The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1234

The sixth Princess didn't say a word, and her face was not very good.

"Next!" Night light dye also came to be interested, cried out.

"It's me!" Leng Shuli took a look at the note, and then took a deep breath. He said, "the sea of clouds reflects the sun in spring, the light of the lake is nine colors of the sky, the wind of the plum forest is blowing the shadow, and the jade man is playing Shengge."

Cang Ting turned to Leng Shuo and said with a teasing smile: "the feelings are in the heart of the little princess Leng. All of us here are jade people!"

"It's not good. It makes Cang Shao laugh." Cold alienation face a little red.

Yunqianyue looks at Leng estrangement. She is determined to marry yetianqing. She begins to work with Rong Linglan to deal with her. Later, she learns that she doesn't like yetianqing at all. So she gets out of peace with Rong Linglan. After that, Rong Linglan withdraws. She continues to insist. On the way, Qin Yuning kills Qin Yuning, who is not interested in yetianqing, and takes the place of Prince. Later, Qin Yuning gets married Missing, night sky inclined to summon the palace, and finally killed herself with a sword. She was so thin that she was covered with a lot of powder on her face. In her opinion, she was no better than the one who had been in a coma for three days. She could not help sighing in her heart.

"Who can't say that? Good! You can see the lake light of the sunset lake. We ordinary people are here to enjoy plum blossom and recite poems. You can see that the jade people are playing Shengge. Isn't it wonderful? " Cang Ting smiles and praises.

"Well, not bad!" Night light dye also nods.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Next, who?" Night light dyed Phoenix eyes to see cold, alienated people sitting around.

Wen Ruyan raised her hand at the other table, "it's me. I'm number seven. "

Night light dye nods, everybody looks at Wen Ruyan.

At this time, Shen Zhao suddenly said, "King Shizi is here too!"

When they heard this, they all looked in the direction from the capital. Sure enough, two carriages came from a distance. In front of them, a carriage made of black agarwood was in front of them, not to mention the only one in the heavenly capital, which was the only one in the world. Of course, it is the carriage of King jingshizi in Prince Rong's mansion. In a moment, they all looked back at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon holds the hand stove to also look at the distance like everybody, from her face can't see what mood.

"Oh, it's strange today. Even jingshizi has been attracted by the plum blossom in Meilin. Have you come here to enjoy the plum blossom?" Cang Ting smiles.

Night light dye hums, "he doesn't love purple bamboo forest any more. He warms a peach blossom in the winter of Rongwang mansion, and it's all in bud. Now you may be digging back a plum tree and moving it to the purple bamboo yard of Lord Rong's mansion. What's so strange about coming here Night light dye received a talk.

"Who's in that carriage in the back?" Someone asked.

"It's like the carriage of the prince's house." Another person looked at the carriage and wondered.

"Ah, I remember that today Qingnuan's younger sister said she would come to visit Mei, but she didn't return to Beijing for two days. She said that she was afraid that she had been absent from Beijing for many years, and her sisters would have forgotten her. Now take this opportunity to get together with you. " Six princesses exclaimed.

"Warm son?" Night light dye a Zheng.

"Little Wang Ye, you don't just think about the cloud and the moon, even if you forget your sister?" Six princesses look to night light dye.

Night light dye Cu frown, "she is my sister, how can forget?"? I think she just returned to Beijing, no longer accompany her grandfather in the mansion, come here to join in the fun. " And still with Rong Jing's carriage one after another.

When they heard the speech, they remembered the little princess of Prince De's mansion, and the night was light and warm. She is the legitimate daughter of the Royal concubine of Germany, and her own sister is night light dye. Because Princess Deqin fell down accidentally when she was pregnant with her, she gave birth prematurely, used countless good medicines and barely survived. Naturally, she suffered from a natural weakness. In addition to her inborn weakness, she was born in the severe winter, so she also suffered from cold. From birth, almost all the Imperial doctors lived in Deqin palace. Until she was eight years old, she was in poor health and even left The prince of Germany and Princess Deqin were worried about her day and night at that time. Later, the former Emperor couldn't see it and sent her to the warm city, the hometown of Princess Deqin. The warm city is located in the southernmost part of Tiansheng land. It is a warm place with hot spring water all the year round. It is good for her to send her there. At the same time, the warm city is also the birthplace of the first emperor. Prince Yu Shide and Princess bear the pain and send her to warm city. Now she is 14 years away from Beijing. If it wasn't for Princess Qingwan, they almost forgot that there was a little princess in Deqin palace. Yunqianyue thinks that the night is light and warm. She thinks of her conversation with night qingran this morning. Yeqingran says that she is going to become Lin Daiyu, but she knows that this night Qingnuan is the real Lin Daiyu. She had a vague impression on the little girl. She remembered that she loved to play, but she fainted every time she played. I don't know what it's like now?

"How can Jing Shizi come with Qingnuan sister?" The sixth Princess glanced at yunqianyue. It seemed that she found something to attack yunqianyue. She said with a smile: "I said yesterday that I told her to come together, but she pushed me to come first. It turned out that she wanted to come with Jing Shizi."

When they heard the speech, they all looked at the cloud and the moon, and there were more things in their eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!