The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1181

"His brother has occupied your crown prince of Nanliang. You don't blame her." National uncle road in southern Xinjiang.

"Don't complain. I chose it myself. When my father and his master went to the northern Xinjiang, I was awake. They asked me for my opinion. I agreed to go to the cloud palace instead of him. When I was a child, I listened to the story of my aunt told by my father and his grandfather. Since I'm going to be my aunt's son, although my aunt is dead, I've also got a name of cloud Twilight cold. Over the years, the cloud palace has not treated me unfairly. She has not treated me unfairly. Why should she complain? " It's cold at dusk.

"Han'er, do you like cloud light moon?" Asked the uncle of South Xinjiang.

The clouds are cold and silent.

"You and qian'er are both my nephews. You are cousins, but they are only related by blood. Although they are closer, they are not forbidden to intermarry. I know that apart from a regent who has been possessed by demons, there are also jade Prince of Donghai Kingdom, dyxiao Prince of Deqin palace, Leng Xiaowang of Xiaoqin palace, and Prince of Wenbo marquis. So many people may be sad people. You don't want to think about her. After removing the hidden danger of Ye Xiao, you and qian'er'an can settle down and live a good life! " Southern Xinjiang national uncle advised.

"The moment I decided to come to Nanjiang, I would treat her as my sister forever!" It's cold at dusk.

"Well, that's good." The uncle of South Xinjiang nodded.

The cold clouds no longer speak.

"Let's study how to protect and see if there are any omissions in your and qian'er's arrangement." The uncle of Southern Xinjiang changed the topic.

"Good!" Cloud evening cold seems to take out a drawing from his arms and spread it on the table.

The next is the sound of Defense Analysis of the southern capital city and each city, mixed with people's names, such as the three young masters of the Yi family, the Hua family and the Ling family, as well as Yexiao and ye Lingge.

Yunqianyue is listening quietly on the roof of the house. Yexiao and ye Lingge talk about the Prime Minister of Qin and Qin Yuning, right? Since they came back to seize power in southern Xinjiang, they would naturally change their names. Moreover, according to the national uncle of Southern Xinjiang, they are near Fenshui city. Since they are not in a hurry to enter Beijing, they have arranged in Fenshui city. Moreover, from the analysis of the painting words about her and Rongjing just mentioned by Uncle Guo of Southern Xinjiang, he followed her along the way, and didn't know that she was yunqianyue. That is to say, it is not because she has seen through her art of illusory appearance, that is to say, because of some reason after her illusory appearance, it seems that it is necessary to go back and study the things she wears.

The cloud shallow moon thought of here, also not anxious to see the cloud evening cold, got up to leave the roof, in an instant out of the post station. Just as she had just left, the uncle of Nanjiang suddenly opened the door from the room and flew to the roof.

Cloud dusk cold also flew out with him. He saw that the roof was empty and the lights were bright. He asked, "uncle, what's the matter? But who has been here? "

The uncle of Nanjiang looked at the tiles on the roof. Because of the cold weather, there was a layer of white frost on the roof. At this time, there was no trace except the place where he was standing. He asked, "I just felt that someone was on the roof. Am I wrong?"

"How does uncle feel it?" Cloud evening cold also looked at the roof tiles.

"Intuition!" The uncle of Nanjiang looked at the gate of the post station. There was no movement there. He looked around again. All the posts were quiet. The soldiers stationed in the station were performing their duties. He frowned and said, "either the master is too skillful, or my intuition is wrong."

"My uncle's martial arts are already very high. Now who else is your opponent in Fenshui city? Ye Xiao and his daughter are good at magic and can hide themselves. If they are not as good as your uncle in terms of martial arts, are they? " Cloud evening cold doubt tunnel.

"Not them! Although I'm not very good at incantation, I can find someone who casts a spell near this yard The national uncle of Southern Xinjiang shook his head and said, "there is a person in Fenshui city whose martial arts are higher than me now. Maybe there are many people who are equal to me. Maybe she is."

"Who did your uncle say?" Cloud dusk cold looking at the south of the national uncle.

"That Chu girl!" National uncle road in southern Xinjiang.

"I have never heard of a girl surnamed Chu. Who changed her face?" Cloud evening cold frown.

"It's the wife of the master of Chu. I heard Shen Zhao call her Miss Chu, and I followed her." "If her words, eavesdrop on our conversation to nothing, if it is not her, this layout plan will have to be rearranged."

"She turned out to be the wife of the Chu family leader!" Yunmuhan remembered that he was in a hurry today. He always felt that the woman's eyes at him were strange. He could not tell what he felt. He nodded: "since the Chu family helped nanlingrui to retreat from the peach blossom forest of the top ten aristocratic families, if the person who just came is her, it is not the enemy."

"If the Chu family is a visitor, Feng family, Hua family, Feng family and Mo family will also come. There is no reason why the other aristocratic families bought by the seventh Prince appear in southern Xinjiang, and they will not come. " National uncle road in southern Xinjiang.

"It's hard to say. Jing Shizi's mind is unpredictable and not necessarily." It's cold at dusk.

"I'll see when he sends someone to meet you. Let's go down!" The uncle of Southern Xinjiang flew down.

Cloud evening cold also under the roof.

After a brief movement, the station returned to silence.Yun Qianyue walked out from the dark corner opposite the post station. Looking at the post station, she thought that she had been using her spiritual skills for a long time, and her true spirit was a little lax. He realized that he had gone to the roof of the house. She had to find out his origin and know what he was following her purpose. Otherwise, she would not be at ease.

No longer staying, yunqianyue returns to the inn with her lightness skill.

As she left the inn, there was no movement. She went back to her room, took out her pen and ink, spread rice paper, and wrote to Yu Qingqing. Since the queen of Southern Xinjiang and the queen of Nanliang are brothers and sisters with her brother-in-law, the queen of Nanjiang has long passed away, but the queen of Nanliang is still alive. If she wants to find out the uncle of Nanjiang, she has to try to let her mother start from the queen.

A letter is very short, very quickly finished, cloud shallow moon will fold the letter good, outside shouting, "ink chrysanthemum!"

"Miss moon, I'm here." Mo Ju answers.

"Send this letter to my mother in southern Xinjiang." The moon threw the letter out of the window.

"Yes Mo Ju answers the letter.

Yunqianyue stood up, opened her package, and took back all the things in it. There were various pills and bottles, as well as two sets of clothes and necessary things for her to travel. When she was in the Temple City, the old man of biyuzhai prepared them for her according to the instructions of taking care of the scenery. Although these things are precious, they should not be special. She put down the package and began to reach into her arms and take out everything in her arms.

In addition to several tokens and customs clearance documents, her arms contained a jade pendant of Rongjing, a Peach Blossom Jade Phoenix hairpin, and a dragon jade ring engraved with the totem of Donghai kingdom. She had carried these three things with her all the time, and she had not left since she had given them to her. Some of the tokens are the order of the Red Pavilion, the general order of the wind Pavilion, the token of her zuixiang building, the Wenling of the northern Xinjiang, and a jade card given to her by the goddess of Xiyan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!