The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1179

Fenshui city is the nearest city to the capital of Southern Xinjiang.

Yun Qianyue and Shen Zhao leave behind the fighting situation of the wooden bridge and come to the gate. At this time, the gate of the city has been closed tightly after the cloud Twilight cold with men and horses. She takes out a wooden card, and the guard looks at her and orders people to open the gate. She and Shen zhaoru are in the city.

The city is very quiet. The people have already fallen asleep. There are watchmen walking through the streets. Only the Inn and several Red Mansions are lighted.

Yunqianyue comes to the gate of Dengyun building, turns over and dismounts. Shen Zhao also gets off the donkey. A young man greets him out and invites them into the room next door. They go upstairs.

After entering the room, yunqianyue simply washed herself, and then stood in front of the window and looked out of the window. This is the direction of the street. It is clear at a glance what people pass or what is moving on the street.

After standing for a moment, she heard the sound of horse's hooves coming from the direction of the city gate. She narrowed her eyes. Did she end the battle so quickly? The three young masters of the Yi family, the Hua family and the Ling family should not be so humble. Did you know that the uncle of Southern Xinjiang withdrew when the rescue troops arrived?

Not long after, the figure of cloud Twilight cold appeared in the street downstairs. Beside him was the uncle of the state of Southern Xinjiang, his entourage and mountain flowers, followed by more than a thousand soldiers.

Yun Qianyue counted the people of the uncle of the state in southern Xinjiang and found that not a few of them, including Shanhua, were undamaged.

Yundushan took a look in the direction of Dengyun building, and then went on walking. Uncle of Southern Xinjiang also looked at him. At this time, ah Hua's voice suddenly came, "uncle, that girl and brother Shen Zhao live here! Shall we stay? "

"We don't live." The uncle of South Xinjiang shook his head.

Shanhua no longer talks.

Cloud evening cold hear two people talk, slant head to ask South Xinjiang country uncle, "uncle, are you talking about a girl in black and a man riding a donkey?"

"Well, they are." The uncle of South Xinjiang nodded.

"Are you familiar with them?" Cloud evening cold asked again.

"I'm familiar with that girl. The young man was with her on the way, just like the mountain flower girl around me." National uncle road in southern Xinjiang.

"What are you doing with her?" Cloud evening cold surprised to ask, "who is she? Look at the face. "

"She can't be said." The uncle of South Xinjiang shook his head.

Cloud evening cold smell speech to carefully look at the national uncle, and to the cloud tower to see a look, did not ask again.

A group of men continued to move on.

Yun Qianyue listened to their voices in her ears, thinking of the unspeakable words of her uncle in southern Xinjiang. Did she recognize her illusory appearance? Do you know she's cloud moon? Clearly, her mother and her father say that they can only master the magic spirit in the world, and even Nanling Rui has not passed it on to her. Does the uncle of Nanjiang also know it? If she didn't see through her identity, what could not be said?

"Green shadow!" The moon called out.

"Miss moon!" The voice of the green shadow sounded immediately.

"Just now the wooden bridge was ambushed, why did it break up so quickly?" Asked the moon.

"After Yun's son-in-law appeared with people, the three young masters of the Yi family, the Hua family and the Ling family took their people away." "Therefore, you can see them enter the city so soon," the green shadow reported

"No casualties on either side?" Asked the moon.

"Time is too short, no one was injured, the girl was protected by the uncle of Southern Xinjiang, so she was not damaged." Green shadow road.

Yunqianyue narrowed her eyes, looked down for a moment and said, "it seems that the drunkard's intention is not wine. Their ambush is false. I'm afraid that this ambush will lead to cloud dusk cold. It's true."

"My subordinates also felt that their ambush had been investigated by the capital of Southern Xinjiang in advance, so the emperor's son-in-law came. If Princess ye and Yun's son-in-law were not in power and covered with hidden piles, they had already controlled the whole southern Xinjiang like a wall of iron, and there was no leakage of water. However, if there was only a slight wind and grass moving, the three young masters of the Yi family, the Hua family and the Ling family deliberately released the wind of ambush in the capital city, so as to attract the cloud emperor's son-in-law. " Green shadow analysis.

"It should be the second! Although the southern Xinjiang is small in size, many forces have been involved and covered with hidden piles. Even if they have the ability, it is impossible for them to control the whole southern Xinjiang like an iron wall with no leakage. " Cloud light moon road.

"Miss moon is right!" "It looks like a way to break it up."

Cloud shallow moon eyes flash, "will cloud Twilight cold lead to the capital, separate two people, take the opportunity to attack Ye Qian?"

"If you don't take the opportunity to attack Princess ye, you'll take the opportunity to attack Yun's son-in-law. Maybe we'll break them together." Green shadow road.

"Ye Qian and Yun Dushan are also smart and may not be able to see through each other's means. One of them was led out by the uncle of Southern Xinjiang, and he was defeated one by one. However, they still came out to meet the uncle. In addition to being very important to the south, they should arrange something for them. " Cloud light moon road.

"So do my subordinates." Green shadow nods.

"If the capital city of Southern Xinjiang is divorced from Fenshui City, then the people in the capital will be helpless." Cloud shallow moon pondered for a while, and asked, "do you know how many people and horses are guarding Ye Qian's layout in the capital city of Southern Xinjiang?""Back to miss shallow moon, one hundred thousand." Green shadow road.

"In a small country in southern Xinjiang, there are not many troops in the country. There are more than 100000 people living by incantation." Cloud shallow moon nods, "where are the other troops distributed?"

"20000 troops and horses will be stationed in each other, and 100000 troops and horses will be stationed at the border of the temple city." Green shadow road.

"Never been transferred?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows, she remember before is also this number, now the key time did not increase troops?

"No, only the garrison generals withdrew and changed a little a month ago." The green shadow shakes her head.

Yunqianyue thought for a moment and asked, "how long is the deadline for the king of Southern Xinjiang?"

"The fifth day!" Green shadow road.

"Now ye Qian has not been published in the world, or has sent a written notice to all countries about the time limit for funeral. This time, when the uncle of Southern Xinjiang returns to Beijing, he will not be able to hide it any more." Cloud shallow moon put her hand on the window frame, and asked, "can the news of cangting and Lanyi come from Nanliang?"

"Two days ago, when they entered Nanliang, they lost sight." Green shadow road.

"I was expected by your family's sons. They must have returned to southern Xinjiang secretly." Cloud shallow moon asks again, "is there a rumor about me leaving the capital? What did your son do with it? "

"You had a cold wind for most of the day outside the Council Hall of the Imperial Palace, and you were infected with cold and heat. In the name of taking care of you, you were taken to the Zizhuyuan of Prince Rong's mansion. You have been resting in the Zizhuyuan, and there is no wind that you have left the capital. The Regent didn't say a word to you in King Rong's house Green shadow road.

"It's much better than what my mother told me to go away in anger." Cloud shallow moon smiles, "Qin prime minister and Qin Yuning? No news yet? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!