The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1132

The coachman looked at Qin Yuning, but did not dare to urge him. The carriage of the prime minister's house received the attention of the public in the coming and going streets.

Two or three people began to gather together to whisper. They said it was whispering, but the voice was not small. Naturally, it was the night sky tilt and night day Yu forced the palace to pass on the throne just mentioned by Yun Qianyue. Qin Yuning and the six princesses caused two princes to die and one injured, and the Imperial Palace failed. The ancients regarded husband as the heaven and husband as the key link. Qin Yuning was in the hearts of all the people in Tiansheng capital, including all the people in the world. She was already a woman of the second prince's night. What's more, she conceived a child for him. Even if she did not worship heaven and earth three times, it would not change the fact. What's more, the fact that the second prince likes Miss Qin and is willing to force the emperor's edict to marry her was well known in the world half a year ago. Everyone knows that when the second prince was the crown prince, he liked Qin Yuning, but he abandoned miss Qianyue in the cloud palace. Now, he can't think of Qin Yuning's defection on the second prince's throne, taking a knife against the second prince, killing his relatives with justice, and being driven to hell by the woman he loves At the same time, the kind-hearted people all have a deep aversion to Qin Yuning. They all scold this woman secretly. They are cold-blooded and merciless. They can do everything for their men.

Whether in modern times or in ancient times, public opinion is terrible. Once this gust of wind blows, it is difficult to stop.

Qin Yuning was filled with all kinds of emotions. When she came back to her mind, she saw many people gathered around and pointed out to her. People's faces were disgusted. Good people express their likes and dislikes most directly. Her pale face was even more white and bloodless. All along, she was the model of all the daughters in the capital. What's more, she did not say in Rongjing that "Miss Qin is a talented woman, worthy of being the mother of the country." When she was compared with Yun Qianyue, some people said that yunqianyue had no talent, no virtue, no dandy, and could not be a queen. Only then could miss Qin be qualified to enter the palace. The people worshipped the capital and even the most beautiful woman in the world. She thinks that all women are inferior to her, but now so many disgusting faces are looking at her from inside to outside, which she never thought and realized.

At this moment, she was not only angry and ashamed, but also afraid. It's real fear. She has always been used to being high, and suddenly one day the sky broke and the sky collapsed. She fell into the dust from a high place, only then did she know how to make her collapse.

She opened her mouth to explain what she wanted to explain. She found that the people were pointing at and clamoring. Her words were all disgusting. Her words were caught in the cold wind and left as soon as they were blown by the cold wind. She was buried in the people's words, so she was unable to explain. All of a sudden, she covered her face with her sleeve and got into the carriage. The curtain fell down. Her voice was filled with fear, crying and trembling, "hurry up Come on... "

The driver of the prime minister's mansion was also shocked. He drove across the street these days and never met the situation today. Seeing Qin Yuning get on the bus, he quickly waves his horse whip and leaves here.

Even if she walked far away, Qin Yuning seemed to be able to hear those unpleasant voices. She covered her face and kept shaking.

Naturally, Yun Qianyue did not know that she, Rongjing and yuzishu had left Qin Yuning. Of course, if she knew, she might be very interested in coming back to see the play, and would have seen enough of it. On that day, she wounded yetianqing with a dagger, and carried a sword majestically on yetianyu's neck. She always remembers the situation.

Just arrived at the street of the cloud palace, two figures burst out of the gate of the palace. They were Ling Lian and Yi Xue. When they saw Yun Qianyue, Qi Qi Qi's eyes turned red and they called out, "Miss, you are back at last! It scared us to death. "

Yunqianyue thinks that she has forgotten to inform them in advance. The Xifeng cliff has always been secretive and inhumane. She wanted to give people under the cliff a secret environment, do not want to be disturbed. She looked at them with some guilt, but in order not to lead them to tears, she said in a relaxed tone: "your lady, do I look like such a useless person? It's just to go out and relax. When you feel better, you will come back naturally. "

They looked at each other and complained, "then you don't send a message!"

"I'm fighting with someone! There's no guarantee that you won't tell him. All right, all right, I won't do it again! " Yunqianyue reached out and patted them on the shoulder.

Obviously, the two of them are in the way of Rongjing and yuzishu. They nod their heads, but their tears don't fall down and their faces are relaxed.

"Sister!" The voice of Yunli comes from the gate of King Yun.

"Come back at last!" Seven princesses follow in cloud leave side, two people obviously also get the message to rush to come.

Yunqianyue looked at the two people, and saw that Yunli was also much thinner. The seventh princess looked gaunt and walked a little. Yunli helped her walk. She quickly went up and asked with concern, "sister-in-law, what's wrong with your leg?"

The seventh princess looked up and down at yunqianyue, then she was relieved. She didn't accept her words, but she complained: "on such a snowy day, even if you are not satisfied with the imperial edict, you should go back to your house! How can I run out of the city? How many people worry about you

"Sister, where have you been these days? Is there frostbite? " Yunli also looked at the cloud and asked immediately.

"Moon, you are back at last!" Rong Feng obviously also heard the news to come, did not ride on the horse and cart, exerting his lightness skill and floated down.

"Stinky girl! Do you know how to come back? I thought you were freezing out there Mr. cloud has not yet arrived at the gate of the cloud palace, and his voice has been heard from the inner courtyard."Father, I said she would be fine, but you must be anxious to jump with me and blame me for not going out to look for her." The voice of Lord Yun.

It seems that there are several people talking, fish in the cloud shallow moon, so that she can not speak for a time. She suddenly felt that Rongjing's words were not all right, at least half of them were right. She seemed to be a very important person in Tiansheng. This time, she didn't destroy the imperial edict, sent off her anger, and left in anger. It seems that she really made a lot of efforts.

However, such a hard work, actually did not let that person die, she really felt that failure.

In a moment, all the voices fell. Just as she was about to open her mouth, a deep voice rang out, "tomorrow's emperor's funeral, it's time for you to come back today. Although the two edicts are blank, there is still one edict. You are always the daughter-in-law ordered by the first emperor, and you should perform the great filial piety ceremony. I will have to work hard with me tomorrow. I will have a good rest in the mansion today! There's no need to go into the palace! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!