The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1128

"Even this is calculated. Does jingshizi feel that his feelings towards you are blasphemous?" Jade book picks eyebrows.

"Hasn't Prince Yu heard a word that love needs to be managed?" Rongjing walked out of the screen, his face flushed. Although his steps were weak, he was calm. He said with a faint smile, "Oh, this sentence was taught to me by her. I'm so eager to learn that I should apply it well."

Yu Zishu stares at Rong Jing, takes a careful look at it, and says in a half loud voice: "no wonder..."

Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"No wonder you got her heart." Yu Zishu laughed and looked at Rong Jing, which seemed to be a little playful. "King Shizi planned step by step. It must be very hard to calculate her heart like this?"

"It's not too hard!" Rongjing slowly sat on the soft couch, looked at the burning stove in the room and said, "I enjoy it."

Yu Zishu took a look at him, stopped talking and went out with the prescription.

The door was pushed open, and a cold wind came in and closed, blocking the cold air outside. Rong Jing closed his eyes and leaned on the soft couch, showing a soft smile at the corners of his mouth.

Half an hour later, yunqianyue came back to the room with the medicine bowl. She came to him and looked at him carefully. There were two faint green shadows on his eyelashes, which showed that he had not been able to sleep well these days. She could not bear to quarrel with him, but she could not help but quarrel. As soon as she was about to push him, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her.

Spring like eyes inside a Wang deep color of ink, let her hands stop, suddenly stopped breathing.

"No strength. Feed me." Rongjing opened a smile, some weak soft.

Cloud shallow moon can't help but stir the medicine juice with a spoon, fill a spoonful, blow on the lip, just pass to him in front of.

Don't want to let the scene side face to avoid, shaking his head, "not so feed."

"So what?" Cloud shallow moon brain slow half beat.

Rong Jing turns back, eyes fall on the lips of cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon face suddenly a red, low head rebuke a way: "this is not your Rong Wang Fu, son book is still there!"

"He won't be so ungrateful to disturb us." Rongjing is still staring at her lips.

"That's it!" Cloud shallow moon face some fever, although several times intimate, but whenever this warm taste of meticulous let her can not help. Rongjing is such a person. As long as we are together, he can make him become an extremely powerful existence for her and stir up her heartstrings.

Rongjing does not speak, only eyes light quietly staring at her lips, looks like to put clearly, not so do not drink.

Cloud shallow month struggles half sound, still give up, drank a bitter medicine soup son, bow head, slowly covered on his lip.

Two people's breath suddenly stopped, the warm breath in the room seemed to coagulate together.

The warm and soft touch came from under his lips, which was probably the cause of the fever. His lips used to be warm and cool, but now it's a little hot, which makes yunqianyue not only burn his face but also his heart.

It's time to drink a bowl of medicine.

The cloud shallow moon withdraws the body, the face wrinkles into a ball, was obviously miserable, complained: "the son book picks this medicine how so bitter?" Words fall, she glared at Rong Jing again, "where have you such a person, not afraid to pass ill gas to me?"

"The medicine taken by Prince Yu is really bitter." Rong Jing Mou light dyed a dense, red lips, "after the disease gas, just should that sentence, you and I share weal and woe together."

Cloud shallow month "bah" him a, looking at his gorgeous lips, thinking that she can't stand this romantic battle, again, if she can't control how he will, then will bowl a push, "you drink."

Rongjing looks away from her face, and seems to understand that she can't do it again. She reaches for the medicine bowl and drinks the medicine in silence.

After drinking the medicine, Rongjing sits lazily against the soft couch. Yun Xiaoyue looks at him, reaches out and pulls him up. He puts him on the bed, takes off his boots, pulls his socks and covers his quilt. Seeing that his eyes are so warm as to be broken, he looks at her with a round of sunshine and smiles at him and says: "sleep! We are not in a hurry to go back. We have a good rest today, and we will return to Beijing tomorrow. "

"Well!" Rong Jing answered and closed his eyes.

Yunqianyue leaned against the head of the bed and looked at him, thinking that this person always had the ability to make her feel distressed and pull her mind. He was proficient in medical skills, but he was almost fainting in front of her, which made him see this kind of small scheme at a glance. But she couldn't resist. The most stupid behavior was the simplest, which made her anger strangle in front of him and then disappeared.

"Cloud light moon, I can't sleep." Rongjing whispered.

"Well? Are you not sleepy? " Yunqianyue looks at him.

"I want to sleep with you." Rongjing opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to hold the cloud and the moon. His tone was empty and soft, like the dew under the sun, with a trace of fresh and moist, "holding you, I can fall asleep. I feel like I haven't seen you for years

Cloud light moon looked out, the sky is bright, after the heavy snow, although the sky is fine, but there is no sunshine, but she saw the sun in his eyes, thinking about lying in a bed with him in the daytime, Zishu is afraid that she will laugh at her, but she seems to miss him very much, can't care, the joke is a joke, anyway, by his joke is not called what, she quickly took off her shoes and socks, lying down By his side.As soon as she lay down, Rongjing stretched out her arm and held her in his arms.

Yunqianyue raised her eyes and saw a satisfied smile on his mouth. She closed her eyes, and her jade face was pure, like a child who had eaten candy. Where is there anything to make her angry, calm, idle court to see the moon? She sighed, Rongjing, everyone can see that he is eating her to death with his method, and can't escape his palm. How can she not see clearly? Because we can see clearly, we are sunk by him. We can't extricate ourselves from it.

After a while, Rongjing sleeps in the past, and yunqianyue lies in his arms, warm and safe, and goes to sleep with him.

When yunqianyue woke up, Rongjing was still sleeping. She got up and got out of bed, pushed open the door, and smelled the smell of food. Remembering what she had promised to cook, she reached out and rubbed her forehead and called out, "Zishu!"

No one answered. Li Ting, a little boy, happened to pass by. He said excitedly to Yun Xiaoyue: "sister Yun, are you awake? Brother Yu is so nice to be cooking! "

"He's cooking?" Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

Li Ting said happily: "yes, brother Yu said that after someone came, there was only one person in your eyes. I'm afraid that when you think about cooking for us, we are all hungry. In order not to starve everyone, he replaced you."

Cloud shallow moon face a red, think jade big prince, do you want to so not give face ah! , the fastest update of the webnovel!