The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1036

Ye Tianqing is a member of the Ministry of military affairs. Since ye Tianyi appointed his close friend as the servant of the military department, he did not question or stop all the decisions of Ye Tianyi and let it go.

Rong Feng was still sent to Xishan military aircraft camp.

Ye qingran was in charge of the troops and horses inside and outside the capital. He went up and down the court as usual, but he didn't say a word with anyone for several days.

The court has entered a period of peace, which is more peaceful than ever before. Even the speech of the speech officer is less. In addition to the four Prince's mansion, which was vigorously preparing for the wedding, the whole capital was unusually calm.

Yunqianyue reads the news from all over the world from the Red Pavilion in the shallow moon pavilion every day. All countries in the world are equally peaceful.

For half a month, there was not a drop of rain.

On that day, the third young master sent a message that he had received the messenger who came to Siyan, who was a close and important official of the king of Ziyan. After seeing him, he was said to have fallen off his horse in astonishment, and then took him back to Xiyan on the same road.

When yunqianyue got the news, she laughed and thought, "gold carp is not a thing in the pool. Once it meets the wind and cloud, it will turn into a dragon". From now on, the third young master soared up. Will be lingyunzhi, the history of the future, there is a page is sure.

Three days later, as expected, Xiyan issued an edict to go abroad, telling the world: "the great prince who has been exiled from the people will return to the dynasty, and from now on, he will be granted the title of Prince of Xiyan. Name: xiyanyue. "

Yue Tong Yue character, indicating that the king of Xiyan was very happy because of the return of the prince.

Xiyan has not set up a crown prince these years. In the Xiyan Dynasty, all the princes have been surging in the dark. You fight with me, but the king of Xiyan is on the sidelines, and there is no sign of half separation of the prince. The courtiers of the state of Xiyan repeatedly met and admonished, but failed. So the crown prince's position has been vacant. Many countries have been waiting for the prince of Xiyan. In recent years, the small countries became more and more powerful and broke away from paying tribute. The old emperor of Tiansheng wanted to intervene in the internal affairs of Xiyan, but he was powerless, so he watched the change.

Today, no one expected that the prince of Xiyan was an airborne soldier.

As soon as the announcement of conferring the crown prince of Xiyan came out, the world which had been calm for a long time rose again. For a time, one after another speculated about how the prince of Xiyan was exiled from the people and how he returned to China. It seems that he has been looking for the big prince who has been exiled from abroad. In a word, the world's public opinion was covered by the four words of the West Extension prince.

The canonization ceremony will be held ten days later. That day is a good day for all kinds of happy events. It is also the imperial eunuch in accordance with the Queen's instructions to night day Yu's wedding choice of a good day.

Because of the short period of time, all countries got the news in a hurry and sent envoys to Xiyan.

Three days after the imperial edict was announced to the world, the imperial hidden guard of Tiansheng got a picture of the prince Xiyan and took it into the Shengyang Hall of the imperial palace for the old emperor to see.

The old emperor's condition improved slightly under the careful care of Ye Tianyi these days. He took the portrait for a long time, handed it to Ye Tianyi, who stood beside him, and said, "son of the king Xiyan and the goddess of state protection! It's really extraordinary. "

Ye Tianyi takes over the portrait and looks at it. Her long and narrow eyes squint and doesn't speak.

The old emperor found that he looked wrong and asked, "Tianyi, what's the matter? Why not? "

"I vaguely remember that the charming of Wangchun tower seems to be like this." The way of night nature.

The old emperor was stunned, looking at night Tianyi, puzzled, "looking at the delicate spring tower?"

"Did the father forget? Wang Yuechun looked for Wang Xiaochun's mansion for several times, so she looked for him Ye Tianyi looks at the picture and reminds the old emperor.

The old emperor suddenly called out, "Brunei!"

Brunei answered and stood respectfully at the door, "servant, what is the emperor's command?"

"Go and find the delicate portrait of Wangchun building. I remember that Duke Lu showed me a picture of her when he was there." The old emperor gave orders to Brunei.

Brunei responded and went down in a hurry.

The old emperor frowned and looked at the portrait of Ye Tianyi again, "it looks like it. What's the matter? Isn't Jiaojiao a woman? Wasn't it burned? Isn't it dead? "

"Not dead! She was saved by yue'er! " The way of night nature.

"This month's girl again!" The old emperor's face sank.

Ye Tianyi doesn't speak any more. Looking at the portrait, her eyes are bright and dark. She doesn't know what she is thinking.

"How many women are there? If you want, I will order that many women can be sent to your house. Why do you have to be her? " The old emperor looked at Ye Tianyi, calm and angry.

"There are so many women in the world that they are not worth one. Father, just like you have that woman in your heart. No matter how many years have passed and how many years she has died, don't you also remember? " Ye Tianyi raises eyebrows.

"I can't forget, and I won't let her affect me anything!" The old emperor hummed coldly.

"How many times have you had the opportunity to kill her, but not because she has a face that looks like the person in your heart? What do you say doesn't affect you? Later, she threatened you, and you wanted to kill her, but she was full of wings and powerful. You can't kill her. " Night Tianyi quiet tunnel.The old emperor was speechless for a moment.

Ye Tianyi no longer talks.

After a while, Brunei rushed in and said respectfully to the old emperor: "Binghuang, when Duke Lu was killed by you, his remains were also burned. You can take a look at the portrait at that time, and Duke Lu collected it himself. Later, when he died, he was burned with the relics. Not now

The old emperor frowned and said, "go out and look for a lovely portrait."

"Yes Brunei responded and went out in a hurry.

"No! You go to the filial piety palace and invite the cold Lord into the palace! Leng Xiaowang is Jiaojiao's guest of honor. He has known her for a long time. Who else is more familiar with Jiaojiao than he is? " Nightlife stops Brunei.

Brunei looked at the old emperor.

"Do as the seventh prince said." The old emperor was satisfied with Brunei. Even though he could not move in bed now and all the government affairs were handed over to his son who was waiting to take over, Brunei still asked him about everything first, and then listened to Ye Tianyi.

Brunei immediately went down.

An hour later, Leng Shao Zhuo was summoned into the palace. After entering the Shengyang temple, ye Tianyi handed him the portrait in his hand. He took it in doubt, looked at it, and exclaimed, "Jiaojiao?"

The corner of night Tianyi's mouth rose slightly and said with a smile: "dye Little Wang Ye has seen clearly. Is he the charming one you know?"

Leng Shao Zhuo smelt speech and looked at it carefully, shaking his head, "specious!"

What a paradox The old emperor snorted coldly.

Leng Shao Zhuo shook his hand and looked at the old emperor, "emperor, Jiaojiao has already died This... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!