The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1071

"I thought Miss moon would never enter the gate of the palace? What day is it today, and what gust of wind has brought you here? " The voice of the sixth Princess rang out.

Yunqianyue squinted at the curtain and looked out for a moment. She picked up the curtain slowly. She saw the sixth Princess standing in front of the carriage not far away. Obviously, she wanted to get on the bus and leave. When she came, she left to talk. The sixth princess is still dressed up on the day of Tianyu's birthday a month ago. She is gentle and dignified. At first glance, it looks like another elegant and graceful one. But she had more inner thoughts and more weight than the dead princess Qingwan. She swept her one eye, faint smile, "if not aunt in the palace, I think I really do not want to step into here."

"I'm afraid you can't do it! Don't forget your engagement with seven brothers Six princesses also looked at the cloud shallow moon, the body is very straight, deliberately reminds way.

"The engagement is not a big marriage. The six princesses don't have to worry about it. I advise you to take good care of your marriage. My brother doesn't like you. The jade Prince's eyes are higher than the top, so I'm afraid he doesn't like you either. We have known each other since childhood, and we sincerely advise you. Don't waste your time and you'll get nothing in the end. " Cloud light moon lazy tunnel.

"No need of your kindness!" The six princess's gentle face finally showed her anger. She swung her sleeve and lifted the curtain to get on the car.

Cloud shallow moon takes back sight and walks into the palace gate.

It has been two months since I came to the palace, and the palace has been covered with autumn yellow.

Yunqianyue walks all the way to ronghua palace. When the eunuchs and eunuchs in the palace see her entering the palace, they all greet her one after another.

When there was still a distance from ronghua palace, a group of women came in front of her. The first one was Ming Fei. She was dressed in pink and gorgeous clothes. The women who followed her were dressed in plain clothes, like a pile of green leaves and wrapped with a bunch of red flowers.

"Oh, isn't this miss moon? How long haven't you been to the palace? I think you have forgotten the palace? " Princess Mingfei spoke first, in the same tone as the six princesses.

Cloud shallow moon looked at the princess, light way: "Ming Fei Niang more and more bright, like a 15-year-old girl, more and more beautiful, I almost can not recognize."

Mingfei was stunned. She thought her words were stabbing, and the moon would retort. I didn't expect that. She was speechless for a moment.

"It's really late autumn. It's too cold in late autumn. Empress Mingfei should add two more clothes! The emperor's uncle wants you to wait on him Cloud shallow moon throws down a word, and Ming Fei cross body.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue follow her, silent.

It was not until yunqianyue was far away that the Ming imperial concubine came back to her. The emotional cloud moon was satirizing her in the prime of spring. The old emperor was already too old to rise. She grinded her teeth in secret and glared bitterly at the direction of the ronghua palace where yunqianyue had left and went on.

The concubines of the harem took a look, but they were afraid to speak and followed her.

When she came to ronghua palace, the guards of ronghua palace saw that the moon was coming and immediately opened the Palace door. She stepped in.

The palace of ronghua is quiet and quiet, and the leaves of grass seem to decay before the palace. At first sight, there was a desolate depression. Her heart darkened, thinking that the twin fruit in her aunt seemed to not only suck at her, but also the aura of things around her. So let the scenery of ronghua palace look better than that of the outside.

When the inner door of the main hall was opened, mother Guan met her from the inside and saluted the cloud and the moon, "Miss moon, the queen is inside! I know you are here. Go in! "

Cloud shallow moon nods, borrow the curtain that mother Guan opens, carry a step to walk in. The queen was lying on the bed at a glance. On the day of great joy at night, maybe it was because of her broad clothes and robes, which looked plump. But today she did not wear a coat. She sat on the bed. In addition to her big stomach, she looked haggard and sallow. Her face, which had been bright and moist before, was not only haggard, but also had fine wrinkles. It seemed that the whole person was getting old at once At the age of ten, she stopped and looked at her in disbelief.

"Moon, are you here?" The queen had closed her eyes and opened her eyes.

Cloud shallow moon eye socket one acid, quickly walked to the bed, looked at the queen way: "aunt, I just how long did not see you, how did you become this appearance?"

"It's just like this, as long as the child is good." The empress reached out to hold the hand of cloud shallow moon, smile to her, gentle way: "you still have a month to reach hairpin, how old person, return red eye."

Cloud shallow month opened a mouth, suddenly can't say what, holding the Queen's hand, sitting in front of the bed, looking at her stomach, said: "does he live well?"

"You mean baby? He's living in peace The queen satisfied with a smile, "every day I can feel his heartbeat, I hate happiness. My aunt has never felt so satisfied in her life

"Has father come to see you? Is there no other way? " Cloud shallow moon asks again.

The queen shook her head. "My brother said the same as Jing Shizi said. Unless I don't want children, I can't help it. But how can I not have children? Yueer, don't worry about your aunt! My aunt knows you have a lot of things to do, and she doesn't want to see me like this. I haven't called you into the palace these days. "The cloud shallow moon nods, suppresses in the heart the affliction.

So the two of them chatted about their daily life. Yun Qianyue tried to use a relaxed tone to talk about something happened outside the palace. Unconsciously, time passed quickly. At noon, yunqianyue accompanied the queen to have lunch in the palace. In the evening, she left ronghua palace.

Before leaving, the queen looked at Yun Qianyue and asked, "yue'er, what kind of friendship do you have with the jade Prince of Donghai kingdom?"

Cloud shallow month think of aunt living in the deep palace, but not what do not know, she thought for a moment: "life and death friends."

The queen nodded and stopped asking.

Out of the ronghua palace, I saw Brunei, the chief manager beside the emperor, waiting there. Seeing her coming out, he quickly and respectfully said, "Miss shallow moon, the emperor would like you to go there."

"It's getting late now!" Cloud light moon took a look at the dark sky.

"I've been waiting here since noon. Knowing that you won't come out of the empress's palace for a while, I'll send someone back to tell the emperor that he will let you go no matter how late." Brunei also looked at the sky and said, "it's not too late. It's at least an hour away from dark."

Cloud shallow month hears speech to nod, "go!"

Brunei immediately led the way.

Shengyang temple, cloud light moon has come more than once, but each time will not be happy. This time, she thought, was no exception.

When she came to Shengyang hall, there was a small eunuch to meet her. She told her that the emperor had ordered her to go directly in when Miss shallow moon came. Cloud light moon lifted the curtain and walked in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!