang wanted to wake up the moon, but she woke up. The first sentence asked, "has your son come back?"

Qingshang immediately laughed and shook her head, "the son of heaven hasn't come back yet! The maid is about to wake you up. After all, it is not comfortable in bed here. "

"I'll go out and wait for him." Yunqianyue came out of the hot spring pool, put on the clean and soft robe that Qingshang brought her, and went back to her room. She nestled in Rongjing's bed, covered his quilt, and smelled his faint breath in the bedding and the room. She felt that her heart was steadfast from the inside to the outside.

"Sleep a little longer, and the maid will wake you up when your son comes back." Qingchang road.

"I'll read some books! Wait for him. " Yunqianyue takes a book out of bed.

Qingshang answered, added some charcoal to the stove, then closed the door and went out.

Cloud shallow month see this book name write peach blossom plan, she picked pick eyebrow, slowly open, read a few pages, can't help but laugh. It turns out that this peach blossom plan is not the peach blossom story, but a kind of interpretation about romantic love on the market, which fully expounds various love methods. Most of them are about how men please women. She couldn't imagine the way Rongjing looked with this book. It must not be that funny to her. She must be very serious.

Unknowingly, after reading half of a book, Rong Jing didn't come back. Qingshang pushed open the door and said, "Miss shallow moon, I'll give you Dragon Boat lunch first! The son of heaven will not come back about noon. "

"Did he send word that he would not come back at noon?" Asked the moon.

Qingshang shook her head.

"Then he will come back. I'll wait for him." Cloud shallow moon lowers head to continue to read.

Qingchang hesitated for a moment and closed the door. She turned back and walked not far away. She was surprised and said, "the son of the world is back!"

Yunqianyue raised her head and looked out of the window, and saw Rongjing walking slowly into the purple bamboo yard. This man was always calm and elegant. Even if he didn't sleep or had a good rest for a few days, his appearance was totally invisible. She immediately put down the book, pushed aside the quilt, and rushed out.She came to the door, Rongjing also came to the door, the door opened, bead curtain across a inside and outside.

Rong Jing seemed stunned for a moment. For a moment, a smile appeared between his brows and eyes. But before the smile opened, he frowned and said to the cloud, "why didn't you wear shoes?"

Cloud shallow month across the bead curtain to hold his waist, soft wriggling way: "miss you."

Rong Jing's face warmed up in an instant. He reached out and picked up the cloud and moon, lifted the bead curtain and entered the room.

Qingchang closed the door immediately.

Come to the bed, Rongjing will cloud shallow moon put down, pulled the quilt to cover her, sat on the edge of the bed looking at her. Yunqianyue looks at him. After a moment, she reaches out to touch his face. Rongjing holds her hand, leans down and kisses her lips. The moon opens her lips and caters to him. "Tonight..." Rongjing spewed out two words.

Cloud shallow moon heart trembles, received a word, to him serious way: "sleep tonight."

Rongjing suddenly buried in her neck socket and began to laugh.

Cloud shallow moon face a red, looking at the man who bent over half lying on his body, asked: "what are you laughing at?"

Rong Jing raised his head, eyebrows and eyes are still Yingying to smile, looking at her rosy face, nodding, "you are right, sleep tonight."

It was very serious to say so, but he was stained with warm flavor. Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand to push him, "thin with skin and bone like, holding me all ran flustered." , the fastest update of the webnovel!