The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1232

Night light dye slow down the pace, "fortunately I take you out for a walk, otherwise lie down again, your feet will be useless."

Cloud shallow moon smile, do not agree.

They were pulled back by their voices, and their faces were different.

The six princesses looked at them, fixed their eyes on the sable cloak on Yun Qianyue's body, and made a first attack, "Oh, isn't this cloud shallow moon? I can't even recognize it! Why didn't you go with Jing Shizi today? When did the people around you change to dye prince? "

This sentence means something.

Cloud shallow month raises eyelid to look at her, did not speak.

Seeing that she had not received the gold brick she had thrown out, the sixth Princess continued to say, "is this sable cloak sent by dye prince? A few days ago, I heard from seven elder brothers that the little prince ran to the mountains every day when he went down to the morning. He came back late at night to fight the sable in the mountains. Later, he got injured for half a month and came back to urge Yuxiu pavilion to make a cloak. I thought at that time that the sable was a woman's dress. I don't know whose family's woman ran Xiaowang's fancy. It turned out that it was given to you. "

All of a sudden, people's eyes are focused on the cloak of yunqianyue.

Cloud shallow moon already walked quietly, as if did not hear.

"It seems that you still have a place in little prince dye's heart. I'm afraid it's all unique. I haven't seen any woman loved by him in recent years. Even Princess Ye of Southern Xinjiang couldn't make him run to the mountains sleeplessly and beat the sable in the snow, just to make a cloak? This sable is rare and precious. It's not easy to fight. " The sixth princess said nothing. Seeing that the moon was still silent, her eyes were cold and she continued: "no wonder I heard that King Shizi has not set foot in the cloud palace for several days! The crux is here. Yunqianyue, your skill of empathy is getting better and better! In the past, he abandoned his second brother and liked him. Later, after King Shizi left the house after ten years of serious illness, you abandoned him and liked him. Now what's wrong with him? If you abandon him and like Dyer, who do you like next

Many people are drawn by the words of six princesses, looking at the cloud light moon's eyes show a different color.

Night light dye complexion dye thin anger, look at six princesses fiercely, "what are you talking about?"

"What are you angry about? Am I wrong? " Six princesses to night light dye's vision palpitation for a moment, then looked about one eye, smile way: "you ask this inside people, all live in Beijing, who don't know what matter! It's well known that you beat the sable day and night, but Jing Shizi is cold and his heart is cold. It's also well known about yunqianyue. Isn't it obvious to you? "

"Nonsense!" Night light dye eyes light sweep a circle, the six Princess sitting next to the people are in a hurry, dare not offend to hang their heads, he said coldly: "six Princess recovered scar forget the pain, just lying in the palace for half a month, now your wound is good?"

The sixth Princess remembered that she was going to the East China Sea with yuzishu that day, but she fell down and hurt her horse in the delivery Pavilion. Night light ran sent her back to the palace. Seeing that he was already angry, she was reluctant to stop talking.

Although she was silent, she said what she should have said. For a time, the air inside and outside the pavilion was strange. Many people's eyes are wandering on the two people, thinking about the possibility of two people being together. Looking at the pale and frail face of cloud shallow moon, they all said that love hurt the most, and they couldn't help believing a few points.

"Yes, this young master also feels strange. What's the anger of the little prince? Does the sixth Princess seem to be right? Dye Xiaowang did give the sable Cape to miss Xiaoyue, who was wearing it. And King Shizi did not step into the cloud palace these days. " Cang Ting looked at them with a smile, "the man is unmarried, and the woman is not married. What's the matter if they love each other? Even if Miss Xiaoyue abandons Jing Shizi and likes to dye Xiaowang, it's OK. "

Night light dye suddenly looks at the Cang Pavilion.

Cang Pavilion picked eyebrows to night light dye, a pair of fearless smile appearance.

"I don't need to tell anyone about my relationship with Yun Qianyue." Night light dye coldly throws out a word.

"Is that so? But we all care so much! After all, King Shizi is highly respected by the world, and miss Qianyue and little prince dye are not anonymous. There is nothing untold about such things. " Cangting folding fan closed, gently tapping the desktop, smiling at the cloud shallow moon, "is not the shallow moon miss?"

Yun Qianyue looks at the people, and everyone's eyes are also looking at her. Shen Zhao's eyes are especially angry. She looks away and smiles softly. "I've known many people from childhood, including Rongjing, yetianqing, yetianyi, yeqingran, and even sitting."

The crowd was stunned and didn't know why.

"Every year on my birthday, I get a lot of presents. I've received gifts from most of the people sitting here." Cloud shallow Moon continues: "including six princesses you send, although you don't like me, but send things are not bad, although not as good as this sable Cape."

The sixth Princess frowned at the cloud light moon, she did not understand how she suddenly said on the gift.

Yun Qianyue reached out and touched her sable cloak, and with a faint smile, "people get along with each other, and two people meet, not only love, but also friendship. Six princesses have not, Cang Shao Lord has not, does not mean others have not. I don't intersect with the sixth princess. I don't want to have a look at the things you sent. Don't say you wear them. And I like this sable Cape. I'll wear it naturallyPeople seem to understand that this is a denial of the six Princess and Cang Shao Lord's words.

"I like Rong Jing earlier than anyone else, and so far I only like him. Of course, I have no obligation to tell the world who I like, and no one else has the right to ask. " Cloud light moon put away the smile, pale face can not be pale, "today out is to relax, if we don't want to play here, want to find uncomfortable, unhappy words, then I don't mind here is only my own person to enjoy plum."

All of a sudden there was no sound.

The woman stood there like that, looking weaker than any other woman in this room, but she had a kind of invisible deterrent, which made people who had different vision or different thoughts to her withdraw one after another.

Six princess's face is not very good, Cang Pavilion Mou light flashed, smile, did not speak again.

Night light dye turns back to look at cloud shallow moon, anger fades away, suddenly a smile, "little girl, I wish I could tell you something, what do you do with them nonsense?"

Yunqianyue takes a look at night light dye, does not speak, and touches the sable Cape again. This time, it is not fluff, but the ribbon tied under the neck.

Yeqingran, seeing her action, quickly said, "OK, OK, I'm playing. I'm very honored that I beat the sable hard. Among the gifts given by many people, miss Qianyue looks down on me."

Cloud shallow month to him pick eyebrow, "still want to come out what?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!