The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1208

Gu Shaoqing looks white and looks at her. After a moment, she raises her step and follows her.

"You'd better not follow me, or I'll throw you into the lake." Cloud light moon warned him.

"I'm not right. If you can relieve your anger, throw it away!" Gu Shaoqing said in a low voice, "I know you saved me. I would have died without you. But I don't know how. When I heard the emperor wake up, he said," which is cloud shallow moon? " I know you are the cloud light moon, I can't help but get angry... "

It turns out that the king of Nanliang exposed her identity!

At that time, in order to wake up the king of Nanliang, she heard her mother's mother said that her uncle wanted to see her all the time. After she couldn't wake up by various methods, she planned to try to attack her mind, but she didn't expect that his uncle would call out her name and forget that there was Gu Shaoqing beside her. As a general, Gu Shaoqing was in charge of 300000 soldiers and horses. Her natural mind was exquisite and extraordinary. There was no one else in the inner hall at that time. Even if she was a phantom, she could be guessed by him.

Yun Qianyue looks back at Gu Shaoqing and sees that he is drooping his head. What's more, he is a wronged child because of his heroic and vigorous appearance when he and nanlingrui sneer at each other. Her stomach gas was blocked in a pile of cotton, waving her hand, "forget it, you know the error can change the line, I don't care, later don't bite me on the line."

There is a word cloud shallow moon did not say, think you also can not bite, after two days I will return to heaven saint.

When I think of Tiansheng, I inevitably think of Rongjing and the tooth marks on the back of my hand. I'm afraid it will be difficult to do so in a short time. How can I explain this to Rongjing! She had a headache. Dark annoyed just how to be silly muddled Leng, was a word he forgot to hide.

She reached out and rubbed her forehead, thinking that Nanliang should have a good medicine to heal the wound?

"Not in the future." Gu Shaoqing's voice was still low.

"Well, don't follow me. I have a headache when I see you." Cloud shallow moon once again waved, blood drip answer.

Gu Shaoqing steps a meal, low voice way: "I give you bandage wound, I have good wound medicine."

"I'll bandage myself." Yunqianyue reaches out behind her.

Gu Shaoqing shook his head, "I'll bandage you."

"What's the matter with you? There's something wrong with the brain, isn't it? I said I'll bandage myself. You stay away from me. " Cloud shallow moon turns back to stare at Gu Shaoqing.

Gu Shaoqing pursed her lips and looked at him, a little stubborn.

"Give me the medicine, hurry up, don't let me rush with you!" Cloud shallow moon deliberately stretched a bloody hand.

Gu Shaoqing looked at Yun Qianyue's hand, and her eyes tightened. After a moment, she took out the medicine from her arms and handed it to her. As soon as she was about to take it, he withdrew again, looking at her and earnestly saying, "I'll take you to Lingxiu palace. You can't find the way."

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, "can find!"

"I deliberately led you here. You can have a look again. Are you sure you can find Lingxiu palace?" Gu Shaoqing said softly.

Cloud shallow moon looked at four times, face some black, grinding teeth, "guide the way!"

Gu Shaoqing seemed to smile and turn back.

Yun Qianyue followed him and felt a terrible headache.

Two people no longer speak, Gu Shaoqing leads cloud shallow moon seven turn eight, after two sticks of incense came to a palace.

There was a little maid waiting anxiously at the door. Seeing Gu Shaoqing coming, she quickly came to see him and said, "I have seen general gu! Just now the people around the emperor came to deliver a message that general Gu would send a girl to live in Lingxiu palace. The maidservant was waiting for her left and right. She was going to look for her. You finally came here. "

Gu Shaoqing nodded, looked back at Yun Qianyue and walked inside.

Yunqianyue is not in the mood to look at the palace and follow him to the inside.

The little maid looked at Yun Qianyue and said, "I've ordered you to clean up. General, you don't have to go in. The servants will wait here. If the emperor sends a message, I will take good care of this girl and dare not neglect it."

"Her hands If you get hurt, go and get a basin of water. I'll give her medicine and go away. " Gu Shaoqing ordered.

That palace maid found cloud shallow moon's hand hurt this time, she was surprised, clearly looked at Gu Shaoqing one eye, hurriedly answered, "maid, this is going."

Cloud shallow moon thinks, it seems that the little maid thought Gu Shaoqing crazy.

"See general gu!" More than a dozen people stood at the door, and they all saluted Gu Shaoqing.

Gu Shaoqing waved her hand and walked toward the house. Yun Xiaoyue was too lazy to drive others. Judging from his appearance, she could not catch up with her, and followed him in.

The room is very exquisite and elegant, with beads and green curtains, and some familiar atmosphere.

Cloud shallow month has a look carefully, the decoration is also some familiar, she thought that this room is her mother's.

When the two men came in, the little maid of the palace also brought the water. All the people outside rushed in to wait on them. Gu Shaoqing waved his hand. The people outside stopped. He rolled up his sleeves and looked at the cloud and the moon.

Yunqianyue glanced at him, "how good is your medicine? Can you make sure I don't have scars in a few days? "Gu Shaoqing hands a meal, "about ten days and a half months!"

"No better medicine?" Asked the moon.

Gu Shaoqing shook his head. "This is the best medicine. Your wound Some deep, not so easy... "

"All right, deal with it for me." Cloud shallow moon interrupts his words, the body slants on the soft couch, reaches into the basin of water, thinking about what he bit, let him be responsible for dressing.

Gu Shaoqing quickly squatted down.

The little maiden who welcomed them in earlier opened her eyes, but she couldn't believe it. Obviously, she had never seen general Gu serve anyone like this, and she had never seen general Gu look like this. She was just a good boy.

All the attendants in Lingxiu palace looked at each other, and their faces were very strange.

Yunqianyue didn't want to look at other people's faces. She closed her eyes on her soft couch, felt her hands washed, and she used wine to eliminate the poison. She put on a cool ointment and was wrapped up in silk cloth. She thought that it would be the same anyway, and her headache was useless. If it was not for the fiery red pangolin that can resist the cold poison for Rongjing, she would not have gone to the cliff at the border of Nanliang and Beiqi Ling, of course, can't touch Gu Shaoqing, let alone save him. Now he bit him. So, in the final analysis, it's because of him I couldn't bear to feel sleepy and went to sleep.

Gu Shaoqing's squatting body just stood up. Seeing that yunqianyue was asleep, he was stunned for a moment. After a moment, he gently called out to her, "Hello, you You go to bed and sleep... "

Cloud shallow moon breath evenly, can't hear him.

Gu Shaoqing reached out and seemed to want to wake her up, but before his hand touched her, he put it down, frowned, and turned to the maid of honor, "you can help her to bed." , the fastest update of the webnovel!