The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1229

The next day, it was still sunny.

In the morning, the people who came and went back and forth in the pavilion of light moon were not broken. The king of cloud, Yu Qingqing, Yunli, the seventh princess, and Rongfeng were all there. After seeing her, several people in front of her looked a little better. They either went to court or took care of the trivial matters in the government. Rong Feng said that something happened to the military aircraft camp last night. He had to go to the military aircraft camp. He could not accompany her, so she could take medicine and rest. Cloud shallow moon nods, looking at Rong Feng to leave.

After breakfast, she went back to bed. It was at this time that she thought yesterday that he would come or not.

After waiting for about an hour, she didn't see Rong Jing's figure. Her heart became angry again.

The people in the pavilion of the light moon understand the mood of the cloud and the moon. Ling Lian and Yi Xue lead each other cautiously and don't make any noise. It seems that the pavilion is so quiet that even a needle can be heard on the ground.

Another hour later, the sound of footsteps came from outside the pavilion of light moon, which was particularly clear in silence. The steps were familiar, but not slow, but steady.

"Cold little prince!" Ling Lian should go up to see Leng Shao Zhuo.

Yun Qianyue looks out of the window and sees Leng Shao Zhuo come in, dressed in light fur. He was originally good-looking, because he had been dissolute in the past. Now he is going to be raised for several months. He is going to be a new man. He looks like a noble young man with rich noble spirit from inside to outside. He has experienced many things, seen things and played with many things. He had an epiphany of seeing through the world more than others, which was very special and eye-catching.

"Your young lady has been ill for many days, and she has not been well. I'm worried. Come and have a look." Leng Shao Zhuo to Linglian road.

"I will report it to you, young lady." Ling Lian comes to the door.

"Don't tell me, Shao Zhuo, come in!" I don't think it's light. She almost felt that if there was no movement in the pavilion of light moon, she would be mad. Now Leng Shao Zhuo came at the right time. Catch him and you won't be bored today.

Linglian smell speech to get out of the door, cold Shao Zhuo walked in. See cloud shallow moon to lie upright on the bed, he looked up and down her one eye, mouth way: "how sick so serious? The whole person has lost a lot of weight. "

"Almost lost half his life." Yunqianyue patted the bed board and said to him, "sit down! I'm bored, and I'm glad you're here

Leng Shao Zhuo was not polite. He sat down and looked at her and said, "I wanted to come a few days ago, but there are many things in the Hubu department. I heard that Rongfeng came to check your pulse every day, but I didn't come here. Today he sent someone to say that he would go to the military aircraft camp. I was afraid that you would be bored. If I had nothing to do, I would like to come and see you. I didn't expect it to be so serious. "

Cloud shallow month grinned, "still Rong Feng good!"

Leng Shao Zhuo suddenly laughed, "yes, many matchmakers in Beijing have broken through the threshold of Wenbo Marquis's house. The eight characters of the birthdays of the ladies in Beijing are all over the courtyard of the Marquis Wenbo's mansion. Unfortunately, he is indifferent and treats you well. When you are sick all your life, he comes in a hurry. He also asked the regent to leave, and the Regent approved it. "

"We are friends of life and death, and naturally he is kind to me." Yunqianyue leered at Leng Shao Zhuo and asked with a smile, "didn't the matchmaker in Beijing break the threshold of Xiaoqin palace? Isn't the eight character birthday of the ladies in Beijing full of courtyards of the prince of filial piety

Leng Shao Zhuo smiles and shakes his head, "no!"

"I believe you look like that! Do you know what men are most valuable for? " Cloud shallow month looks at Leng Shao Zhuo, sees him a pair of attentive appearance, she way: "is the prodigal son returns gold not to change."

Leng Shao Zhuo laughed, "it seems that you are in a good mood."

Cloud shallow month hum a, think I am in a bad mood when that is you did not see. He said to him, "if you're OK today, don't go. Give me the story."

"I've been hollowed out by you." Leng Shao Zhuo road.

"Say it again. I want to hear it!" Cloud light moon road.

Leng Shao Zhuo nodded and told her. Yun Qianyue listens carefully. Although she has heard it once, she still laughs when she hears something funny.

In the afternoon, Leng Shao Zhuo also ate in the shallow moon Pavilion. When the sun set, he left the pavilion. When he left, yunqianyue looked at him eagerly. Leng Shao Zhuo said with a smile that he would come back tomorrow. Yunqianyue let him go with satisfaction.

The sun set, the temperature suddenly low, the cold wind blowing, hit the Huansha lattice window, some cold.

Yunqianyue looked at the dim sky outside and thought it was the next day after she woke up.

This night, also sleepless.

On the third day, the weather was still sunny. After waking up, yunqianyue stood in the hospital and looked at plum blossom for a while. After eating, he waited for Leng Shao Zhuo. After yesterday's time, Leng Shao Zhuo still did not come, and so on came his intimate child.

After the little boy came, he said, "the little prince has been arranged today and can't come to accompany Miss shallow moon! Let me tell you, Miss shallow moon, don't wait for him. " He added: "however, when the little prince passed on the message to me, he heard it. Let me tell you something about him. He will come to see you later."Cloud shallow moon should a, the child turned to go.

Cloud shallow moon looks at the child to leave, thinking night light dye to come? How long hasn't he been here? I still remember the last time he stood outside the shallow moon pavilion to cut off her robes. She hurt him ruthlessly. Later, night Tianyi came and sent him to take him back. Later, he saw him as a sold sword at the funeral ceremony of the old emperor. Later, he left with the book of sending children. He seemed to have recovered his former appearance and forgot about it. Now that he was coming, she had a hundred kinds of taste in her heart, which was neither good nor sad.

Half an hour later, sure enough, night light dye into the shallow moon Pavilion.

Night light dye is not empty handed, holding a group of things in his hand, purple, soft and harmonious like a group of purple clouds. After he arrived, he first said hello to Ling Lian with a smile. Linglian also respectfully saluted him. Knowing that the young lady knew that little prince ran was coming, he did not stop him and let him into the room.

Night light dye pushes open the door to enter the room, then sees cloud shallow moon to lie upright on the bed, he walks over, stands in front of the bed, looks at her to raise eyebrow, smile, "little girl, you lie down like this, fast and the bed board stick together!"

As the saying goes, reach out and don't smile! As for night light dye, Yun Qianyue always keeps a mind, looking at his handsome eyebrows and eyes. All the past seems to be frozen, or even makes her suspect that those cold and unpleasant things as well as injuries have never happened between them. She pulled the corners of her mouth, pulled out a smile, and asked spiritlessly, "what's in your hand?"

Night light dye immediately opened, is a purple sable Cape, he donated treasure to ask cloud light moon, "little girl, do you like it? I made this for you when it was snowing a few days ago , the fastest update of the webnovel!