The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1050

Ye Tianyu, ye Tianqing, Prince de and Prince Xiao opened their eyes.

"Why? That was a few years ago? " The old emperor looked at Rong Jing and asked in surprise.

"Six or seven years ago!" Rong Jing thought about it for a moment, and returned ambiguously.

"At that time, you were still in the house. The moon girl went to the Rong Wang mansion? " The old emperor inquired the truth.

"Because of the cold poison in my body, I feel cold every day. Especially in winter, it becomes more and more serious, and I can't sleep at night. When she knew about it, she said she would catch an animal for me to keep warm, so a few days later, she sent me a snow fox. It turned out to be a lot warmer. " Rong Jing smiles gently and his words are not high or low.

"Sure enough, sister Yue is the best for you! I always thought that sister Yue was the best for seven brothers Night day Yu looked at night Tianyi one eye, the tone has some kind of intention.

Night Tianyi seems to have never heard of it and is silent.

There was a momentary stagnation in the atmosphere.

The old emperor looked at the night sky Yu with a heavy look, turned his words and said with a smile to Rongjing: "what about the snow fox now?"

"Then I offended her and was asked to go back. It is said that I was released." Rongjing knows everything and says everything.

Night day Yu "ha" ground a smile, "as expected is the month younger sister's practice, she is the most revengeful, no one can offend her."

Rong Jing stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead. It seemed that he was helpless and spoiled. "She has a bad temper indeed!"

Night light dye scolded, "I see the little girl's temper is very good, you this weak beauty must have done something to make her angry and unforgivable at that time, otherwise she would not release the hard-working little fox and regret giving you this black heart."

"I took in a maid. When she knew it, she said that I had something to keep warm. She didn't need snow fox, so she took it away Rong Jing recalled that year, it seemed that he was helpless, "even if I didn't give an explanation, he lost his temper to me. The maid is Yao Lao's adopted daughter. Ah... "

"I'm jealous Night day Yu laughs, "at that time, I didn't find that the little girl likes you! She's very deep. " Words fall, he smiles to Ye Tianyi: "even if seven younger brothers also did not discover?"

Ye Tianyi's face sank and did not speak.

The old emperor's face is also a little heavy, horizontal night day Yu one eye, change topic to jade son Book way: "originally jade Prince is so know moon wench, this can be really predestination."

Yu Zishu has been listening to several people talking quietly. At this time, he said with a gentle smile, "yes, it's fate. At that time, she didn't say that she was Miss shallow moon. She had been away for many years. Two months ago in Valley County, I knew that she was that little girl, Miss shallow moon of cloud palace. "

"In this way, the jade Prince and the moon girl are just one side of each other?" The old emperor's face seemed to be more relaxed.

Yuzishu naturally knew the meaning of the old emperor's words, and nodded with a smile, "yes, but I have a deep understanding of her words. The purpose of this visit to Tiansheng is to deal with the engagement between Prince Rong's house and Donghai a hundred years ago. On the other hand, I would like to take part in her hairpin ceremony and take a look at the magnificent scenery of Tiansheng across the sea from Donghai

The old emperor nodded and said with a smile, "a hundred years ago, because of the rescue of empress Zhenjing, King Rong really agreed to a marriage agreement with your princess. Unfortunately, it has not been possible for a hundred years. I hope to see this marriage as an end in my lifetime. It is said that the princess of your country is also a scholar with excellent martial arts skills. He is also knowledgeable and reasonable, dignified and virtuous. I'd love to

Rong Jing squinted and didn't speak.

Night day Yu, night sky tilt to look at, some worried to see to Rong Jing.

Leng Shao Zhuo and Yunli are pure companions today. Naturally, they don't speak, but they both look at Rongjing anxiously.

The rest of them looked at yuzishu and waited for him to make a statement. Although the crown prince of Donghai Kingdom only takes the position of Prince in Donghai state, in fact, the crown prince should be like the emperor, and even more loved and respected by the people than the emperor of Donghai. Honoring the prince's order is equivalent to honoring the emperor's order. In other words, he is already the actual power holder of Donghai state.

"A hundred years ago, my aunt didn't win the honor of the king. Later, she just showed off her ambition and made an engagement. After returning home, aunt Tai forgot about it and married the son of the Prime Minister of Donghai at that time. The husband and wife were harmonious and loved each other for a hundred years. " After hearing the words, Yu Zishu said with a smile: "after two successive generations of Donghai Kingdom, no princess was born again. This is probably the will of heaven. It was not until the last generation that we had an aunt. But the aunt is early to find the right person, choose their own son-in-law. Now this engagement theory also continues to this generation, the father of this generation has three princesses. The daughter in the aunt's house was made a princess by her father since she was born. Four princesses. "

"I heard that it was Princess Luoyao who came to Tiansheng two months ago to fulfill her engagement?" The old emperor asked.

"I'm afraid the emperor has misunderstood me! It was this palace that came to Tiansheng to learn about the engagement a hundred years ago. Luoyao wanted to see the landscape of Tiansheng's land, so she came with me. However, when we got to the Valley County, we were caught in the torrential rain and landslides. We were stopped in the River Valley County, and we were unable to walk. Later, uncle Hua Wang felt ill and had a relapse. We were worried that we had to rush back to the East China Sea. " Yu Zishu explained in a slow voice.The old emperor frowned slightly and said, "according to Prince Yu, what does Donghai mean about the engagement a hundred years ago? Is it not princess Luoyao who has come to fulfill the engagement with Prince Rong

"Of course not!" Yu Zishu said with a smile: "the father and the emperor have never seen King Shizi. How can they marry the princess easily? What's more, the engagement was made by Aunt Tai for a while. The Emperor didn't know about it until she returned to the East China Sea. Later, because two generations of no princess were born, they also ran aground. The previous generation had sent aunts to solve the problem, but they didn't want to make some mistakes in the way, so they ran aground again. Now, with the four princesses of this generation, the father and the emperor are able to send this palace to deal with this matter. "

"What should be done according to the meaning of the jade prince?" The old emperor asked tentatively.

Yu Zishu took a look at Rong Jing and said with a smile, "this also depends on the meaning of Jing Shizi."

"Oh? Why does the jade Prince say so? Does Donghai not want to fulfill the engagement with Prince Rong? " The old emperor took a look at Rongjing.

"Prince Yu and miss Xiaoyue are in love with each other. Donghai has always upheld high standards of conduct and integrity. Of course, you won't do bad marriage. " Yu Zishu said with a smile.

"So it is! Don't worry about the jade prince. The moon girl of the cloud palace has been engaged to my seventh Prince since she was a child. The keepsake was left by the late Princess Yun The old emperor's tone was loose and he laughed, "Jing Shizi and Yue wench are both young and weak now. They don't understand their children's affairs, so they can't avoid going wrong. It's hard to count until the day is settled. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!