The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1235

Yun Qianyue looked at the two cars quietly. She looked as if she had been lazy, weak, and not much spirit. She turned a blind eye to the eyes of others, as if the sixth princess was talking about someone else's business and had nothing to do with her.

Night light dye listened to six princess's words, frowned, did not say anything.

The Cang Pavilion laughed, and the folding fan knocked on the ancient wooden table top, making a slight sound, as if on the hearts of the people. He glanced at the cloud and the moon, and seemed to be talking to himself again, "so, the little princess of Deqin's mansion is actually the king's son?"

"Most of all! Otherwise, how could Qingnuan's sister come back to enjoy Mei with Jing Shizi The sixth Princess raised her voice.

"Well, except for Miss shallow moon, Jing Shizi has never heard of working with other women." Cang Ting smiles and looks at the night light dye and asks, "dye Little Wang Ye, is your sister a national beauty? Otherwise, how can you get the green eye of Jing Shizi? "

Night light dye glimpses Cang Pavilion one eye, the voice is some cool, "all the way to just."

"It's just coming all the way. We need to have a good look later." The sixth Princess answered and looked at the two carriages. The meaning of the words could be heard by anyone. "Sister Qingnuan is soft and easy to get along with. She is not like someone. She is domineering. She is gentle and easy to get along with. If they are really good friends, I think this is a good match."

"You talk too much today!" Night light dyed eyes, sharp to see the sixth princess.

"Little Prince dye, I am also your sister. Although I am not a sister, I am also a cousin. In terms of words, I also want to call you brother. Do I have no right to say a word? We have so many pairs of eyes are looking at it, yesterday is indeed warm, my sister pushed me said not to come with me, you can block my mouth, can you block so many people's mouth and eyes? What's more, it can even block the mouth of the world Six princesses look to night light dye.

Night light dye face slightly cold, "since you know that you are a princess, what words should be said, what words should not be said, you should know the propriety."

The sixth princess seemed to feel that she couldn't go too far and shut her mouth.

"Today I come here to enjoy the plum blossom. It's just for me to be happy. It's wrong to dye the little prince with a cold face. It's all for fun. Jingshizi and the princess of Deqin's mansion can come. It's more lively. " Cang Ting looked at the cloud and the moon with a smile, "Miss shallow moon, do you think so?"

Cloud shallow moon takes back sight, faint smile, voice light shallow, "yes!"

Cang Pavilion did not have a deep look at the cloud shallow moon, no longer speak.

"Is your stove cold? Bring it here and I'll warm you up. " Night light dye no longer pay attention to the two carriages, reach out to take the warm stove in the hand of cloud shallow moon.

"Well, it's a little cold!" Cloud light moon hands the stove to night light dye.

The night light dye urges the skill, sees a group of hot light in the palm of his hand to cover around the stove. Within a moment, he gives the warm water inside to yunqianyue again, "it's warm."

Cloud light moon sleeve has been covering two hands, the stove again across the sleeve in the arms.

"Your clothes will burn out like this." Night light dye looks at her.

"If you want to make a new one after it's burned out, how many clothes do you want me to wear? It's better than freezing my hands. " Yunqianyue took a look at him.

Night light dye a ground smile, "also!"

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, her hand is not good before, naturally can't be exposed at will.

"Come on, let's go on! Which one was it just now? " Night light ran looks at the crowd.

"Me Wen Ruyan should say, see many people back to look at her, she thought for a moment: "spring by flower shadow, red plum green contend for beauty, but who is the Lingyi, sentimental shadow self injury."

"Who does Miss Wen mean to hurt herself?" Cang Pavilion smiles and looks at Wen Ruyan.

People all know that Wen Ruyan is fond of Rong Feng, but the falling flowers are ruthless. Wen Ruyan had some plump and delicate face, but she has lost a lot of weight in the past six months. After the death of the old general Feng, people left tea cool, and night light dye took charge of the military power of Xishan military aircraft camp, the military house of Wenda general also declined. Although Rong Feng, the son of Wenbo Marquis's family, was also the Regent's younger brother. Now the first emperor has just left, the new emperor has not been born, the Regent is in power, and the king Shizi is in charge. The two authorities are fighting for the cloud, the moon and the sky Naturally, he is in charge of the universe and the clouds and rain. The court looks calm. However, two factions have gradually formed in private. Both the Regent school and the king Shizi school are cautious, for fear that there will be a slight difference between them. However, Rong Feng is naturally not included in this caution. He is the most stable person in the imperial power honeycomb in Beijing and central China. Of course, the status is not the same as in the past. Now all the people who propose marriage have broken through the threshold of marquis Wenbo. Compared with general Wenda, general Wenda is not so good.

Wen such as Yan smell speech reluctantly smile, "let Cang Shao master see to smile, just talk nonsense to export at will."

"Although Miss Wen was born into a general, her poetic sentiment is not bad." Night light dye to the scene to praise.

Wen Ruyan's face is a little red. She thinks of Rong Feng, but she is sad. She used to be jealous of Yun Qianyue, but now she has no strength to jealousy, because she knows clearly that even if there is no cloud shallow moon, Rong Feng won't make excuses for her and look at her more."Who's next?" Ye qingran became a magistrate and continued to search with interest.

The women all looked at the number of the note in their hands and shook their heads. Everyone looked at the man. In a moment, all the men shook their heads. Shen Zhao said slowly, "it's me, number 8."

"Oh? You have to listen to Mr. Shen's talents! " Cang Ting laughed first.

"I want to hear it. I don't know if Mr. Shen's talent is as amazing as Nanliang's incantation. " Ye qingran also looks at Shen Zhao and raises her eyebrows with a smile.

Shen Zhao smiles. Instead of chanting poetry immediately, Shen Zhao looks not far away.

The sixth princess also looked not far away. She saw that two carriages had already arrived. She glanced at the cloud and said again, "since jingshizi is here, let's wait! Qingnuan's younger sister likes to be lively when she was a child. Unfortunately, she has a sick body, which is similar to that of Jing Shizi. "

No one answered.

Night light dye some impatient, "wait for them to do what?"

Cloud shallow moon suddenly smile, "wait! It's not too late. "

Night light dye see to cloud light moon, see her have no different color, no longer speak voice.

Shen Zhao looks at the cloud and the moon with a slanting head. The folding fan of Cang Pavilion opens and suddenly the wind blows.

I saw that the two cars stopped one after another. The first car did not move. The curtain of the second car seemed to be raised eagerly. A group of white fluffy people like clouds jumped out of the carriage. After she jumped out of the car, she hopped on the ground like a little rabbit. The green silk swung along with her jump. There was only a jade and jade step on her head. She was in a trance like the happy mood of the owner. For a moment, she seemed to take a look at the pavilion in the middle of the mountain and ran happily to the first carriage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!