The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1096

"Yes, the seventh prince!" There was a respectful shout outside. It turned out that the voice was Brunei who had not been in Shengyang Temple earlier.

"What do you call them to do?" The old emperor looked at night Tianyi.

"The father's anger is too great. Although the second and fourth brothers are joking a lot, they are your sons. The son minister couldn't persuade his father, and he didn't want to force him to be angry again. It would be bad for you to be angry. Now please ask Prince De, Prince Xiao Xiao, Wang Yun, Prime Minister Qin, ran Xiaowang, Rongfeng and Leng Xiaowang to come to Shengyang hall to persuade him. It's good to punish the second brother and the fourth brother, so as not to kill them. If you kill them, you will lose two sons. " The way of night nature.

"I don't care if there are a hundred of them!" The old emperor snorted angrily.

"Ye Tianyi, don't be so kind! My father, if you want to kill, you can do it! Since we dare to do it, we are not afraid to die. I didn't want to go back alive! " Night day Yu turns head suddenly, glare at night Tianyi angrily.

Qin Yuning's sword on the neck of yetianyu turned his head and left an inch in a hurry. However, it still cut the skin on his neck. A shallow blood mark flowed out and instantly dyed his neck red.

"Good! You don't have to be so kind! If we lose, we lose! It wasn't as much as your chips, and we didn't expect to win. But seven younger brother's method is really high! Let two weak women be used by you, and we will be subdued without bloodshed. " Ye Tianqing's words were extremely difficult to say. When he looked at Qin Yuning, he sneered and said, "and one of them is still my woman."

Qin Yuning didn't look at the night, and said in a cold voice, "if you haven't married you for a day, it's not your woman. The second prince still doesn't want to talk fast here. He'd better kneel down and plead for mercy. The Emperor may see that you are his son and spare you from death."

"If you haven't married me for a day, you won't be my woman!" Night sky inclines to smell speech to burst into laughter suddenly, the dagger in the back because he shakes violently, the blood flows like a stream, he seems to suddenly do not know the pain, covering the heart of the hand reached into his arms, took out a pile of paper from his arms and threw it at Qin Yuning, laughing at her: "do you remember this? These are all the gifts that sister Yue gave us on the day you and I had sex with. I always kept them close to me. Even though you disappeared for months, I have been looking at them and thinking of you and me that day... "

A large pile of paper on the painting of spring palace, only wonderful and beautiful, lifelike. All of them hit Qin Yuning's body, face, and even hit her sword body on the neck of night Tianyu, and then scattered on the ground.

Qin Yuning's face turned white in an instant, and her body trembled involuntarily.

"Remember? That day, you were under me, crying and begging me all the time. I was still in love with you. How charming and soft you were. The more you were like this, the more I would like to see you through the end, break it up, crush it, and swallow it into my stomach. " Night sky tilt at Qin Yu Ning white face, trembling delicate body, that look seems to take her off again, word by word.

"Shut up Qin Yuning drank with a white face.

"Remember? Did you still remember that day? I brand the mark, you can't wear away forever. As long as you live, you are my woman. No, if you die, you still can't avoid the fact that you are my woman and once conceived of my child. " Night sky tilt at Qin Yuning, even if his mouth has been blood DC, but still laughing, word by word, like a needle.

Qin Yu Ning's body trembled violently, and the sword on the neck of night Tianyu could hardly hold it.

"It seems that you have been obedient to seven brothers these days. Why? Do you still want to marry seven brothers? You are his sister-in-law, but it doesn't matter. The seventh brother is willing to pick up his brother, and I can do the rest. But if you and he are having a good time, don't you think of me? " The night sky inclines to appreciate Qin Yuning's face that is about to collapse, and says with a smile: "but seven younger brothers have always had a sister on the moon? What a pity! Sister Yue's favorite is Rongjing. I'm afraid I won't get it in my whole life. Although you're the last tattered shoes I wear, you're also the first beauty of Tiansheng in Beijing at least. It's just as good to have seven younger brothers... "

Qin Yuning suddenly takes away the sword from the night day Yu neck, stabs toward the night sky inclines. Although the wrist is shaking, the sword is not less fierce.

Night sky inclines to smile to look at him, do not hide not dodge, that expression seems to be able to dodge, also do not hide.

Ye Tianyi gently flicks his sleeve and sweeps away Qin Yuning's sword. From yetianqing's talk to now Qin Yuning's drawing sword, he looks a little bit different. He can't see any emotion in his elegant and beautiful eyebrows. He says to Qin Yuning: "stop it!"

It is such plain two words that Qin Yuning's anger and trembling will disappear in an instant. The sword retreated along the strength of night Tianyi, and was re erected on the neck of night Tianyu.

"Stop what? Qin Yuning, you are still the same as you used to be. Even if you are holding a sword now, you are not holding a sword in the past. You are just like a lamb in front of a man. You are very gentle and clever. " Ye Tianqing looked at Qin Yuning. She was just laughing, spitting out a mouthful of blood, staring at her eyes, and saying, "Qin Yuning, you should remember that even if I die, you are also played by me, played hard by me, and more than once, I have branded the woman. In your whole life, even if I die, you can't wash it. You will never marry anyone else, even to the day of your death. "Qin Yuning didn't seem to hear it. She had a face and didn't look at the sky.

Ye Tianqing laughs and turns to Ye Tianyi. He also stares at his eyes and says, "seven brothers, you are born more ruthless than me and my fourth brother. You are like my father. You have no heart, no lung, no affection. You only have rivers and mountains in your eyes. You think you love sister Yue, but you should ask your heart, your love is really love? Compared with all people, your love is the least valuable. "

Ye Tianyi looks at the night sky and doesn't answer.

"Today I lose, tomorrow you lose! Ye Tianyi, even if you get the throne, you will sit for a long time. Ye Shi's land was stolen. Even the Imperial Palace was stolen from Murong. Even as a descendant of the Ye family, I still despise it. Today, the father is unkind and the son is unjust. I curse with my blood, the Yeshi River and mountain will collapse sooner or later! Like Murong a hundred years ago. All of Ye's ancestors, including the Royal ancestral hall, will be turned into ashes. No more! " The night sky inclines to look at the night nature Yi, sends out the curse.

"Son of a bitch! Kill him The old emperor cried out in anger.

"You don't have to kill me, I'll die myself!" Night sky inclined to look at the old emperor, the words fell, a sword that had taken from the six Princesses' hands was placed on his neck, and he committed suicide. In an instant, the sword fell, and his body fell on the ground, and he was no longer alive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!