The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1182

These things are on the table, at a glance.

Although the token is made of different materials, it is not unique. What is unique is the carved texture and imprint. It should not be the reason why her uncle followed her. After the exclusion, then there is only the jade pendant and Peach Blossom Jade Phoenix hairpin that Rongjing gave him, and the jade ring that Zishu gave her.

Rong Jing's jade pendant is no different. It is a warm jade pendant with a "Jing" carved on it. It is clear and white, warm and moist, with soft and smooth tentacles. It is valuable. The Peach Blossom Jade Phoenix hairpin is more special. The pink warm jade is crystal clear, and the two peach petals on the hairpin are lifelike and exquisitely carved. There is no trace of impurities or lettering on the hairpin. Zishu gave her a jade ring, natural jade is also valuable, with a special way to print the totem of the east sea dragon pattern.

Cloud shallow moon looks at these three things, each of which is taken up and put down again, looking at it carefully. After a long time, there was no conclusion. She began to recall the experience of meeting the centipede and the national uncle of Southern Xinjiang in heishanling. Before that, she had never used martial arts with anyone, and she was purified and washed by Yang Gong and Yang Po. She had more than 30 years of skill. She could do it without leaking out even if she walked. It was not because of her Phoenix Sutra that he followed her, because before he released the centipede, Ming Ming Obviously, she was waiting for her tracking technique to be tested in heishanling. Later, she shot, and then she followed her

"Miss moon!" The voice of Mo Ju came again.

Cloud shallow moon's thought is interrupted, soft voice answer way: "Hmmm!"

"Fenshui city is surrounded by a large group of people!" The voice of Mo Ju is solemn.

"Well?" Look out of the window at the moon.

"I just got the news that there are two pairs of men and horses coming from the east-west direction, which are obviously buried not far from Fenshui city." Mo Ju Dao.

"Has it not been discovered before? How many people? " Cloud light moon raised eyebrows.

"About forty thousand. My subordinates had explored earlier that there was no ambush in Fenshui city. These should be soldiers and horses from hundreds of miles away. They came all night. The young master said earlier that soldiers and horses were ambushed in shenshankou and heishanling mountains, which are about the two places. " Green shadow road.

"Shenshankou and heishanling are both places where poisons can be found. People who can ambush soldiers and horses are proficient in southern Xinjiang's incantation. So it's the Prime Minister of Qin? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"About it!" Mo Ju Dao.

"Since you know these two places, do you have any orders?" Asked the moon.

"The young master only said that southern Xinjiang is only a small place, and it is not worth his help. If ye Qian and Yun Twilight can't support them, they need to rely on the whole help of others, so it's not necessary for Southern Xinjiang." Mo Ju shakes her head.

It is obvious that Yun Qianyue will not send people or have soldiers to fight the 40000 soldiers. Nodding his head, "although the southern Xinjiang is small, it can't let the Prime Minister of Qin win."

"Yes, that's why you want to help, but you can't help all of them. Most of them depend on Princess ye and Yun's son-in-law. Today, the royal family of Southern Xinjiang has been in power for a hundred years. How can a legitimate family that has been away from southern Xinjiang for a long time be defeated? Isn't it funny and generous Mo Ju Dao.

"Well, he's right. We're just trying to contain the power of Yee and make him useless." Yun Xiaoyue stood up and said to the outside: "you continue to investigate to see if the people surrounded are the soldiers and horses of prime minister Qin? Is there any plan to attack the city, or is it just a siege? "

"Yes The ink chrysanthemum retreated.

Yunqianyue has no research. With her mind, uncle of Southern Xinjiang collected everything. She suddenly remembered Shen Zhao next door. When she had just returned, the light next door was on. She pushed open the door and went out. Seeing that the light was still on, she knocked on the door and cried, "Shen Zhao, are you not sleeping?"

"Yes Shen Zhao answered. The door opened from inside and asked, "what's wrong with Miss Chu?"

Cloud shallow month sees him dressed neatly, apparently has not slept, she nodded, "is something."

"Come in and talk about it." Shen zhaobian opens his body and lets yunqianyue enter the room.

Yunqianyue saw several strange symbols painted on the table with water stains. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "what is this for?"

"This is a kind of technique array with water as the medium." Shen Zhao scratched his head, somewhat embarrassed and said, "I learned this from a book left by that strange man. I don't understand it so far. I'll study it when I'm free. Now we are in Fenshui city. There is plenty of water here. I'll try. "

"Oh? By the way, what kind of a strange person taught you incantation? " Asked the moon.

Shen Zhao shook his head and said sadly, "that strange man is no longer alive. When I was ten years old, I lost my way in cutting firewood. I fell into the valley and was saved by the strange man. Unfortunately, when I fell down, my muscles and bones were broken several times, and I was dying. In order to save me, he used all his skills to repair my meridians. After I woke up, he passed on the incantation to me, but not for a few days He died and gave me a book before he died

"No name?" Asked the moon.

Shen Zhao shook his head.

Yunqianyue no longer asked, sat down and said to him: "since you can control tracking, you must also know tracking. Try your skill to help me find a person's foothold and see if I can find it. Try not to let the other party find it. But if you can't find him, don't be forced. If you can find out and are not your opponent, you should quickly withdraw back, Ann All first. "Shen Zhao sees cloud shallow moon look solemn, nod a head, "what kind of person are you looking for?"

"What kind of medium do you need to cast a spell?" Asked the moon.

"If you're looking for someone, you want the hair or something close to you." Shen Zhaodao.

"No, is there any other way?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

Shen Zhao frowned, thought for a moment, and said in an uncertain way: "maybe the portrait of the person you are looking for can also be used. I can have a try."

"Well, I can have this!" Yun Qianyue nodded and was about to reach out for his pen. Suddenly, he looked at the water stains on the table and said, "since you are studying the art of using water as a medium, how about I draw his portrait on the table with water?"

Shen Zhao nodded, "OK!"

The moon was stained with water and painted the appearance of prime minister Qin on the desktop. , the fastest update of the webnovel!