The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1076

Then two days passed quietly, three days before the winter solstice. Rong Wang Fu, Yun Wang Fu and Li Bu have prepared the ceremony of reaching the crown and hairpin.

It seems that the more peaceful it is before the big day comes. Even the people's clamour in Beijing for nearly a month has died down as the day approaches.

After the light moon Pavilion got together that day, yunqianyue ordered Linglian and Yixue to put a heater in the room. The cold wind outside hit the room, and the East warm pavilion was warm. Yunqianyue and yuzishu are reading books with their backs around the stove.

On that night, yunqianyue sleeps dimly. When someone enters the pavilion, she opens her eyes and hears the low voice of Ling Lian and Yi Xue outside. Then a discontented voice rings out, "how many days have I just left, and this shallow moon pavilion has set a door guard for me? Two sisters, your eyes are too bad, right? Don't recognize me? "

"Third childe?" Ling Lian and Yi Xue gave a low cry, and then the sword retreated back to the market. At the same time, they changed their mouth and said, "Prince Xiyan!"

Xiyanyue gently smile, "fortunately, two can recognize me, can I go in?"

Ling Lian and Yi Xue have a look at each other, and just want to nod. The voice of cloud shallow moon comes out from the house, chide: "what words are useless? Come on in! Do you feel good blowing the cold wind outside

Xiyanyue immediately opened the door and came in. With him, the warm breath in the room cooled a little.

Yunqianyue looks at xiyanyue and thinks that no wonder Linglian and Yixue can't recognize him. At first sight, she can't recognize him. Today's xiyanyue and the original three childe are just different. Jinpao jade belt, although the same beautiful appearance, but the whole person's breath and temperament have earth shaking changes. In the past, the only one who was not confident and humble was the dark third childe, but now he is the one who is full of dignity. She looked at him and tut two times, "it's really the prince of Xiyan!"

The third young master rolled his eyes and went straight to the bed. He looked at Yun Xiaoyue. Suddenly he kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the bed quickly. He pulled the quilt of Yun Qianyue to cover himself.

Cloud shallow moon some stay, you look at him, until he has finished everything to look at her, she just reacted to him, vomited a sentence to him: "men and women give and receive no relation!"

"You just think of me as a woman!" Xiyanyue didn't think so.

Cloud shallow moon is speechless, can gender this thing be said to be when? She looked at his thin clothes and stopped the thought of kicking him out of bed. She asked him, "why did you come here in the dark? What about the messengers? "

"Still a hundred miles away! I miss you, so I come first! " The third young master yawned, closed his eyes, and said to Yun Qianyue, "I'm so tired. Don't disturb me!" I'm going to sleep.

Looking at the moon again, he saw that he was asleep. She turned her eyelids, turned her head, looked at the roof of the house, no longer sleepy, thinking about nanlingrui and Luoyao, ye Qian and yundushan, as well as Fengjin and the people from the top ten aristocratic families. Are they all coming soon?

Just thinking like this, there are people floating and falling outside, rolling up a familiar atmosphere.

"Prince Rui?" Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi called out.

South Ling Rui "um" a, as if groping to take out something from the arms to Ling Lian and Yi Xue, laughing and chanting: "for you to eat sugar!"

Qi and Qi seem to have no words to catch Qi, but Xie Rui said

"You're welcome!" Nanlingrui waved his hand and walked slowly to the door. He pushed the door gently, and the bead curtain was lifted up. He walked in with incomparable charm. He saw yunqianyue sitting on the bed and lying beside her. He blinked, looked at Xi Yanyue, and said with a smile: "little girl, it's not bad! I also know that you should not treat yourself unfairly and find someone to warm your bed! "

"Huqin what!" Cloud shallow moon glared at him, "he is xiyanyue!"

"Oh? Prince Xiyan? " Nanlingrui picked up his eyebrows and stood in front of the bed, staring at Xi Yanyue. In a moment, he stretched out his magic claws and said, "you are not bad! Can I feel my skin... "

Before his hand reached it, xiyanyue opened his eyes and knocked his hand off. Horizontal he one eye way: "by Luo Yao know you tease a man, you wait to die!"

Nanlingrui's hand can't dodge, was hit by the real spot, glared at the cloud shallow month one eye way: "my home Luoyao beauty is gentle, where is like you this wild girl!" After that, he sat down by the bed and pushed Xi Yanyue impolitely, "beauty, go inside and make room for the prince."

Xiyanyue blinked his eyes, and suddenly reached out to hook nanlingrui's arm. He said in a soft voice: "Oh, isn't this prince Rui? Come on, let me serve you well and change clothes. Your cool air will freeze me. I can't go to my bed like this. " Go and untie his clothes.

South Ling Rui a high jump up, immediately hide away from the bed far away, can't believe looking at xiyanyue.

Cloud shallow month looks at the south Ling Rui's appearance, laughs.

"Prince Rui is just like this! How dare you The third childe withdrew his hand, changed back to the man's clear and moist voice, and closed his eyes with disapproval.Nan Ling Rui's face changed a little, and he said to the cloud light moon with shame and anger: "Stinky girl, what are you laughing at! I'm your brother! Do you let outsiders bully me like this

Yun Xiaoyue couldn't stop laughing, gasping and saying: "my good brother, did you meet your opponent? This is for men and women. You should be more careful in the future. "

"Prince Ben is not afraid!" Nan Lingrui suddenly stepped forward to the bed again. Lisoli kicked his boots and climbed into the bed more quickly. He stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt on xiyanyue's body. It seemed that the place was not enough. He threw Yun Qianyue out of bed, and lay wide and loose beside xiyanyue. He said with satisfaction: "stay with the beauty, you can't get it!"

Xiyanyue snorted, as if he was too tired. He ignored him and continued to sleep.

Nanling Rui seems tired, and also closes his eyes, ready to go to sleep.

Yun Xiaoyue was thrown on the ground in the middle of the room. She watched two men occupying her bed. She could not help but suspect that there was gold on the bed where she had been sleeping for more than ten years. Unexpectedly, she let them come one by one and occupied it like a robber. , the fastest update of the webnovel!