The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1037

"Leng Xiaowang, Jiaojiao was not burned to death on the day of Wangchun building, but was saved by yue'er!" Ye Tianyi looked at Leng Shao Zhuo and saw him stunned. He said with a smile: "you are about to be unexpected. You are indeed saved by her! If you leave the palace later, you can go to the cloud palace and ask her. She must know everything about you now. "

Leng Shao Zhuo looked at Ye Tianyi in surprise. He didn't see any empty words on his face. He lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Jiaojiao is a woman. This person is a man. Is it someone who has something to do with her? Maybe it doesn't matter. It's just like each other. There are people who look like each other

"It is true that there are many people with similar looks in the world, but there are not many people who are so alike." Ye Tianyi laughed deeply, "especially this man is the prince of Xiyan!"

Leng Shao Zhuo's face changed and he couldn't believe it.

"This is the prince of Xiyan who was exiled from the people a few days ago and now returns to Xiyan state." Ye Tianyi answers Leng Shao Zhuo's doubts and says with a smile: "Leng Xiaowang, are you sure that the charming Wangchun building you know is a woman? Have you ever had a real date with her

Leng Shao Zhuo grabs the portrait's hand a shake, and does not answer.

Ye Tianyi didn't seem to need him to answer. He waved to him, "cold little prince, take this picture to the cloud palace! She must be able to help you out! "

Leng Shao Zhuo raises his head and looks at Ye Tianyi. Ye Tianyi has turned to the jade case, on which there are a pile of memorials. He looked at the old emperor. The old emperor was lying in bed, and his withered hand waved to him, "go! You can ask me by the way. I also want to know what's going on? How could she become the prince of Xiyan? Let's see if I'm going to punish her for betraying the country through collusion with the enemy. "

After all, Shao Chen's face was cold before, but he was still calm After that, he grasped the portrait in his hand and walked backward out of the temple.

Out of the Shengyang hall to walk a section of the road, Leng Shao Zhuo body suddenly a soft, sitting on the ground.

On that day, he knew that his younger brother was not in the filial piety palace. He went to the shallow moon Pavilion in the rain. At that time, the room of yunqianyue was in harmony, and the laughter spread out to the shallow moon Pavilion. Later, when he went in, all the servants inside came out. Only one person was in the falling curtain. Although the curtain was thick and heavy, it had two layers, but it was also light gauze and thin. He vaguely saw the people inside Outline. It's beautiful, beautiful and beautiful. It's the silhouette of the man in this painting today.

Later, yeqingran and Princess six successively told him that the third son of the Xiaoqin palace was the VIP of the shallow moon Pavilion. After a night of tossing and turning, he went to the shallow moon pavilion to ask her. She told him that the person who was in the curtain account that day was the Third Prince of the Xiaoqin palace.

So now, that is to say, the Third Prince of Xiaoqin palace has become the prince of Xiyan state?

He can't imagine

"Leng Shao Zhuo, there are flowers on the ground?" The familiar voice suddenly rings from Leng Shao Zhuo's head, and a shadow covers his face.

Leng Shao Zhuo is surprised and suddenly raises his head. He sees night qingran standing in front of him, staring at the portraits that he had rolled up when he left the Shengyang hall, but now they are scattered. A beautiful face is unpredictable, and the Phoenix eyes are deep. He calmed down, hid his face, stood up slowly, patted the soil on his body, rolled up the picture slowly, and said calmly, "there are no flowers on the ground, but I am tired of walking? Who says you can't sit on the ground and have a rest? "

"Ah After a thorough understanding, not only the ability has grown, but also the Kung Fu on the skin of the mouth has grown! " Night light dye picked to pick eyebrows, eyes light over the portrait in his hand, and said with a smile: "where is the beautiful woman who is so beautiful? Leng Shao Zhuo, you can't be a bad woman, a good man

Leng Shao Zhuo's face sank. "Don't tell me you don't know the portrait of Prince Xiyan in my hand!"

"To find the little girl?" Night light dye voice a turn, ask with a smile.

Leng Shao Zhuo didn't answer and walked away.

"Wait for me, and I will go with you! From the day of yetianyu's birthday, I saved the hermit. The Lord offended the little girl. I feel bad for these days. I haven't seen her for more than 20 days. I think it's very important. " Night light dye hook Leng Shao Zhuo's shoulder, no bones in general put on his shoulder, by the strength of his body to go forward.

Leng Shao Zhuo tried to get rid of night light dye. However, he had no martial arts skills. His strength was better than that of night light dye. He turned his head and glared at him and said angrily, "night light dye, I'm not on the same road with you!"

"Didn't you go to the cloud palace? How could it be different from me? " Night light dyed eyebrows.

"I'll go back to Xiaoqin palace!" Leng Shao Zhuo said coldly.

"Oh?" Night light dye eyebrows, suddenly a smile, let him go, "that is really a different way!"

Cold Shao Zhuo shoulder a loose, ignore the night light dye, quickly walk forward.

Night light dye follows behind him, do not see how fast his pace is, but maintain and Leng Shao Zhuo not far or near distance.

They went out of the palace one after the other.

At the gate of the palace stood a black carriage. At this time, the curtain of the carriage was falling down. In front of the carriage was the string song after the injury was healed. At this time, the coach was about to leave. Night qingran suddenly yelled, "weak beauty, take a free ride!" He did not wait for Rongjing to answer, but he jumped and sat beside the string song."Dye little prince, it's not a good way for Prince De Qin's house and Prince Rong's house!" String song reminds night light dye.

"Why not? If you go to the cloud palace, you'll be on your way! " Night light dye road.

"My son-in-law returns to his house every day these days, not to the cloud palace." The string song says again.

"Let's go today! I came here early today, but I'm too lazy to go now! " Night light dye not guest airway.

String song aphasia, looking into the car.

Night light dye a horse whip that has robbed string song, wave is a whip, overbearing way: "he does not agree also must agree!"

The horse who pulled the cart was in pain, but seemed to know that the owner didn't agree and did not move.

"Weak beauty, weak horse!" Night light dye murmured, reached for the car curtain, looked into the car, "weak beauty, you..." He said half, suddenly opened his eyes, surprised to ask: "who are you?" Words fall, and suddenly squint eyes, as if can't believe, "the prince of the East China Sea?"

The person sitting in the car was not Rongjing, but a young man in brocade and huapao, almost the same age as Rongjing. A man can't help his eyes extraordinary as if done by the spirits of a man, and his eyebrows are like ink, and his skin is like a jade. His eyebrows are like Dai, such as the Immortals' wonderful hands and the magic works. And, like the gathering and dyeing of all the essence of the flowers of the distant mountains and the spring and autumn, all the people who see him can't help thinking of the four words "jade cover China".

In the world, the prince of Donghai is the only one who can afford the four words "jade".

The prince of Donghai state, Yu Zishu, was born with Huaxi, beautiful appearance, Yan Ruyu. Life can not say, five-year-old square mouth, and speak out, Jianzi people, xingdonghai, loved by tens of millions of people. There is a popular saying in the East China Sea that "respecting the prince's order is equivalent to respecting the king's order." , the fastest update of the webnovel!