The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1116

Rongjing reached out and rubbed his forehead, but with a smile. In a moment, he put down his hand and was about to speak. A figure flashed in front of him, and the green shadow fell quietly in front of him. He raised his head and looked at the green shadow. Before he could speak, he asked, "what's the matter?"

Green shadow "Putong" knelt on the ground with a guilty voice, "huishizi, my subordinates have lost Miss shallow moon!"

"Lost it?" The eyebrows of Rongjing are slightly coagulated.

"Yes Green shadow nods.

"How could you lose her when she was seriously injured?" Rongjing asked.

"Although miss Qianyue was seriously injured, she did not lose in her lightness skills. After she left the palace, her subordinates followed her all the way out of the city. Just after she left the city, a gust of wind blew in her eyes. In the blink of an eye, her subordinates opened their eyes, and her figure disappeared in front of her." Green shadow guilty way: "the son of heaven forgive, subordinate useless."

Rong Jing raised his hand, put two jade fingers in the center of his eyebrows, gently rubbed two times, and said, "she should have found you following her, so she threw you off."

"My subordinates have been very careful. Miss Xiaoyue will not find out that it is..." Green shadow road.

Rongjing laughed and sighed: "she guessed that I would not trust her and would let you follow. Even if she was seriously injured and could not find you following, she guessed that you must be behind her, so she left you behind."

The green shadow hears speech kneels on the ground no longer to speak.

They didn't carry their words behind their backs, so everyone heard them clearly.

"Jingshizi, it's snowy and cold outside. How can Yueer live alone?" The queen looked worried. "Send someone to look for it! What if anything should happen? "

"Empress, don't worry. Jing will go to see her. She was so angry today that she was not to blame. " Let's go. Let's face Queen's road.

"You look for the best!" The queen nodded.

"Regent, King thinks it's important to find someone first. Now that the snow is so heavy, she is seriously injured. Do you want her to have an accident?" Rong Jing turns to look back at night Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi is silent.

"Today's imperial edict is a great event. According to the scenery, a decree is also the emperor's decree. It's better to follow the imperial edict for the time being and perform their duties! After the matter of the blank edict has been found out, it can be determined again. How was the emperor when he was ill, or how. We can't affect the situation of the court and disrupt the super program. " Rong Jing seemed to think about it for a while and said, "what do you think of Regent, Prince De, Prince Xiao, Lord Yun and all the adults?"

The prince of Germany heard the speech and quickly replied, "King Shizi is right. I think I should be so! We can't affect the situation of the court and disrupt the super program. "

Filial piety prince also hastily nods, cloud Lord is unwilling to lag behind to echo.

They all looked at each other and nodded.

In this way, the imperial edict that must be followed will be turned into a temporary imperial edict.

"This is the best!" Ye qingran also admits that this is the best way. Looking at Ye Tianyi, "regent, I and the weak beauty should go to find the little girl together? If something happens to her, we won't have to live. "

"Did you get hurt just now? It's snowy and cold. It's OK to look for Jing alone. If anything happens to you, the people of the prince's house and the 400000 soldiers in the capital will not have to live. " Rong Jing shook his head and looked at Ye Tianyi. Seeing that he was silent, he no longer paid attention to him. He said to the kneeling green shadow: "go!"

The green shadow stands up, in front of the eyes already did not have the Rong Jing's figure, he hastily body shape pulls up, pursues.

They all know that King Shizi is very good at martial arts. A few months ago, in Lingtai Temple of Qingquan mountain, he solved a monk with one person's power to compete for internal power. Now they see him and his lightness skill of leaving in situ without startling the wind and silk. They are all in awe.

Ye Tianyi saw Rongjing leave, did not speak, took back her sight, hid the emotion in her eyes, looked at the people and said, "all the ministers are up? You are all the pillars of the state. You are loyal to the heavenly saints and the former emperors. The former emperors always knew that there was no need to take the snow to guard the spirits here. If any of them were damaged by freezing, it would be a loss to the country. "

"Thank Regent!" They all stood up at the hearing of the speech. After such a short time, several old ministers could not stand it and kept shaking.

"From yesterday to now, several brothers and sisters have been here to keep the spirit for the father and the emperor. The filial piety of his father and the emperor is enough comfort. Get up, too Ye Tianyi looks at six princesses and others, and says again.

Six princesses and other people's bodies have been frozen numb, close when the people rushed forward to six princesses led by the prince and princess. One by one, their faces turned white, their lips turned white, and some even had frost on their eyebrows.

"The rest of the people are the former Emperor's pillow people. The former Emperor loved you all the time when he was alive. Now that the former Emperor is gone, you, as the former Emperor's pillow people, should be the guardian of the former Emperor." Night Tianyi looked at those concubines in the Imperial Palace and said faintly. As he said, some of them were soft and fainted in the snow. He did not pay attention to them. He walked up to the queen and put his hand on her arm. His voice was gentle: "the Empress Dowager is pregnant with the emperor. It's snowy and cold. The father loves the emperor. You don't have to keep your soul. Your son will send you back to the palace."The empress's face flashed in a trance. For more than 20 years in the Imperial Palace, she became the Empress Dowager in the blink of an eye.

"Farewell to the queen mother!" The voices of the people were loud.

Ye Tianyi, in the trance of the empress dowager, helped her leave the Shengyang hall and went to the ronghua palace.

A generation of emperors died, the imperial edict presents two blank, the former Emperor's edict into a piece of empty talk, ridiculous! , the fastest update of the webnovel!