The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1225

Yunqianyue nodded and explained the affairs of the imperial court for several days. After understanding the general situation, he asked, "didn't Feng Jin and Shen Zhao come to Beijing?"

"Oh, we forgot. Mr. Shen and the Feng family leader entered Beijing. It is said that because he learned that Prince Shen admired King Shizi very much, the Feng family leader was entrusted by Madame Chu to send him to Beijing. Now he is in the Rong Wang's house. After putting down the man, the Feng family leader left the Huifeng family in the capital city. " Ling Lian immediately said, "it is said that Mr. Shen wants to take a scientific examination."

"Night light dye? What are you doing these days? " Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"It is said that the three-year scientific examination should be conducted at the time of the new year's pass. Now it is two months before the new year's pass. This year's scientific examination has decided to be in charge of by Prince ran. In recent days, he and his ministers are discussing specific matters." Yi snow road.

"Where's my aunt?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"The empress heard that you were ill and sent over many supplements. Now, it's more stable to have an abortion in the palace. " Linglian said: "the Lord has come to see you every day these two days. The son of the prince and the seventh princess also come to see you every day."

Cloud shallow moon nods, the earth can turn away from anyone, this sentence is reasonable, she is not in heaven for more than half a month, everyone is good. I've been out for only half a month, but I feel like a year and a half. She laughed, reached out and rubbed her forehead and waved to them, "go to sleep! I'll stay by myself for a while

Ling Lian and Yi Xue nodded, stood up, cleaned up the table, added charcoal fire to the stove, and went out.

Yunqianyue is sitting lazily on a soft couch. Suddenly, she misses Nanliang and nanlingrui very much. Without that sentence, she is spoiled or out of tune.

Unconsciously, it's already dawn.

"Dead girl, wake up?" The familiar voice came from the outside, and then the door was opened and Yu Qingqing came in.

"After three days' sleep, I should wake up. This child is really frightening."

Yun Xiaoyue sat on the soft couch and didn't get up. Looking at them, one was wearing official clothes and the other was wearing long-term clothes. She glanced at them and called out with no spirit, "father, mother!"

"Look at this, like an abandoned woman." Yu Qingqing came over and ordered a little cloud on her forehead. "I'm not promising. I don't think a man should take his body for granted. Xiao Jing, that stinky boy is really cruel. He just threw you away for three days. When I did something to annoy your father, he would cool me for two days at most

"What have you done to annoy my father?" Cloud light moon ask jade Qingqing.

Yu Qingqing coughed, gave an unnatural look at King Yun, and whispered, "we live in a place called peach blossom town. Once your father didn't follow me, I went to the street alone. Later, I was taken in by others and asked me to propose marriage. Your father was angry and ignored me for two days

"Such a trifle? That means my mother is charming. " Yunqianyue looks at the cloud Lord with disapproval.

"That's because she didn't say that she was proposed to her, and she actually accepted the bride price with a smile." Cloud Wang Ye looked at Yu Qingqing with a gloomy look, slowly and leisurely.

Cloud shallow moon to see jade Qingqing, think of courage is not small!

Yu Qingqing's face turned red and coughed again. She said to Yun Qianyue, "that's not because I've never been here since I was little. I've had a good time."

Yun Xiaoyue chuckled, thinking that her mother had been attracted by his father's words and became a relative in the capital. Naturally, she couldn't see the bride price. She looked at her funny, nodded and agreed: "it's not your fault."

"Smelly girl Cloud Wang Ye patted cloud shallow moon's head, "I just wish I didn't cool her for two days and let her learn a long lesson. Xiao Jing is better than his father. He is so cruel to you that he dare not turn himself into such a figure in the future. "

"I'm also anxious to come back to see him. Is it wrong to rush to see him? My mother made a mistake in accepting betrothal gifts. I went out cautiously this time. I was afraid that I might upset the Buddha in Lord Rong's mansion. It was not my own trouble. It was all the trouble that came to me. In the end, I made trouble for him. " Cloud shallow moon some depressed way: "throw me three days, no matter don't ask, he also really can do. We quarreled several times, the most powerful time I saw him in the rain, I couldn't bear to forgive her. When he gets good, I'll burn like that and I'll die like that. He'll be cruel enough to leave me alone for three days

"How can you and your mother do the same thing? Your mother was playing and having fun. She didn't hurt her body or worry about her life. She didn't worry about her life. She didn't make a big mistake. But what about you? How many spells did you use? After sleeping in Nanliang palace for two days, he fell into water again and got cold. He was still on the road every day and night. Even Qingying was left behind and disappeared. He was exhausted. You were unconscious. Originally the body is bad, this time is to let a person take enough heart, you say, Xiaojing can not be cruel to you? " The king of cloud glared at the moon and rebuked him with a straight face.

"That's right. This time it's your fault. Mother, it's just playing. You're making a big mistake." Yu Qingqing immediately agreed.

"What's the matter with you? Like a mother, like a daughter, she is like you The cloud Lord looked at Yu Qingqing discontentedly.

Yu Qingqing, with a low momentum, said angrily, "my old debt is over. Do you still remember it? Her temperament is not like me, I look like you, you forget that you rushed back to the East China Sea, fainted at the door of your home, lost my three souls, lost seven souls, and kept your eyes against you for three days and three nights before you woke up. ""Isn't that because you're angry with me? I'm in a hurry to get back? " Wang Ye said immediately.

Yu Qingqing also glared, "that's also because you and the legend of the jade girl in the lake are flying all over the sky. I'm..." "Come on, don't let our daughter laugh!" Cloud King Ye is also a low momentum, hold jade Qingqing's hand, stop her words.

Yu Qingqing stopped immediately.

Yunxiaoyue looked at the two people with some amusement. After waking up, she was thrown away by Rongjing for three days, and then she said to Yu Qingqing, "you're too hopeless? Did you keep her awake for three days? Don't you think you should throw him away like Rongjing

"Then he woke up and I ignored him for a month, leaving him without hair." Yuqingqing road.

Cloud shallow moon a sigh, look to cloud Lord.

King Yun coughed and said to Yu Qingqing, "it's time for me to go to court. Let's go! Now you can see that Xiaojing's prescription is good. She will be in good spirits for another two days. As for their affairs, we can't control them either. "

"You'd better take a rest for two days! If Xiao Jing's anger has just gone away, if he sees you as white as a ghost, he will be inflamed again, and you will not be able to eat good fruit. " Yu Qingqing threw down a word and went out with the cloud Lord.

Cloud shallow month looks at two people to leave, originally wanted to immediately go to Rong Wang Fu's mind, was poured down by a basin of cold water. , the fastest update of the webnovel!