The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1211

Cloud shallow month did not speak, seems to be considering Nan Lingrui's proposal.

"Do you know what's going on out there now?" South Ling Rui continues to gloat, and orders: "Zhi Yu, you tell her, let her listen."

Zhiyu takes a look at nanlingrui, and then looks at the cloud and the moon, without making a sound.

"Did you not hear what Prince Ben said?" Nanlingrui is not happy.

Zhiyu shrunk his neck and even said, "now it's all over the palace. It's said that general Gu was so mad that he bit the hand of the girl who had been cured by the emperor, and then bandaged the girl himself..."

"There's more." Nan Lingrui is not very satisfied.

Zhiyu saw that yunqianyue didn't interrupt her, and then murmured: "the girl was originally the prince's confidant. She came to the capital to look for the prince's highness. She met general Gu on the way, and fell in love at first sight The prince's highness and general Gu were jealous of the girl, and they had a big fight. General Gu was in the wrong. He felt sorry for the prince and didn't fight back... "

"Ha ha, yes, that's it!" Nan Lingrui laughs.

Yunqian Yueban raised his face, glared at nanlingrui, and said angrily, "this Lingxiu palace let me live in. All the gossip can be spread out. The people waiting in Nanliang Palace are really..."

Zhiyu knelt down on the ground with a thump, and his face turned white. "Excuse me, miss. When the people in the palace saw that you were sent by general Gu, they thought that general Gu had brought you back to cure the emperor. So they guessed the relationship between the girl and general Gu, and they didn't cover it up..."

Cloud shallow moon looks at Zhi Yu with a long face.

"What's the matter with you, little girl? Even if there is no gossip in this Lingxiu palace, you will be seen all the way back by Gu Shaoqing. " Nanlingrui didn't care, and he laughed wildly. "How many women have this prince and Gu Shaoqing become obsessed with? This rumor has not insulted you

Cloud shallow month copies in front of the basin to shine on the south Ling Rui to smash in the past, "do not insult you a ghost!"

Nan Lingrui couldn't avoid it. He was wet and the basin fell to the ground with a bang. His luxurious robe dripped from the top to the bottom.

Zhi Yu was so scared that she didn't dare to lift her head, thinking which girl would dare to do so to his royal highness? Even if the princess Luoyao of Donghai Kingdom lived in the prince's mansion and received the prince's courtesy, she had never been so rude and rude. The prince's highness should be furious.

She was shaking with fear. She didn't want Nan Lingrui to laugh instead. She took off her robe and said, "dead girl, even if the general Gu Shaoqing of Nanliang needed women's blood as medicine on a full moon night, how many women would like to let him take it, but he was always indifferent, and no one could treat him with another eye. How many times did Cuiwei cry for this? Now you have a rumor with him. What can't be seen? How many women can't ask for it. "

"You said! Do you want me to rip your mouth off! " Cloud shallow moon stares at south Ling Rui.

Nanling Rui saw that she was really annoyed. He quickly shut down and said, "good sister, I won't say anything. When I come to you today, I was torn to pieces by your new clothes, and now I have poured water all over my body. My Luoyao beauty will probably die of anger. She made this dress for me. It's not hot on me yet... "

"You deserve it!" Cloud shallow month sees him a pair of aggrieved appearance, hate ground throws out a word.

"No wolf heart dead girl!" Nanling Rui took off his robe and threw it to Zhiyu, who knelt on the ground, to save her fragile little heart. "Go and get me a robe, and then make a basin of water."

"Yes Zhiyu is really surprised, and quickly holding clothes, picked up the pot on the ground and ran out.

Nanlingrui came over and put his arm on the shoulder of yunqianyue. The two brothers said, "little girl, isn't it a scene? What about you? Men are everywhere, and we don't need him. How many men dote on you and protect you? It's your luck, not your burden. What's wrong with being liked? It's a shame for your brother to see that you can't sleep well even though you have a deep hatred. "

Cloud shallow month dug him one eye, "disrelish me, you change a younger sister?"

"It's a pity that father and mother can't be born again." Nanlingrui is very sorry.

Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand to grab his ear, Yin measurement tunnel: "tell me your words again! Why don't you think I want to change my brother more than you do? "

Nanlingrui suddenly "ouch" up, "good sister, my ears This is what we are destined to do, and we have built it for thousands of lives. How can we Change it at will? Ah If you twist it again, it will fall off... "

Yun Xiaoyue twisted around before she let go. Finally, she relieved her anger and warned, "stop those rumors. If it's introduced into heaven, I'll..."

"If there is any disturbance in Nanliang, it will be introduced into the eyes and ears of that bastard." Nanlingrui covers her ears to remind her.

Cloud shallow moon think is also, green shadow follow her to Nanliang, now estimated also in this palace. She reached out and rubbed her forehead. "Forget it, there are more lice, no biting, more accounts, more things piled up, and headache is useless."

Nanling Rui immediately laughed, "well, you haven't married him, what are you afraid of him to do? You should give him some color to see. Let him know that he is not the only good man in the world. "

"I'm not a good woman either!" The clouds and the moon reminded him.Nanling Rui blinked, "this is also true! But apart from my Luoyao beauty, none of them... "

"Your Highness There was a man floating outside.

Nanling Rui stopped and said, "what's the matter?"

The man took a look inside.

"But it doesn't matter!"

"Princess Luoyao is gone." The man kept busy.

"Well?" Nan Ling Rui frowned, "when did you disappear? Just found out? "

"Just found out, the people who served her were dizzy with her." The man knelt on the ground, pleaded guilty and said, "if my subordinates are negligent of duty, please punish the prince."

Nanling Rui frowns tightly, "how long has it been for her to get dizzy?"

"That kind of overpowering drug is the strongest. Now people haven't woken up. My subordinates guess that for about half a day, the princess should leave this morning." The man said in a low voice, "I didn't see anything different about the princess when I woke up in the morning. She went to her room to embroider flowers with the people who used to serve her. After noon, my subordinates saw that there was no one calling for lunch. They thought it was wrong. After going in, they knew that the princess was not there

"In this case, she has been away for half a day." Nan Lingrui looks out at the sky.

"Don't hurry up and send someone to chase you! Where can she walk in half a day? Blockade all the city gates and strictly investigate. " At the critical moment of yunqianyue, it's natural for her to face her brother. She can't just let Luoyao leave.

Nanling Rui bowed his head and pondered. After a moment, he suddenly laughed, "she has already made plans to leave these days. Otherwise, she would not have called for people to embroider in her room every day, avoiding the hidden guard arranged by me in her side." , the fastest update of the webnovel!