The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1091

Nan Ling Rui hemmed and hawed. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and laughed. He asked in a low voice, "can you help me? I don't believe it. That woman has no weakness?"

Yu Zishu blinked his eyes and said slowly, "there is one weakness, but this palace never makes any loss making business. She is my sister. "

South Ling Rui smell speech eyelid turn over, "jade prince, I didn't even know you can do business like this!"

"Do you know now?" Yu Zishu was very kind.

Nanling Rui bit his teeth, "what do you want?"

"Leave your aunt in Tiansheng gang Yuner!" Yuzishu put forward the request.

South Ling Rui immediately frowned, "impossible!"

"Then the business can't go on. Luoyao is almost perfect, but it's just about it. It's just that she conceals her weakness so well that no one else can find it. Even her father and emperor, her mother, her aunt and uncle Hua Wang, the courtiers and subjects of Donghai state all think that she has no shortcomings. She is a perfect woman in the heart of everyone in the East China Sea, but I happen to know one of her weaknesses. " Yuzishu looked at Nanling Rui with a smile, "are you sure we won't continue to talk?"

South Ling Rui stares at jade son book, "how do you treat little girl so well? Now my father is with her and my mother is with her. If she has those two people to help her, doesn't she want the holy land to be captured? "

"I don't care what she wants, but I think that Tiansheng is too unstable. Maybe after today, it will be disturbed. And I will return to the East China Sea after she and Ji Ji, so I can't stay for a long time. I don't trust her, but if Uncle Hua and aunt Hua are with her, I will be relieved. " Yuzi's calligraphy.

Nanlingrui snorted, "I know a small weakness of Luoyao and my mother is helping me. This business is not worth the price. The prince will not do it."

"Luoyao grew up in Donghai Imperial Palace since she was young, but she is not an ignorant woman who has lived in the palace for a long time. She is also very proficient in government affairs. What's more, she is familiar with the history books, the art of war, the scenery and geography of all parts of the world, and has studied the national politics of various countries. It's not easy to get tens of thousands of troops by herself. With her around to help you, your Nanliang brothers are probably not doing anything. But now the holy day is going to be chaotic. Compared with you, Yuner's situation is much worse, not to mention there is a seventh Prince staring at her. My aunt is a free and easy person, and she is old. Even if you are her own son, those brothers in Nanliang are her nephews. How can she compete with her younger generation or fight behind her back? Everything will leave room, on the contrary, tied. What can help you is limited. However, Luoyao is not the same. She is in her prime. She has the heart, the wisdom, the wrist, and the talent. She has a needle tip in her chest. She wants to have both literature and martial arts. Although she has no internal skills, it is not easy for others to kill her. If such a woman is taken in by your side, you can think how much she can help you Yu Zishu said with a smile.

Nan Ling Rui's eyes brightened. "According to what you said, I left my mother and came to a Luoyao. I won't lose this deal?"

"Naturally, you don't lose, not only you don't lose, but you also earn, and you can't lose." Yu Zishu nodded with a smile.

"But I don't know where she is now? That woman, to escape from my hand, is really a skill! Today, I thought she would appear, but I didn't see anyone. " Nanlingrui frowned.

"I think you don't have to worry about that. If you go back to Nanliang with your head and feet, I'll send you Luoyao to Nanliang. How about that? As long as you promise to leave your aunt with yun'er. " Yu Zishu said with a smile.

South Ling Rui squints at jade son book, "do you know where she is?"

"I can find him, with the fastest method and speed! She can hide herself from other people's eyes and hide herself from me. Yu Zishu looked at Nanling Rui calmly and said that he would agree to this.

"Good! As long as you can send her to Nanliang, to my side, and tell me her weakness, I can control her. Don't say to give a mother to a little girl, even ten niangs, I also give her. " South Ling Rui hears speech to nod immediately.

Yu Zishu coughed gently and reminded him: "if you hear this sentence, your aunt will be sad. How do you say one sentence? When you have a daughter-in-law, you forget your mother. "

Nanling snorted and said, "my mother is the closest woman to my father. Naturally, I want to be the closest to my daughter-in-law. What is she sad about? Let her by the girl's side, with my father, she would like it! Maybe when I tell her, she'll laugh her teeth out. "

"Jade son Book Low smile," you are to know aunt

"Say it! What is the weakness of that woman Nanlingrui can't wait to ask.

"Luoyao is afraid of cats!" Yuzishu spits out four words.

Nanling Rui blinked his eyes, "what degree are you afraid of? No cat in Donghai palace

Yu Zishu shook her head. "There are not only cats in the East China Sea Palace, but also many cats. She also has a cat, but she never lets a cat close to her. I said, she is not ordinary. She will cover up her weakness and do it perfectly, so that no one can see it. Even her intimate maid couldn't see it. It depends on how you use it. "Nanling Rui suddenly laughed, "what an interesting woman! Prince Ben is going to order her After that, he dropped his arm on yuzishu's shoulder and said to him with a smile: "Prince Yu, go to Nanliang when you have time. You just said that you like men, but Prince Ben won't say it."

They have been whispering and whispering in secret all the time. All they can see is that yuzishu is smiling all the time. Nan Lingrui begins to smile. Later, he gets angry and laughs again. They can't feel their heads. They don't know what riddles they are playing. Now Nanling Rui suddenly said the last sentence out loud, which made everyone all surprised.

Yu Zishu's smile did not change. He gently brushed his sleeve and said, "Prince Rui has heard me wrong. This palace likes not only men but also women. Both men and women like it. "

They all said "ah".

Nanlingrui had to leave with a word. He suddenly turned back and looked at yuzishu with a black line on his face. "The jade prince can really make fun of him. He's not afraid of losing his reputation?"

"Prince Rui has just said that he is not afraid to like Zishu. How can Zishu be afraid of losing his reputation?" Jade book picks eyebrows.

Nanlingrui's eyelids rolled. Suddenly he was happy and nodded his head: "yes, the prince does like you, but you say you want to go with you to the East China Sea. However, the prince can't abandon his family and leave the country and follow you to the East China Sea. So, that's it Words fall, he turned to have been looking at him and jade Book Ye Qian, cloud evening cold, xiyanyue three people.

Ye Qian saw him coming, curled his lips, turned and left.

Cloud evening cold smile, also did not speak, lift step to follow Ye Qian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!