The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1212

"People are gone, you still smile!" The moon glared at him.

"Since she wants to go, let her go!" Nanlingrui has a free and easy smile.

Cloud light moon frown.

Nanlingrui touches the head of yunqianyue and looks like a brother again. "Luoyao is the princess of Donghai. What's the matter with staying in Nanliang for a long time? Even if you stay by my side, there's always a saying, isn't it? "

"That's it Yun Xiaoyue nodded, "but you just let her go? You really want her, don't you? Otherwise, Zishu won't give you people. She's his own sister anyway. "

"Nature is true." Nanlingrui approached yunqianyue and whispered in his ear: "she is jealous now. It's not to prove that I'm good for you, this righteous sister."

"Seriously!" Cloud shallow moon hate to beat him.

South Ling Rui sad ground looked cloud shallow month one eye, "dead wench, start really cruel, I am your pro elder brother." Words fall, see cloud shallow moon stare at him, he mysterious smile, "woman, just can't grasp too tight, close is put, put is close."

Cloud shallow moon does not understand to pick eyebrows.

"Of course, it doesn't work for you, a little girl. You have to be controlled by death. You are not an ordinary woman in the world." Nanlingrui's voice changed, "and Luoyao, no matter how good she is, is just an ordinary woman. She boasts that she is very high and has high requirements for herself. I have a word with you. It belongs to the EQ fool in omnipotence."

"I said that to you!" Cloud shallow moon looks at him speechless.

Nan Lingrui coughed slightly, and said in an unnatural way: "your brother, I have a higher EQ now. It's a piece of cake to deal with Luoyao."

"It's a piece of cake and people are running away. Don't lose face." Cloud shallow moon demolishes his platform.

"There is a kind of woman, if she is not emotional, even if you shake in front of her every day, she will not be affected. But if she was moved, she would be hesitant, afraid, nervous, and did not know what to do. She likes to control everything, including her heart. When she suddenly finds out that her heart is not under her control, she will escape and escape. Luoyao belongs to such a woman. " Nanlingrui is a leisurely tunnel.

"Yes! Emotional intelligence is really high. " Yunqianyue looks at nanlingrui with the three days' farewell.

Nan Ling Rui raised his eyebrows with pride.

"This is what Zi Shu taught you." Cloud shallow moon looks at him, can't think he this can say this words. To treat feelings, he is actually a pure tendon, otherwise he would not have fallen apart with Ye Qian at the beginning. Such a profound theory of EQ is not what he said.

Nanling Rui blinked his eyes and murmured: "dead girl, do you understand yuzishu like this?"

"You have reached an agreement with him. Since he has given Luoyao to you, he will naturally help you. He will calculate the psychological changes that will happen to Luoyao." Cloud shallow moon way: "also told you how to deal with."

"No fun! I thought you would boast about my brother South Ling Rui suddenly body a slant, fell on the soft couch.

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye to him, see Zhi Yu carrying water to come in, past washed a face.

Zhiyu puts the water into the water, followed by a maid holding a robe to nanlingrui. Nanlingrui reaches out to take it and puts on clothes without being attended to.

Zhi Yu said softly, "Your Highness, the king has heard that the girl has woken up. He wants you to take her to his place for dinner."

"Well!" Nanling Rui answered.

Cloud shallow month has no opinion, wash face with one hand, carefully let the other hand touch water.

Nan Lingrui changed his new robe and stood in front of the mirror to take a look. He was dissatisfied and said, "no, I'm not as good as the beauty of Luoyao."

Cloud shallow moon clean face, sitting in front of the mirror, Zhiyu immediately came to wait on her to comb her hair, she looked at Li Yun's familiar face in the mirror and said, "do you think she's going back to the East China Sea, or will she go to Tiansheng?"

"Not necessarily!" Nanling Rui tidies up his clothes and says, "no matter where I go, sooner or later I will come back to me."

"You are confident," she said

Nanling Rui picked his eyebrows with pride, and suddenly approached him. In a very low voice, he said, "if she goes to Tiansheng to find Xiaojing, she still has some trouble. Brother, I don't worry. Sister, do you worry?"

Cloud shallow month glared at her one eye, "if she dares to provoke Rong Jing, I cut her across the board. It doesn't matter if she's your favorite. "

Nanling Rui laughed, "it's my sister as expected!"

Cloud shallow month thinks this person is really unreasonable, the woman all ran away, still smile so shallow. A madman!

After cleaning up, they went out of Lingxiu palace.

Just walking not far away, I saw the eunuch in charge of Nanliang King's side running in a hurry. When they saw the two of them, they immediately saluted, "Your Highness, the king sent servants to urge you to take the girl with you quickly."

"I see! The old man is still in a hurry. She can't leave for a moment or a half. " Nan Lingrui waved his hand.

"Isn't the king in a hurry to see the girl? Yesterday, I came to see the girl asleep and didn't wake up. Now I hear that I wake up, I can't sit still. The meals in the emperor's bedroom hall have already been arranged, waiting for the girl. You and the girl will hurry over, and the servant will go ahead and reply. " After Mr. Liu dropped a word, the man ran away like a gust of wind.Yun Qianyue looks at others, but his legs are not slow. He thinks that eunuchs in the Imperial Palace should not only practice a flexible skill of seeing, hearing, and acting, but also a pair of good legs. In her opinion, this eunuch is the most difficult job in the world.

It is because the king of Nanliang has already woken up, and the palace of Nanliang is full of pleasure. Even the air is different from that when the moon came two days ago. Some graceful and elegant, even rockery, stone carving, flowers and trees, all have a kind of beauty.

"Nanliang is like spring all the year round, which is really suitable for raising people." Yunqianyue looks at the scenery in the palace. Compared with the depressing and depressing of Tiansheng and the mysterious black of Southern Xinjiang, the palace of Nanliang makes people feel elegant and comfortable. Although it is winter now, the clothes of the maids and eunuchs are not bloated.

South Ling Rui ha ha ha a smile, to cloud shallow moon way: "do not stay here?"

"No matter how good Nanliang is, it's not good without scenery. If the heavenly saint is not good, it will feel good if there is a scene. " Cloud shallow moon honest tunnel.

South Ling Rui is angry again, "have no future!"

Yunqianyue ignored him and looked at a group of young men coming in front of him, about a dozen of them, aged and young, all dressed smartly. She picked her eyebrows and said, "are those all uncle's sons?"

Nanling Rui glanced at it and said, "MMM".

Cloud shallow month tut tut one, "the heavenly Saint old emperor's son also many, but also has not been so magnificent. My uncle is mighty

Nan Lingrui chuckled, "the old man is natural and powerful, and his strong style is also strong now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!