The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1127

Cloud shallow moon "Puff Chi" a smile, white his one eye, loosen the hand way, "that you wash yourself! I don't want to regret all my life. " Flowers fall, she turned out behind the screen.

Rongjing gave a "um" and mumbled something. He took off his soft robe and buried himself in the steaming hot barrel. The current swept him in a flash. He closed his eyes a little tired and weak.

After she stepped out of the screen, yunqianyue suddenly looked back and saw his eyes closed wearily. She felt a pain in her heart. She thought that although it was snowing heavily these days, after the death of the old emperor, he was made prime minister. There must be many things that made him tired. Suddenly some regret, even if angry, really shouldn't nest here so many days do not go back.

"Stupid woman! I'm gone The wind gave a cry outside.

Cloud shallow month a Leng, push open the door, see wind ember carrying a burden standing in the courtyard, waist hanging sword, she pick eyebrows, "so anxious to leave? Do you really believe what he said

"Believe it or not, it's time to go back! Anyway, he's here, and you don't see me. What do you do if you don't go? " Wind ember hummed, reached into his arms, took out a thing and threw it to cloud shallow moon, "then, this is a gift for you from the gift of hairpin."

Yunqianyue reached out to catch the flying things. Looking down, she saw a pair of flower ornaments. The two pieces of flower were not ordinary, but were made of purple crystal. They looked like two crescent moons. They didn't look like they had been carefully carved by a skilled craftsman. They looked like they were made by someone themselves. She raised her head, wind ember has turned away, she "feed" a.

The wind ashes stopped, "what are you doing? dislike? Don't throw it away if you don't like it! "

"I want to tell you like it!" Cloud shallow moon smile way.

Wind ember mouth hook, do not look back, warning way: "you give me more courage! Some people are foxes, even more than foxes. If they dare to bully you, you will go to Donghai. I think Prince Yu is good. He is a hundred times better than him. I don't know what kind of bad eye you chose him. Shame on me

Cloud shallow moon speechless, want to ask Feng big childe very much, she chooses Rong Jing how to lose his person? Unfortunately, he didn't give her a chance, so he went to the cliff with flying skill. In the twinkling of an eye, he reached the cliff. He quickly climbed the vine and climbed the rock. Go quickly and neatly.

Cloud shallow moon looks at the wind ember, in the heart produces does not give up, the life presses down. In the face of parting in her previous life, she could be cold hearted to cold-blooded, but now she can't bear to leave. I wish that all the people who are good to her are with her.

"Cloud light moon, you always open the door to blow cold wind, the water is almost cold." Rong Jing's voice came from the inner room, some complaints.

The cloud shallow month hears the speech to have no longer sad, hastily enters the room, reaches out to close the door, to him way: "is the wind ember to go!"

Rongjing said, "well, it's time to go."

Yunqianyue thinks about it. She doesn't speak any more. Seeing that there is less charcoal in the stove, she quickly goes over and adds a few pieces of carbon.

"Cloud light moon, did you forget to give me something?" After a moment, Rongjing asked in a low voice.

"What?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"You promised me before, don't you?" Rongjing reminds her. Yunqianyue pretended to think for a moment, shook her head and asked suspiciously, "what did I promise you before? How can't I remember! "

Rongjing suddenly lost his voice.

Cloud shallow moon squats by the fire, biting the lip, bearing a smile, also no longer make a sound.

"That jade snow flying dragon is in the stable of King Rong's mansion. If you forget it, it's a pity! I seem to have forgotten what I promised you After a moment, a sigh came from behind the screen.

Cloud light moon eyes a bright, jade snow flying dragon ah! Immediately said: "ah, I remember, that Mandarin Duck playing with water sachet, I have already embroidered it for you, but now it's in the cloud palace, I'll give it to you when I go back."

"A sachet for a jade snow flying dragon, this business does not seem to be a good deal?" There is a secluded tunnel.

"And one more man!" Cloud shallow moon hastened to increase the chips.

"It depends on who it is!" Yung King Road.


Rong Jing's voice seemed to take a hint of smile, "deal!"

Yunqianyue was silent for herself, and soon her whole mind was on the jade snow flying dragon. The best horse in the world was the jade snow flying dragon. Riding the jade snow flying dragon was like taking off. She couldn't wait to say to Rongjing, "let's go back to Beijing now."

There was silence behind the screen.

"All right?" Cloud shallow moon asks, she wants to see jade snow flying dragon.

"The cloud is light, and I'm still hot." After half a ring, he spat out a word.

Yeah, he's still hot! Cloud shallow moon immediately vent gas, according to his degree of fever, naturally can not rush. She suppressed her strong interest and said to the screen, "you get better soon."

Rongjing's pleasant voice seemed to respond casually, "good!"

When yunqianyue heard such a beautiful voice, she turned her mind from the jade snow flying dragon again. She looked at the scene in the wooden bucket across the screen. It was just a hazy shadow, just like a magnificent painting scroll, falling on the screen, making the light landscape screen like a cloud falling. She watched and watched, and her heart was suddenly infatuated.The scenery behind the screen seems to feel the vision of the cloud and the moon, and there is no sound.

At this time, the door was pushed open from the outside. Yuzishu walked in with a cool breath. Yun Qianyue moved his sight from the screen and slowly turned back. He asked yuzishu, "Zishu, is the medicine back?"

"Well! It's back. " Yu Zishu nodded.

Cloud shallow month hurriedly came over, took the medicine in his hand, took a look, surprised way: "he is just a fever. You picked So good medicine? "

"He is not only feverish, but also very weak. He needs to take advantage of the situation." While Yu Zishu was talking, he went to the table, picked up his pen and ink, and began to prescribe prescriptions.

After checking the herbal medicine, Yun Qianyue thought that the man was noble. Even the herbs that he drank were noble, but it was best to make him get better as soon as possible. She wrote to Yuzi: "you can write a prescription, I'll wash these herbs." Words down, heard jade book should a, she quickly took medicine out of the door, to the door and said: "wind ember left."

Yu Zishu raised his eyes and looked out. He said with a warm smile, "I know!"

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks, to the small kitchen.

In the room, yuzishu's brush and ink fell on the rice paper, making a rustling sound. A moment later, he put down his pen and gently blew the ink on the prescription. He said to Rongjing behind the screen: "it's the most stupid act to toss her body and make her feel soft and heartache for you, regret and blame herself. Jingshizi, do you think so? "

The sound behind the screen was heard. It seemed that Rongjing came out of the barrel and was dressing. He said slowly: "it doesn't matter if it's stupid. As long as it works, someone is used to my leisurely breeze and light moon, and can't see me suffer a little." , the fastest update of the webnovel!