The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1231

At the gate of the cloud palace, a not so gorgeous carriage was waiting there.

Night light dye stretched out his hand to lift the curtain, indicating that Yun Qianyue would get on the bus. Yunqianyue thinks that every time he takes a ride with Rongjing, he gets on the bus first, and then reaches out to pull her. She holds her mind and gently supports the shaft of the car. She sees a brocade quilt in the car and a big hand stove in the middle. As soon as she gets into the car, she finds a place to sit down. Yeqingran also follows her and sits opposite her.

Curtain down, night light dye to the outside order, "to the North Mountain Meilin!"

The coachman answered, and the carriage slowly left the gate of the cloud palace.

Night light dye pulled a bed of brocade cover in the cloud shallow moon body, asked her, "little girl, do you want to read or play chess or we chat, to Beishan Meilin although not far, but not near, do not have any meaning to sit."

"Don't want to use your brain, talk to me!" Yunqianyue leans on a soft pillow and leans lazily against the wall of the car.

Night light dye smiles and nods, and then looks for words with cloud shallow moon. The anecdotes and anecdotes about his previous travels are naturally his own experiences. They can't be seen in books. Although Yun Qianyue has no spirit, she also hears interesting things. Occasionally, she will say a word or two. Although they have made several scenes, they have gone from hiding to keeping away from each other. Now, he makes amends to her and is more peaceful and peaceful than before.

As night light dye said, the weather was fine and the clouds over the funeral day of the old emperor had passed. The capital of Tiansheng, which had been suppressed for a long time, became lively. As the carriage passed through the street, you could hear the crowd outside.

The road was smooth, and the carriage went out of the gate.

Although outside the city gate is not as lively as inside the city, the sound of people, horses and cars is more frequent than usual.

Half an hour later, the carriage stopped slowly, and the voice of the coachman came from the outside of the carriage, "little prince, here we are!"

Night light dye stops saying, "um" a sound, stretch out a hand to open the curtain, look out, suddenly a happy, "little girl, look, how can I say, today's more people?"

Cloud light moon along the night light dye open the curtain to see, only to Beishan Meilin. There are four scenes in the northwest, one is the military aircraft camp, the second is the Beishan hunting ground, the third is the Xiyan lake, and the fourth is the cloud sea plum forest. The rest of the mountain is surrounded by three natural trees. Now it is the plum blossom in full bloom. The plum blossom on three mountains is in full swing. It is connected with Tianshui, like a sea of clouds. This scenery is amazing.

There are dozens of ancient wooden pavilions built on the hillside. This is because at this time of every year, plum blossom is in full bloom, and people from Beijing join in a group to visit the plum blossom. There is a continuous stream of people coming and going. These pavilions are specially built for this purpose.

At this time, dozens of carriages and horses stopped at the foot of the mountain. There were dozens of horses and dozens of ancient wooden pavilions. There were men and women sitting in them. Although the emperor was not allowed to wear Chinese clothes in March and asked everyone to wear plain clothes during the three months' funeral, it was still plain and gorgeous to wear fine satin.

Yun Qianyue saw many familiar faces. Of course, the people who came here with leisure and leisure were all noble sons and girls in Beijing. The father of the worst status was also an official. Men and women split up a dozen pavilions and sit on one side. She saw six princesses, Rong Linglan, Leng estrangement, ronglingyan, wenruyan, etc. now it's still winter. As soon as it gets warm, they wear spring clothes. They are not bloated, and they all have graceful beauty.

Most of the men have seen it. After all, every year's banquet in the palace is attended by Xiyun Qianyue. There are two more people who haven't seen before. One is cangting and the other is Shen Zhao. When she saw Shen Zhao, she was slightly surprised for a moment, then put her emotions back. Shen Zhao now lives in the Rongwang mansion. This young man who avenged his master for killing Ye Xiao in Fenshui city became famous all over the world in the first World War. He had been planning to enter the dynasty for many years, and now he quickly integrated into the circle of Beijing. In addition, apart from his own reasons, he lived in the Rong Wang's mansion, which made him more valuable.

She remembered the pride and helplessness of aunt Shen when she talked about her son a few days ago. She also remembered how she rushed into the house with a bundle of dry firewood on her back for the first time, and asked her how anxious she was to worship her face. She also remembered that she insisted on sending her to the capital of Southern Xinjiang, and many things happened in the next few days All of a sudden, he has become the focus of the world's attention, and now he does not show half the wild spirit among these noble sons in Beijing. She can't help but sigh that people's fate is really a nebula transformation, overnight.

Night light dye gets off the car first, to cloud shallow moon way: "little girl, we go over!"

Cloud shallow month takes back the sight, "um" a, holds the hand stove to jump out of the car.

When they arrived, they all looked at the poem. When they saw night light dye and cloud light moon, they were all stunned. Cangting and Shen Zhao also looked at them, but their eyes were more special than others.

Night light dye today is a dark green light fur, cloud light moon is a sable Cape, with her usual purple Luo Yi, two people spectrum a car, to become a plain and elegant in the gorgeous, was originally a noticeable person, suddenly more eye-catching.

Night light dye to everybody's vision Hun does not care, to cloud shallow moon ask, "is sit here first, still want to go up the mountain?"Although yunqianyue was in such a beautiful scene, she still didn't have much spirit. She said, "sit here! Isn't it all poetry? Although we are not elegant, we can listen to it

Night light dye nods, the current pace to the pavilion.

Yun Qianyue walks behind the night light dye with a hand stove. Although the sun is warm, the wind is still cold. She wears a sable cloak and purple robes. Among these people, she wears the most. Far from the public's view, it is a group of purple haze that envelops a delicate person, and the person's face is a little white, and his steps are slightly weak, which is obviously the appearance of the first recovery of a serious illness. However, this pair of frailty makes many people, both men and women, unable to move their eyes and think in the same way that they have seen the countless appearance of this young lady, dandy, arrogant, lazy, casual, indifferent, cold-hearted and resolute. Now, when we look at the weak wind, every side is impressive, or it is difficult to remember her. All of a sudden, the place was very quiet. Only the light dye of the night and the footsteps of the moon could be heard.

The short distance was drawn so long that yunqianyue thought that the road leading to the pavilion was far away. In fact, there was no one in the pavilion, only she came to enjoy the plum blossom with night light dye.

"Little girl, how come your feet are like stepping on cotton?" Night light dye looks back at cloud shallow moon's foot one eye, "walk all have no sound."

Cloud shallow moon does not have what spirit tunnel: "lie down for several days, empty, have no energy!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!