The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1117

Cloud shallow month angry out of the palace, do not want to return to the cloud palace, then to the outside of the city.

Just after she got out of the city, her sense was pulled back by the wind and snow, but her heart was still angry. Knowing that Qingying was following her, she waved to shovel up the ground and piled up two or three feet of snow, which made a snow mist within ten meters of her body. Taking advantage of the space raised by the snow fog, she used the form shifting and transposition to change to the back of Qingying, where there was a snow pile, She got into the snow next to the snow.

The snow and mist fell and covered her tiny trace.

After leaving the palace, Qingying has been following Yun Qianyue ten meters behind. She knows that Miss Xiaoyue is angry and afraid that she will find out and drive him back. Even if he doesn't go back, he will have to suffer with her temperament, so he can follow Xiaoxiao quietly. Just as he was walking, suddenly there was a snow mist in front of him. His eyes blinked uncomfortably and then opened again. He was shocked and quickly flew to the front of him. Standing at the position where yunqianyue had just stood, he looked around from side to side, and no trace was left. He couldn't tell the direction of her departure for a while, but he was sure that she had left by himself, and his heart was full of remorse Annoyed, hesitated for a moment, or decided to go back to tell the son of God, so according to the original way back.

Yunqianyue stayed in the snow for a moment. After confirming that the green shadow had left, she got out of the snow pile, patted the snow on her body, and waved to shovel up a piece of snow to hide the trace. She gently touched her toes and went to the West.

After a long walk, I came to the purple maple forest and found a familiar sound standing in front of it. Seems to have been waiting here for a long time, she stopped and looked at the jade book, "son book, how are you here?"

Yu Zishu looked at the cloud and the moon, and with a smile, winked at her and said in a warm voice, "I'll be clever. I know you'll come, so I'll wait here."

Cloud shallow month mood is not good, raised a foot to kick him a foot, angry way: "honest account!"

The jade son book really got a foot, helplessly looked at the cloud shallow month bitter smile way: "cloud son, others have provoked you, you can't take me out of breath."

"Why don't you hide?" The moon glared at him.

"I have been kicked by you before, but now I miss it for a long time." Yuzishu looked at her with a smile.

"Poor mouth!" Cloud shallow moon murmured.

Yu Zishu saw that her head was covered with snow. She stepped forward and stood in front of her. As Yu's hand flicked the snow on her head, she looked down at her and said in heartache, "how angry are you today?"

Cloud shallow moon eye a red, do not speak.

"Are you the imperial edict of the angry old emperor, or the forbearance of the son of the emperor Qijing?" Yu Zishu asked in a low voice.

Cloud shallow moon lips close into a line, still do not speak.

Yu Zishu looked at her, sighed softly and said to her, "although you are angry with the imperial edict of the old emperor, you are more angry with jingshizi's forbearance, right? You've endured it for ten years, and you don't want to bear it any more, but he has put up with it again. That's why you are angry, aren't you? "

Cloud light moon blink eyes, red eye ring has a silk dense crystal.

"Yun'er, it must have been his consideration and planning that King Shizi could endure. You don't believe him? Or is it unfair? " Yu Zishu stares at her eyes, eyes light a tight, ask with a lighter voice.

"It's not that I don't believe him, it's just..." Cloud shallow moon closed her eyes, suddenly rushed into Yu Zishu's arms, choked: "Zishu, Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi I've had enough of it

Yu Zishu felt a pain in his heart. He hugged Yun Qianyue and patted her on the back. The fine ferret fur was on his tentacle. He moved his finger and covered it. He said in a soft voice, "since you have enough tolerance, you can't bear it. You should have done this today. No one will be surprised if you do this."

"How do you know? You are in the palace today, aren't you? " The moon asked in a low voice.

"Well!" Yu Zishu nodded.

"Zishu, I don't like Rongjing anymore!" Cloud shallow moon angry tunnel.

Yu Zishu picked her eyebrows, looked down at her and said with a smile, "you really don't like it?"

"I don't like it. I hate him today. I hate him like that. Everything is in my chest. Even if the edict of the old emperor is read out, his eyes will never blink. He will always be that dead look." Cloud shallow month hate hate tunnel, almost some gnash teeth, "more hateful is, I destroyed the edict, he still stopped me!"

Yu Zishu chuckled and patted her on the back and said, "yun'er, have you ever thought about it? Are you angry with him for his easiness, being full in his chest and watching the moon in court, do you know that the men of Yeshi hate him more than you do?"

Cloud shallow moon hummed.

"Only when there is love, there is hatred. Where can you say that you don't like it then you don't like it?" Yuzishu touched the head of yunqianyue and laughed, "it's clear that they have lived for two lives. Now it seems that they are really a child!"

Cloud shallow month beat jade son book with hand, bury in his bosom not come out, angry way: "I don't want to stay here."

"Well?" Yuzishu looked down at her.

"When are you going back to Donghai? Shall I go with you to Donghai Cloud shallow moon muffled voice asked.

Yu Zishu blinked and asked with a smile, "do you want to go to Donghai with me?""Well, it's so smoky here. It's annoying. My aunt is not staying Cloud light moon road.

Yu Zishu took a breath and said with a smile, "are you willing to give up Jing Shizi? Now he is a prime minister, can not do without the saint. Besides, even if you can leave, you can give up the cloud palace, he can give up the Rong palace? "

"He loves to give up. I can give up. Isn't it for a bad old man's grandfather? I've been with him in Lord cloud's mansion for years. Now, does he want to make a broken bolt for my whole life "I want to go with you to the East China Sea, do you accept me or not?"

Yu Zishu looked at Yun Qianyue with a smile, patted her and said, "you are angry now. If I really should you now, and you regret it later, would I not make myself uncomfortable? All right, you take it easy, we're back to the house! "

"Don't go back!" Cloud shallow moon a push open jade book.

"Oh, by the way, how can I forget that you used to run outside every time you were angry and didn't want to go home!" Yu Zishu was pushed aside, laughed and asked, "where do you want to go? I give my life to accompany the gentleman. "

"You can go anywhere, but you won't go back to your house! Otherwise, I can't help but run to the palace again, split the coffin of the old emperor and whip his corpse Cloud shallow moon patted the snow on her body, she used the sky thunder and earth fire, now her body is seriously injured, the real gas circulation is not enough, not to let out will snow water. She patted the snow on the fur of the ferret, and the snow on her body fell because she patted it hard.

"Where did you want to go?" Yuzishu looked at her with a smile.

Yun Qianyue reached out and rubbed her forehead and mumbled, "I'm so angry that every time something goes wrong, I think of a place first, because there is a person who will be angry with me, beat me violently, or throw me from a cliff into a pool, without even looking at me. Unfortunately, that person has been driven away. Where did I want to go, but now that man is not here, what else am I going to do? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!