The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1135

Yu Qingqing shakes her head, "you see now that your mother sews the clothes well. It has been honed for more than ten years. Although the clothes I sewed in those days were not too ugly, they were not as bad as the clothes I bought. All the stitches and stitches could be exposed. Your father still wore them and walked through the streets and was very happy. "

"That's to make you happy. I'm afraid you won't sew it for him in the future. I'm not sure how uncomfortable I am!" Yun Xiaoyue deliberately said: "later, I married you home, but I didn't want to wear it. I found that you've made progress in your craft. It's directly comparable to that of a skillful embroiderer, or even better than xiuniang. So she continued to wear it until now."

"You girl Yu Qingqing took time to kill the forehead of cloud shallow moon with her hand, and said with a smile: "no serious words!"

Yunqianyue sits beside Yu Qingqing, no longer talking, watching her sewing clothes.

"King Shizi and your father have entered the palace again?" Asked Yu Qingqing.

"Well, in the palace!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Yu Qingqing sighed, "my mother was in the palace that day, and the seventh prince was stubborn since I was a child. I recognized one thing. Even if I arrived at the Yellow River, I would not give up. They are smart, resourceful, resourceful, and have the status, status, and a certain disposition. In fact, such a person is the most terrible

The moon does not speak.

"My mother didn't know why you made friends with the seventh prince. After observing secretly for a while, she found that every time you stayed with him, it was the happiest time. She thought you liked him, so she didn't stop her. Until later, I know that Xiaojing also likes you, but you have been avoiding him. Your father and I think you don't like Xiaojing, so we won't stop it. " Yu Qingqing sighed, "I don't know this is the case now. But even if we know, about as your father and I are, we won't stop it. After all, we will respect your ideas and wishes and let everything go as it is. Now it's a cause and a result. "

Cloud shallow month reaches out to rub forehead, some depressed way: "you can not mention him, you mention him I headache."

"Well, don't mention it! Anyway, it's your own business. Solve it by yourself! You can't solve it. There's still Xiaojing here! " Yu Qingqing stopped.

Where is it that easy to solve? She and ye Tianyi have entered a dead end. Even if the whole world looked at her and Rongjing and him, she repeatedly turned his face on him, making him a laughing stock. Although no one dared to laugh at him, it was also a big loss of face for his dignity and face, but he was not afraid. What can he do except force her to take that road? Maybe, even if it is not because of her, that road will go, because there is still scenery. She was too lazy to think about it again. She put down her hand and said to Yu Qingqing, "mother, teach me how to sew clothes."

Jade Qingqing a Leng, suddenly smile, "you want to make clothes for Xiaojing?"

Cloud shallow moon originally wanted to refute, but the words to the mouth and swallow back, should a, "Um!"

"Well, I'll teach you! Xiaojing is going to be very happy Yu Qingqing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow month hums a, "he points not to dislike me to sew not to wear! That man, however, is much more difficult to serve than my father. He wants the best in everything. Pay attention to it! The prince is not as noble as he is. "

Yu Qingqing laughed, "my daughter has grown up!" After that, she added, "it's hard to serve Xiaojing, but it depends on your ability."

Cloud shallow month picked pick eyebrow, think secretly, she learns to sew clothes for him, if he doesn't wear, don't think she starts again. Based on this idea, she urged, "give it to me quickly."

"You just came back from the outside, aren't you tired?" Yu Qingqing asked the clouds and the moon.

"Not tired!" Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, "these days have nothing to do, walked for a while road in the morning, tired what!"

"Well, I'll teach you now!" Yu Qingqing spread out her clothes and began to teach Yun Qianyue how to cut and sew.

Yun Qianyue listened carefully, and it was difficult for her to cut. In the past, she accepted a role in fashion design for the task. She was intelligent and penetrating. Although she had not learned deeply, she was much better than ordinary people in combination with the ability to expand the thinking of painting. The difficult part is the needling. But fortunately, she remembered the needling method very quickly. After seeing it clearly, she reached out to grab the clothes in Yu Qingqing's hands, "Niang, give me a try!"

"No! Try to wipe it with your own cloth. I'm almost done with this. I can't let you ruin it Yu Qingqing refused.

Cloud shallow moon glared at her one eye, "I may not be better than you sew it!"

"Like mother, like daughter. When I destroyed several pieces of cloth to make a dress, you think I would believe that you could sew it the first time?" Yu Qingqing glanced at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, "did not hear blue out of blue and better than blue?"

"You are better than your mother in some places, but I don't believe you." Yu Qingqing still shakes her head.

Cloud shallow month sees her a pair of resolute do not give her appearance, shout to outside, "Ling Lian!"

"Miss!" Ling Lian answered immediately.

"Go to King Rong's house and get Qingchang a piece of cloth, and ask for the cloth of Tian silk brocade, which is the cloth Rongjing wears." Cloud shallow moon to Ling Lian command."Yes, I will go now." Ling Lianlian is busy.

"Wait, tell Qingshang not to tell Rongjing." Cloud light moon added.

"Yes Ling Lian answers.

Cloud shallow moon turns back to jade Qingqing way: "you look at it, I appoint to do better than you."

"For the first time, I took Xiaojing's silk brocade to make clothes. Be careful to talk too much about it. When it comes to time, it will be damaged and you can't open your face." Yu Qingqing has a funny look at the moon.

Cloud shallow month to her hum a, if not she looks and she is too similar, she all doubt this woman is her mother after all. Where is there a little bit of motherhood? And she was born to two years old, the memory of the gentle and loving woman can hardly match. She leaned over and lay on the bed with her head resting on her legs.

"Watch out for the needle." Yu Qingqing stares at the cloud and the moon.

"You're not very good at craftsmanship, and you're afraid to stab me?" Cloud shallow moon closed his eyes, "if you want to give up, you may as well prick."

"No wonder your grandfather called you a smelly girl!" Yu Qingqing has no choice but to look at her. Her clothes and stitches can only be raised to avoid her.

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks. Mother and daughter two people one false sleep, one continues to thread needle.

Not long, Ling Lian came back from the Rong Wang's house, not only holding a piece of cloth in her hand, but also followed by Qingshang. Qingshang held a dress in her hand. When Qingchang saw the cloud and the moon, her nose and eyes were smiling. "Miss shallow moon, I'm afraid that you don't have a cut and contrast style. I also brought a piece of clothes for my son of the world. He must be very happy when you make clothes for him."

Cloud shallow month looks at green dress, "how do you know I want to make clothes for him?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!