The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1090

Ye Qian glared at the south Ling Rui one eye, indignant way: "you also mean to take out to say!" Words fall, she hit cloud evening cold with arm, "Twilight cold, can you beat him? If you can, seal his mouth to me. I don't want to hear him chirping like a peacock

Cloud evening cold smiles to shake head, looked at south Ling Rui one eye way: "hit not!"

"Night light dye, how about you? Can't you beat him? " Ye Qian looks at the night.

Night light ran hums, and waves his hand in disgust, "I'm tired of seeing you two. Now the weak beauty and the crown, the little girl and the hairpin ceremony have passed. What are you still doing here? Don't hurry back to Nanliang and Nanjiang! "

"Let's go today! Who would you like to stay in this broken place Ye Qian stretched out his hand to pull up the cloud and dusk cold, "Twilight cold, gone, we go back!"

Cloud evening cold stood up and nodded with a smile, "well, it's still early, and it's not too late to start!"

"Princess ye, young master Yun, are you leaving now? There are banquets at the foot of the mountain. It's a day and a half before you get back? Just stay two more days? " Hearing the speech, Prince De quickly got up and asked to stay.

Prince Xiao and others were suddenly thrown down by Rongjing and yunxiaoyue, and they were confused. At this time, ye Qian and Yun dushanhan were about to leave. They were all stunned. Prince Xiao even said, "yes, Princess ye and Mr. Yun have prepared a banquet at the foot of the mountain. You don't have to leave in such a hurry

"We are here just to observe the ceremony for the woman named Yun Xiaoyue. Now that you have finished the ceremony, you must go! What's more, the woman left us and left. What's the point of staying here? " Ye Qian shook his head and walked down the mountain boldly. After two steps, he suddenly turned back and said, "nanlingrui, xiyanyue, if you can't go, we can follow a section of the road!"

Nanlingrui stood up and thought for a moment: "although I really don't want to go with you, I still want to have a drink with brother Mu Han along the way, and thank him for his hard work accepting you, the little witch."

Ye Qian digs the south Ling Rui one eye, "do not say ill of me, you can die?"

"About it!" Nanlingrui is sincere.

Ye Qian was so angry that she just wanted to retort. Yunmu cold held her hand and said to nanlingrui, "it's best for Prince Rui to leave with us. You can have a companion along the way." He looked at Xiyan Yue and said, "the prince of Xiyan can go the same way as us after leaving the city. If there's nothing wrong with it, let's join us. "

"Good! Let's go together! This prince also wants to have a good talk with Prince Rui and Yun's son-in-law along the way. " Xiyanyue nodded and agreed.

A few people reached an agreement in an instant, and there was no room for others to interrupt.

Ye Qian looked at Yu Zishu and said, "the jade Prince is a great beauty. In fact, I would like to invite you to southern Xinjiang. Do you have any honor?"

Yu Zishu shook his head with a smile, and his tone was gentle, "Zishu may visit southern Xinjiang one day. I hope you don't dislike Princess ye at that time."

"It's nature. If you go, nature will treat you warmly! I'm afraid you can't move the Buddha! " Ye Qiandao.

"Others please may not move, if Princess Ye please, you can please." Jade Book gentle smile.

"Originally, I still have such a big face. I thought that only yunxiaoyue was lucky! Well, that's settled. One day, when Prince Yu is free, he will go to southern Xinjiang. Southern Xinjiang must be warm and sincere to each other. " Ye Qiandao.

"Good!" Yu Zishu replied with a smile.

Nanlingrui suddenly turned around and walked to yuzishu. The two brothers put their arms on his shoulders and said to him in a voice that only two people could hear: "I should have done the second hairpin ceremony for the little girl, but the little girl gave it to you. In her heart, you are more important than my brother."

Yuzishu also does not push aside nanlingrui, looking at him with a gentle smile.

"In fact, Prince Ben likes you more than Xiao Jing's black hearted one. Sometimes you and little girl are like each other." Nan Lingrui said again: "I'm not qualified to be my brother. Do you want to be on top of it? Take care of her? In any case, you are her brother, and our mother is your aunt

Yu Zishu nodded with a smile, "you can say that!"

"If I marry your sister, I will marry you. What do you think?" Nan Lingrui said again.

Yuzishu slightly raised eyebrows, looking at Nanling Rui, "Luoyao?"

"Well! That woman I like, a temperament in the end, all said that ye Qian sometimes like a little girl, but I think her stubborn strength more like a little girl Nanlingrui said: "she can give Rong Feng a little tiger, stay in the snow mountain for a month, can chase a snow fox, it is too tired to run, catch it back. I don't think anyone can match her except Luoyao. Ye Qian is also stubborn. For the sake of a rouge snake, or the king of ten thousand incantations in Rouge snake, she can leave me behind and chase after night light dye for five years. However, she worries too much. Her obstinacy is mixed with too many impurities, so she is not pure and inferior to the two of them. "

Yu Zishu's eyes flashed slightly, "although you say so, can you marry Luoyao? My sister is no ordinary woman. It is said that she came with you, Tiansheng, but she left on the way. Now, no one knows where she is"No ordinary woman would marry a prince, but I would not marry a common woman." Nanlingrui said, "if she wants to play, let her play more. In short, he can't escape the palm of the prince!"

"Are you serious?" Yuzishu looks at nanlingrui.

"More than real gold!" Nan Lingrui nods with a smile.

"If you can marry her, you will. It also relieves Jing Shizi and yun'er from the trouble of being stirred in the middle by her. " Yu Zishu said with a smile, "my aunt disguised herself as her and went to the blue house with you. Later, I went to Nanliang. This is the same idea. Although my aunt watched purple rose grow up, she liked Luoyao very much. What's more, she's the one who doesn't admit defeat. She wants to be the best in everything. She wanted to see Jing Shizi, who is famous for her glory. When she met later, she felt very good and had an engagement. How could she admit defeat? Therefore, she was in the middle of Jing Shizi and yun'er. Since she had known about Jing Shizi and yun'er for a long time, how could she allow her to destroy them? In addition, he liked her, so he made an idea in his private heart to pretend to be her, and later led her to look for you

"Well, I knew that the woman was facing the little girl!" Nanling Rui didn't mumble, "I said how she didn't pretend to be someone else, but changed into that fairy beauty."

Yu Zishu chuckled and said, "Luoyao is the most beautiful woman in the East China Sea except for her aunt. She can't cultivate her internal power since she was a child because of her physical reasons. She can't be faultless about her zither, chess, calligraphy, painting, culture and martial arts. There are few men who can afford her in this world. Since she was a child, she had high demands on herself, and the husband she wanted was naturally one of the best in the world. My aunt sent her around the corner to you. Can you say that she is not good enough to you , the fastest update of the webnovel!