The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1051

Let the scenery droop the eyelashes, the posture is calm.

Yu Zishu nodded with a smile, "so it is! I'm sorry to hear nothing about this palace. I haven't heard about the engagement between the seventh Prince and miss shallow moon. In this way, it needs to be discussed. My sister Luo Yao fell in love with Jing Shizi last time, and wanted to fulfill the engagement. But I thought that miss Qianyue and jingshizi had been married for a long time, and they loved each other. In addition, they had the chance to fight for snow fox with Miss Xiaoyue, so they gave Miss Jianyue a letter of divorce

The old emperor's face changed slightly, "did you give the month girl a letter of divorce?"

"Yes, the emperor does not know?" Yu Zishu looked at the old emperor in a slightly surprised way. Seeing him shaking his head, he said with a smile: "I thought that when Miss shallow moon came back to the capital, she would be eager to take out the marriage document, but there was no such document."

"What kind of divorce documents?" The old emperor asked.

"Of course, it's the divorce document between King Shizi and Princess Donghai." Yuzishu answered with a smile.

The chair on which the old emperor was lying was crooked. He took a look at Rongjing. Seeing that he was silent, he looked at Ye Tianyi, who had no expression. He laughed dryly, "didn't the jade Prince just say that Princess Luoyao fell in love with King Shizi at first sight? Did the jade Prince not care about his sister's feelings when he gave her the marriage document

"Miss shallow moon and I had known each other before. After we met, it was difficult to refuse her request, so I agreed. It was my sister who had not shown her mind. I didn't know it until later. " Yu Zishu shook his head with a smile, and then said, "Luoyao looks calm on the surface, but actually his temperament is not so. She is persistent in whatever she wants to see. But once you get it, you don't like it anymore. Otherwise, I don't think it's suitable for her and Jing Shizi. "

"Oh?" The old emperor's eyes narrowed.

"A word from a gentleman can never be recalled. Since the palace has already given Miss shallow moon the marriage documents, it is impossible to take them back. What's more, my sister Luoyao now seems to be interested in the prince Rui of Southern Xinjiang. Therefore, this palace is not to hurt her heart. As the emperor said, she is also a weak age now. She has no idea about her children's love affairs. She can't count everything. She needs to settle down to know. "

The old emperor nodded! There's nothing to be done. " After that, he waved his hand and said with a smile: "since the jade prince wants to participate in the moon maid's and hairpin's, now there is still more than a month, and the time is still early. You should also stay in the capital city for a long time. Today, we will not talk about it in advance, but we will discuss it slowly. There will always be a fulfillment. "

"No problem!" Yu Zishu is as good as a stream.

The old emperor seemed to think of six princesses and waved to them, "six sons, change another tune!"

"Yes, father!" Six princesses nodded, suitable for the banquet to play the tune overflow fingertips, is her most familiar tune.

The episode came to an end again.

People are drinking again, but their minds are different. The atmosphere is not as good as before. There are only two people who look as usual. One is graceful and elegant, and the other is yuzishu, who always has a smiling face and a casual posture.

The banquet has been going on from now on until it stops.

After the banquet, the old emperor was unable to support himself. Brunei ordered people to carry him back to Shengyang hall to rest. Night Tianyi seems not to be affected by the cup of wine, about Rongjing, night light dye and other people to the conference hall. And let the six princesses send yuzishu to Rongwang mansion.

Yuzishu to the cloud palace to see the moon as the purpose, refuse six princesses. The sixth princess, however, went with Yu Zishu on the ground that she had not been to the cloud palace for many days and wanted to see her sister. Jade Book smell speech no longer refuse, smile to agree, two people go to the palace.

Ye qingran watched them leave and said with a smile, "the jade Prince is really a character. When he saw each other, he took away the soul of the six princesses. Maybe when Prince Yu returns home, the six princesses will go with him. "

"I can't see for sure!" Night Tian Yu snorted and looked at them. Yu Zishu kept a distance of three feet from the sixth princess. He even found that the jade prince was close to Rongjing and sat far away from others. He looks gentle, kind and easy to get along with, but the more such a person is, the deeper his mind is and the more difficult he is to get along with. Although the six princesses were quite different from the past, they changed all their old habits and gave up their arrogance and arrogance. But it's just the outside. But seeing Yu Zishu, except when she began to play the song "the night of flowers on the Spring River", she was surprised to see that the sixth princess had no influence in his heart.

"I can't see for sure!" Night sky inclines to nod to agree.

"It's hard to tell! How can there be so many things that can be done properly Night light dye seems to have just words, but casually said, hook night day Yu's shoulder, hanging son Lang Dangdang way: "your big marriage these two days? Li Huabai was not drunk that day. What good wine did you prepare this time? "

"You don't have the wine to prepare!" Night day Yu opens night light dye's hand.

"Still holding a grudge? The little girl doesn't remember my hatred. Why are you so mean? " Night light dye climbs night day Yu not to avoid, low voice way: "that day you hold Zhao Kehan just went to your bedroom hall, I saw, did not stop you, if I stop you, you think you can marry daughter-in-law now? Stinky boy, if you don't appreciate it, it's all. Don't be my kind heart, be a donkey's liver and lung! "Night day Yu smelled speech to hum a, but tone is soft after all come down, "bad man marriage is to be struck by thunder and lightning! You've got a lot of credit. "

Night light dye rolled her eyes, let go of the night sky Yu, and said casually: "forget it, I guess the marriage of Xiaowang has been cut off by the old moon. It doesn't matter if you accumulate virtue or not. "

Night day Yu turns to look at him, see night light dye face has a touch of obscurity and gray shadow, he originally wanted to scold him two words, so born ground pressed back. His mind was always clear to him. It's a pity that there are so many sad people that he is not the only one.

Ye Tianyi and others did not speak and went to the meeting hall.

After leaving the palace gate, yuzishu went straight to Rongjing's carriage. The song in front of the carriage quickly picked up the curtain and respectfully invited him to get on the bus. When he got into the car, the curtain fell to cover his figure. With a whip of string song, the carriage left the gate of the palace.

Yuzishu seems to have forgotten the six princesses that follow.

The sixth princess watched Rong Jing's carriage leave, opened her mouth, and did not make a sound. After a while, she took back her sight, bit her lips, and clenched her handkerchief. Her heart was angry, but she couldn't break out.

"Princess..." The maid of the sixth princess had been following her all the time. At this time, he saw that the jade prince had left the princess in the carriage of King Shizi, and said cautiously, "do you still go to the cloud palace?"

"Go, why not?" The sixth princess's face sank, but her voice was gentle. If you don't look at her face, it's hard to find that she is angry and angry in her heart. She says, "prepare the car! Go to the cloud palace , the fastest update of the webnovel!