The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1209

The maiden quickly took two people to come over and moved the cloud moon from the soft couch to the bed.

"Be careful not to touch her hand." Gu Shaoqing ordered.

The three men carefully moved Yun Qianyue to bed and lay down. Seeing that she wanted to help Yun Xiaoyue take off her coat, and seeing that Gu Shaoqing had no intention of leaving, she stopped and turned to look at him.

Gu Shaoqing also seemed to realize that it was not appropriate to stay here again, and then ordered, "you take good care of her. Don't let her touch her hand."

"Yes The princess answered immediately.

Gu Shaoqing walked out of the hall door.

As soon as Gu Shaoqing left Lingxiu palace, the maids, Mammy and eunuchs in Lingxiu palace got together and speculated about Yun Qianyue's identity. He said that general Gu was very kind to this woman. He had never seen general Gu speak to anyone in such a low voice. He didn't sleep for a while. He gathered in the corner and talked quietly. You and I spoke.

An hour later, nanlingrui entered the Lingxiu palace and saw a group of people gathered in the corner. His sword eyebrow raised and said, "what are you talking about?"

"Your Highness A group of people woke up, Qiqi "Putong" knelt on the ground.

Nanling Rui was obviously in a good mood. He walked slowly in and asked, "the girl just fell asleep?"

People to see a look, or earlier that palace maid reply, "go back to the prince, sleep."

Nanlingrui nodded and asked with interest, "what are you talking about so lively? Why did I just hear someone say that Princess Cuiwei is going to be sad this time? How can I be sad? Tell me about it, Ben. "

All were silent, and no one dared to speak.

"Is it Zhiyu? Say it Nanling Rui pointed to the maid and ordered, "don't cheat. If there is half silk deceiving, the prince will punish you."

Zhiyu looked up at nanlingrui and whispered, "go back to your highness. When you see general Gu send the girl back, they are very kind to that girl. They speak softly and slowly..."

Nanlingrui picked her eyebrows.

Zhiyu continued: "I have never seen general Gu treat any woman like this. We guess that general Gu likes to care about this girl. You know, Princess Cuiwei likes general Gu, but she never gets a good look from general Gu, so..."

Nan Lingrui snorted coldly.

Zhiyu stopped immediately.

"How does it smell of blood?" South Ling Rui suddenly frowns.

Zhiyu even said, "when the girl comes back..." She took a look at nanlingrui and said cautiously: "there is a wound on your hand. General Gu bandaged it..."

South Ling Rui smell speech facial expression a cold, carry step to go inside, ask at the same time, "how can she have injury on the hand?"

"I don't know..." Zhiyu whispered.

Nan Lingrui seems to have thought of something. He pushes the door open and strides into the room. The light in the room is not turned off. He comes to the bed a few steps later. He sees Yun Qianyue's hand beating on the bed, wrapped with silk cloth. He reaches out and pulls the silk cloth. The mark of being bitten is clear and obvious. He immediately gets angry, "Gu Shaoqing!"

This sound was especially loud, which shocked Zhiyu and others outside. His royal highness always looked like a romantic smile. Even if he did not smile, he also had a three-point smile. He had never seen him so angry.

"Dead girl, get out of here!" South Ling Rui a pull cloud shallow Moon up.

Cloud shallow moon was awakened by his fury, his eyes narrowed a slit, sleepy and thick way: "what are you crazy about?"

"I ask you, what's the matter with your hand?" South Ling Rui stares at cloud shallow month, "just your hand but have no wound! Where did the wound come from now? "

Cloud shallow moon sleepy eye does not open an eye, "you roar what? I'm sleepy. I'll talk about it tomorrow. "

"Wake me up!" Nanling Rui stretched out his hand and grabbed the ear of cloud shallow moon and said angrily, "I ask you, is it Gu Shaoqing's bite?"

Cloud shallow month ear a ache, head sober a few minutes, not good gas tunnel: "who can he be? Who else can bite me, Nanliang? "

"Sure enough, it was him, I knew it!" Nanling Rui clapped his hands on Yun Qianyue's head, "although he is good at martial arts, he can't bite you. Is he crazy? Would you like to be bitten by him? "

"I'm crazy to do it!" Cloud shallow month hand ache, head ache, ear also ache, she reaches out to clap off nanlingrui's hand, anger way: "I owe him a life, now take the hand to return, count me bad luck." He did not wait for nanlingrui to open his mouth. He reached out and pushed him, "I came to Nanliang after a battle from Nanjiang. I haven't slept for three days. Are you sure that my hands hurt me to death? And still sleepy? "

"Why do you owe him your life? Tell him clearly before you go to sleep." Nanlingrui calmly looks at the cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue is not only running around without rest, but also hypnotizes Nanliang king. It takes too much effort. In addition, she is bitten by Gu Shaoqing and makes a scene. Now she is very sleepy. When she sees nanlingrui, she will not give up if you don't say a word. She softens her tone and puts her hand around his waist. She begged pitifully, "brother, good brother, let me sleep quickly Well, I'm your sister, not your enemy... "South Ling Rui body a shiver, seem to want to shake out a goose bumps, calm face hard ground way, "sleep!"

Cloud shallow moon was liberated, immediately released his hand, body a tilt, back to bed.

South Ling Rui looks at her hand, suddenly turns around indignantly and strides outward. Go to the door, implied anger to Zhiyu command, "give her the bag, look at it well, hear it?"

"I hear you Zhi Yu's body trembled and answered in a hurry.

Nanlingrui strides out of Lingxiu palace, and a cold wind rolls up in the brocade robe.

Zhiyu and others stood up and took a look. They didn't dare to get together this time. Zhiyu came in and wrapped the silk cloth torn by nanlingrui to yunqianyue. The rest of them quietly scattered. Although they didn't know the identity of Yun Qianyue, she could get the attention of the emperor, Prince and general Gu, which made them dare not be careless.

Yunqianyue sleeps very heavily. In her dream, she returns to the heavenly capital. Rongjing takes a look at her hand and gives her a cold look. She turns away without saying a word. She was so anxious that she grabbed his sleeve and tried to explain. He didn't look back. He threw her away without saying a word. She pulled his sleeve tightly. She almost used all her strength, but she felt her hands slipping. She couldn't hold it. She was so anxious that she almost cried out, but it didn't work. He still left with his sleeve. She thought about it, and her eyes were gray.

"Dead girl, sleeping with such great strength, my sleeve is torn by you." South Ling Rui scolds the sound to ring.

Cloud light moon suddenly woke up, immediately opened his eyes, in front of nanlingrui smelly face staring at her peach blossom eyes. She was stunned and bowed her head. Her hands were tightly clenched in the shape of fists. Nanlingrui's hand was holding his own sleeve. She pulled the brocade cuffs to pieces. She was stunned and couldn't react. , the fastest update of the webnovel!