The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1133

This familiar voice and tone, in addition to night Tianyi, do not do a second person think.

Cloud shallow moon slowly turn head, see seven Prince Mansion door, no, now should be renamed Regent mansion gate, I do not know when stood night Tianyi. Her eyes light a cold, "night Tianyi, what do you say?"

Ye Tianyi was dressed in a snow-green brocade robe. Except for a piece of white cloth tied around his waist, the rest of his clothes were as usual. He looked at yunqianyue without any expression. In a moment, he moved his eyes and looked at Yu Zishu. He said in a deep voice: "it's hard for the jade prince to accompany her for several days."

Yuzishu naturally saw night Tianyi, his eyes fell on his face, a faint smile, "the seventh Prince is polite, Zishu and cloud son's friendship do not need to mention more."

Ye Tianyi stares at yuzishu for a moment. His eyes are calm and abnormal. Yu Zishu smiles slightly and looks the same. After a moment, he nods, as if his eyes fall on Rongjing. "Jingshizi was not in Beijing yesterday, and many things have been accumulated in Chaozhong. Now that you have come back, go into the palace with me and deal with it. "

Let the scene light smile, do not answer, is tacit.

Ye Tianyi didn't seem to think of his reply. He turned to look at the king Yun and Yun Li, "the ritual department should cooperate with the emperor Tianjian to prepare for the funeral of the first emperor tomorrow. I'm afraid uncle Yun and his son will have to work hard. Now that yue'er is back, you and I will enter the palace together to discuss with you and King Shizi. "

“…… Yes Yun Wang Ye and Yun Li nodded together.

Night Tianyi words down, no longer look at the crowd, take back the line of sight, stretch out the curtain, on the carriage. As soon as the curtain fell, the coachman waved his whip and the carriage left the Regent's house.

Cloud shallow moon cold face looking at night Tianyi carriage left, anger rolling in the chest. Is this person willing to force her to fight against him? No, maybe it doesn't work if we fight each other. We have to kill each other.

This place is silent. Everyone's eyes are watching the carriage of night Tianyi leave.

A gust of cold wind blows, cloud light moon temples a wisp of hair is blown up by the wind, Rongjing reaches out to smooth to her ear.

Yunqianyue takes back her eyes and looks at Rongjing. Rongjing smiles at her and says in a warm voice: "I enter the palace together with Uncle Yun Wang and son of cloud. Since the Regent has ordered you, you don't have to go into the palace. Have a good rest!"

Cloud light moon calm face no language.

"It's just a few words. Do you think it's worth your anger?" Rong Jing's gentle eyes fell on the moon and said, "think of the jade snow flying dragon!"

Cloud shallow month hears speech a regiment of exasperation, be born to run aground, stare at Rong Jing one eye, "do not want to enter palace? I'm still grinding here. "

"Well, to enter the palace!" Let Jing put down his hand, with a warm smile, turned and walked to the black carriage which stopped not far away. After a while, he got on the carriage, the curtain fell, the string song waved the whip, and the carriage went to the palace.

The crowd watched the carriage of Rongjing leave, still silent.

King Yun came over and patted Yun Xiaoyue on the shoulder and whispered to her, "your mother's quilt book has changed people with Luoyao and your brother, and has stayed with you. Now in your moon Pavilion. "

Cloud shallow moon eyes a bright, looking at the cloud Lord, in a moment, turned to look at the jade book.

Yuzishu is the closest to the moon. Naturally, she heard the words of the Lord Yun. Seeing the moon, she nodded with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon calm face a warm, think this is Xiao Qi, her closest person. Ye Tianyi is the prince of Yeshi. His surname is ye, and he has the blood of Yeshi. How could she have thought that a similar face would not hurt her? Her eyes were sour, and she wanted to turn around to hold the jade book. Once there were so many people here, she still restrained herself and said in a low voice, "Zishu, you are so good!"

"It's right to be nice to yun'er!" Yuzishu looked at her with a warm tone.

The moon blinks, trying not to let something called weakness flow down. The corner of the mouth can't hide the smile and dispel the haze just brought by night Tianyi.

"You girl! This boy has never been nice to any woman. If it hadn't been for knowing that Xiaojing liked you that year, your mother and I would have given him to you in the future. " Wang Yun's words fell. Seeing Yun Qianyue turning back to look at him, he said with a smile, "but now it's OK. Zishu is so good. If you're together, he'll have to listen to you for everything. Won't you ruin the sky? It's good that Xiao Jing doesn't depend on you for everything. "

Cloud shallow month smell speech rolled a white eye, emphasize a way: "I am very good!"

"Good?" Cloud Wang Ye obviously does not agree, "which woman in the world is good, you are not good."

Cloud shallow moon just want to refute, cloud King Ye turns to go to carriage, he pulls him, similarly low voice way: "are you sure my mother stays here to accompany me, not accompany you?"

Cloud Wang Ye's eyes moved and said with a smile, "dad may be very busy for some time in the future, but you should not be too busy. There are some things you have to show the same attitude as burning the imperial edict on that day. No one can force you. Therefore, your mother spends more time with you than I do. "

Cloud shallow month hears speech to hum a, loosen hand.

King Yun turned and went to his carriage.

Their words were just a moment's work. Except for yuzishu, the rest of them were a little far away from the moon. Naturally, they didn't hear anything, but they saw the warm face and breath of the moon. They even softened the cold wind and breathed a sigh of relief."Leave son, enter palace!" Cloud King Ye got on the carriage, and before the curtain fell, he called out to Yun Li. "Yes, father!" Cloud from immediately should a, loosen the seven princesses, cloud shallow moon way: "sister, have a good rest! Don't be too angry about things you don't like. There's always us. " After that, he added, "and Jing Shizi."

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, to cloud leave a smile.

"I'm in the palace. Your knee has been frostbitten. Other princes have not kept their souls in the snow. It's enough for you to do your filial duty by yourself these days. Today, my sister is back. You can stay with her in the mansion! You don't have to go into the palace. " Cloud from turn head to seven princess way.

"Well! I'm not going into the palace today! " The seventh Princess smiles at Yunli.

Yunqianyue thought that the seventh princess was because she had frostbitten her knee for the old emperor, and her eyes fell on her legs.

Cloud from no longer said, to their own carriage.

Not long after, cloud King ye and cloud left two carriages to the palace.

The seventh princess took back her sight and saw the moon looking at her leg. She whispered, "although I don't like being born in the Tian family, I don't like the father and the emperor, and I don't like this surname, but after all, I'm still the father's daughter. Now I've done my filial piety, and I've also counted the relationship between father and daughter."

"Well, my sister-in-law did it right!" Yun Xiaoyue smiles at the seventh princess, reaches for her arm, turns to Rong Feng and asks, "it seems that you have nothing to do. The Regent didn't give you orders." , the fastest update of the webnovel!