The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1228

"I think it's time for her to wake up today, and if she goes to sleep, it's scary." Rong Feng smiles and walks in slowly.

Ling Lian hurriedly came to open the door, opened the curtain, let Rong Feng enter.

Rong Feng said "thanks!" Then Linglian opened the curtain into the room, a glance to see cloud shallow moon closed eyes lying on the bed, the room window open, some cold, he quickly went to the window, the window closed.

Ling Lian closes the door and thinks that Feng Shizi is coming. She is in a better mood.

Sure enough, as soon as she closed the door of the room, she heard Yun Qianyue say, "you didn't go to court today? Why come here at this hour? "

"You've been very ill these days. I've asked the regent for leave, and I'll come to check your pulse every day." Rong Feng came to the bed, looking at the cloud shallow moon, carefully looked at her one eye, slightly frown, "how so bad face?"

"Angry!" Cloud shallow moon spits out two words.

Rong Feng's eyes flashed slightly and asked with a smile, "has jingshizi been here?"

"He might as well not come!" The cloud shallow moon gas does not hit a place, in the heart's exasperation still cannot suppress.

"King Shizi has been cold these days, but there are so many things in the court that he needs him for everything. He can't rest and his health is not very good." I have seen him smile on the edge of the bed. Especially three days ago, my face was very bad, just like you at this time. "

Cloud shallow moon frown, wave hand, "do not want to say him."

Rong Feng smiles and reaches out to hold Yun Qianyue's hand to give her pulse. After a moment, she puts down her hand and says, "pulse is still too weak. You need to take a good rest for a few days. Have you drunk today's medicine?"

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "no!"

"Miss Linglian, where is your lady's medicine? Don't forget it Rong Feng asked outside.

"Back to fengshizi, did not forget, Yi Xue is cooking medicine in the kitchen, should soon be good!" Ling Lian replies quickly.

Rong Feng took back her sight and looked at Xiang Yun's hand. She stretched out her hand and tore the silk cloth on the back of her hand. After looking at the wound, she said in a warm voice: "the scar has fallen off, but it still needs to wait for some time for another scar to fall off."

Yunqianyue thought of her hand and looked down at it. She saw that the scar was gone, leaving a deep pink mark. But she could see it was a tooth mark at a glance. She nodded.

Rong Feng took out a jade bottle, poured out the white liquid medicine, and gently smeared a layer on her arm.

Yun Qianyue looks at Rong Feng's actions, gently and carefully, as if he is treating a wound. She thinks that since Rong Feng has looked at her hand, the rumors about her and Gu Shaoqing probably associate her identity, but he is Rong Feng, and it doesn't matter. Even if how many people know, what does it matter? Some people are not afraid to be known, such as Rong Feng, some people even know, can not get her handle, also nothing, such as night nature. In her heart, the anger and depression accumulated by Rongjing dispersed some, and she said with a smile, "Rongfeng, I'm sick these days, are you very hard?"

Rong Feng raised his head and laughed, shaking his head, "no hard work for jingshizi!"

"Can you stop talking about him? Why is it hard for him to come or not? " The cloud is shallow and the moon is glaring.

"The study of King Rong's mansion lights up night and night. Do you think it's hard for him?" Rong Feng looked at her with a smile. Her face was warm, "moon, you and jingshizi..."

"He did it for the government. Rong Feng, if you tell me about him again, don't stay here with me. " The cloud is shallow and the moon is taut.

"Well, I won't say it!" Rong Feng stopped, reached out to touch her head, frowned: "so much thin, want to make up for back is not a day and night, you just let people worry."

Cloud shallow month reaches out to touch a face, chin is some sharp, she sighed, "force to make up for it!"

Rong Feng laughed and agreed: "well, make up for it hard!"

Door pushed open, Yi snow carrying medicine came in, looked at Rong Feng one eye, to cloud shallow moon way: "Miss, drink medicine!"

"I'll feed her!" Rong Feng reached for the medicine.

Yi snow handed Rong Feng, back down.

Rong Feng stirred the soup with a spoon. Before the moon was drunk, she felt the bitterness in her mouth. She frowned. After a moment, Rong Feng handed the medicine bowl to her, "drink it in one breath, your mouth is already bitter, and you can't feel how bitter it is to drink this decoction."

Cloud shallow month took the soup, a Yang neck, Gudong Gudong together under the stomach. Indeed, as Rong Feng said, her mouth is full of bitterness. Now the bitterness of the soup is really not felt. Pass the empty bowl to Rongfeng, and he hands her a glass of water. She rinsed her mouth, gave the cup to him again, and asked him, "Rong Feng, you asked for leave, don't you have nothing to worry about?"

"Well, there are some things you can't do." Yung Fung Road.

"Then you can stay a little longer! Talk to me. We haven't spoken for a long time. " Cloud light moon road.

Rong Feng nodded, "good!"

"Did the old man return to Tianxue mountain? Xiao Hei doesn't know what's going on The moon looks out of the window.

"The master is still in the East China Sea and hasn't come back. Xiaohei doesn't know what's going on." Rong Feng tone some faint miss, "little black has been with me, I now come to Tiansheng, this half a year also did not go to Tianxue mountain, do not know how it is, fortunately it will catch food to eat, not to starve to death.""Why don't you take it! If you don't go back, it seems that the old man of the snow mountain seems to want to open his mind, and he doesn't follow the snow mountain pie. Xiaohei himself is still there. It's very pitiful. " Cloud shallow moon suggests.

Rong Feng shook his head, "no, it's free in the mountains. If it's got to be locked in the house, it won't be free. If you run out of the house, the people will be more flustered when they go out of the house, and there will be no accidents." Rong Feng shook his head.

Cloud shallow moon sighs, "also!"

Rong Feng smiles. Seeing that yunqianyue is not energetic and sleepy, she turns to talk about some interesting things that Xiaohei has made in recent years. Yun Xiaoyue opens her mouth and talks with each other. Although she hasn't talked for a long time, she doesn't feel strange. She seems to be back in the past. Every time yunqianyue goes to tianxueshan to see him, I have a lot to say in those days.

Ring at noon, Rong Feng in the shallow moon pavilion with lunch.

In the afternoon, Rong Feng played two games of chess with Yun Qianyue. The sun was in the West. He saw that the moon was tired and left the pavilion.

Cloud shallow moon looks at Rong Feng to leave, the sun goes down a little bit, the cold wind outside gets cold, the stove in the house is flourishing. When the man left and never came back, she waved down the curtain, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

In the evening, yunwangye and yuqingqing came back to see yunqianyue sleeping. They learned something about the situation with Linglian outside the hospital. They left without entering the house. Yunli came back when it was dark. I heard that yunqianyue slept down and didn't enter the house. He went back to the West Maple Garden.

This night, cloud shallow moon tossed and turned sleepless, sleep is not solid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!