The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1075

"How can it be no different? The plum blossoms will bloom after the snow Cloud shallow month reprimanded him a, "all married and married people, talk is still so out of tune." Words fall, she said to Zhao Kehan: "sister Zhao, you can teach him well, men are used to it. You see, just a few days after the wedding, his temper has turned sour. "

Zhao Kehan covered his mouth with a smile, "that's because he will be so in front of you. We haven't seen him so shady and weird in these days of big marriage."

Cloud shallow month tiny hum a, to the same smile seven princesses ask, "sister-in-law, brother said when to come back?"

"These days, he has been busy preparing crowns and hairpins for you and jingshizi, and the Ministry of Rites has also arranged to meet envoys from all over the world who come to Tiansheng capital. Every day I come back at different times. " Seven princess road.

"Ling Lian, you go to the Ministry of rites and ask him to come back for dinner! No matter how busy you are, you should pay attention to your health. " Cloud shallow moon to Ling Lian command.

"Yes, miss!" Ling Lian walked out, took two steps and asked, "Miss, what about the king's son?"

"Don't pay attention to him. He'll come when he's done with things." Cloud light moon road.

Ling Lian nodded and walked out of the door.

Yi Snow put on tea, several people in the room while talking, while eating tea, waiting for small kitchen meal.

Half an hour later, Yunli went back to the cloud palace and came straight to the shallow moon Pavilion. Along with him are Leng Shao Zhuo and Rong Feng. Obviously, they heard that they were going to put food in the shallow moon Pavilion of cloud shallow moon, so they came uninvited with Yunli.

Three people just sat down for a while, Rongjing and night light dye also entered the shallow moon Pavilion.

"What day is it? My shallow moon pavilion has become a sweet cake Cloud shallow moon looks out of the window, and then glances at the people sitting around the room, crowded slowly, mumbling.

"I've been busy these days. I'm afraid I'm bored!" The seventh princess said with a smile.

"Little girl, before I came near, I heard you say you didn't welcome me." The sound of night light dye comes from outside.

"You're not welcome. Aren't you here?" The moon is shallow and the eyelids roll.

Rong Jing opens the curtain and comes in, and night light dye follows.

"Join us! I want to drink wine these days. What about the pear blossom white you got from Tianyu's house last time? Take it out. We drink it. " Night light dye into the room, the people in the room swept a glance, suddenly a happy, "really lively ah! I don't think I'm wrong. "

"You are There's no good wine in your house? I think about these jars of pear flowers that I pry from his hands with great efforts, and they are white? " The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

"There are good wines in my house, but what's the point of drinking alone? It's the wine that gets the taste Night light dye across the scene, to the cloud shallow moon side to sit.

Before he sat down, Rongjing's sleeve waved, and he was swept back by a strong wind. Rongjing didn't look at him, but sat beside yunqianyue.

Night light dye stares, then curls one's lips, also does not attack, sat by jade Book side, approaches: "jade crown prince, you this trip is not in vain! I have never seen a little girl so nice to anyone. Every day I accompany you not only to play chess, but also to enjoy tea. I've heard that you've almost stabilized both inside and outside the capital. This kind of special honor and preferential treatment really makes me jealous

Jade son Book smile, "I and cloud lead for confidants, she should me so, if she went to the East China Sea, I also do the same to her."

Night light dye tut tut a, to cloud shallow moon sour way: "little girl, when you are so good to me!"

"I'm not good enough for you?" The moon and the clouds glared at him.

Night light dye pretends to touch the chin to consider for a while, way: "cent compared with who!"

"Than what? Everyone is different from everyone. " Cloud shallow month to him horizontal one eye, warning way: "you talk really much, still want to drink?"? If you don't want to drink, I'll keep telling you enough. "

Night light dye panga mouth, "nature is drinking!"

"Ling Lian, Yi Xue, go and bring those pots of pear blossom white!" Cloud light moon see night light dye stop, to Ling Lian and Yi snow command.

They immediately answered and ran down.

More than ten people gathered in the room of yunqianyue, the most crowded and lively time in history. This meal is in the public you say me a word, while chatting about home, while chatting with each other, while pushing a cup to change a cup to eat, until the curtain of the sky falls down, it is scattered.

Night light dye, Rong Feng, Leng Shao Zhuo leave together, yuzishu and Rongjing also leave together.

Night day Yu and Zhao Kehan walk in the last, cloud shallow moon will two people to the gate, others have already left. Zhao Kehan held the hand that holds cloud shallow moon, to her low voice way: "month younger sister, you and hairpin that day I come again."

Cloud shallow moon thought move, smile to nod, "good! After all, you are the adoptive daughter of my father and my sister. Naturally, you will come to see my rite of passage

Zhao Kehan looked at the night sky Yu one eye, released the cloud shallow moon's hand, got on the carriage, the curtain fell, covered her figure.

Cloud light moon to night sky Yu.

Night day Yu came, looking at her eyes, cloud light moon also looked at him, his eyes a pool, black can not see the expression of the bottom of his eyes, she secretly sighed, but on the face."Sister Yue, on the day of your Adulthood Ceremony, I may not come!" Night sky Yu Road.

Cloud shallow moon nods, does not speak.

Night day Yu again low voice way: "I want to oppose father emperor!"

Cloud shallow month did not expect him to say so to him, but think about for her, also have nothing to say. She nodded again, still not speaking.

"I know you won't help me any more, and I know I'm not going to win. Now this side, perhaps, is our last. My brother asked you one last thing. Can you hold my seventh brother for me on that day? If he's in the palace, I won't have half a chance. " Night sky Yu's voice is very low.

Cloud shallow month pursed pursed lip, look at the eye of night day Yu directly: "I try my best!"

"You are enough! If my brother can't come back alive, don't forget me. Even if you forget me, don't forget the ten altars of pear blossom white. " Night day Yu deeply looked at the cloud shallow moon one eye, threw down a word, opened the curtain on the car.

The coachman waved his whip and the carriage left the gate of the cloud palace.

The wind in the night is colder than that in the day. It blows into the clothes like a sharp blade and touches the skin. The green silk is rolled up by it. With the flying of the clothes, the rings on the wrist and waist make a cool sound. In the quiet road, no one walked through the long street, especially clear.

Standing for a long time, until Ling Lian can't see to remind yunqianyue, yunqianyue slowly turns around and returns to the mansion. The gate closes behind her, making a heavy noise.

This night, the cloud shallow moon night did not sleep, until the day is very, only slowly sleeps. , the fastest update of the webnovel!