The Abandoned Daughter

Chapter 349

When it comes to Laba, there is a lively atmosphere in King Jing's residence.

It has been said that Laba is the year of the year. Because of Xie rucao's pregnancy this year, all the affairs in the family are handled by several big servant girls of Jiangzhu. There are only two idle people in the mansion, one is Xie rucao, the other is Hongrui to be married.

A few days ago, after discussing with Wen Ruyu, Xie ruzhuo decided the marriage between Hongrui and Laogui. After half a day's tit for tat debate, Wen Ruyu is defeated. She agrees to give up the old ghost and turn him into the head of management. She also gives him a restaurant and a bank to live on.

In Wen Ruyu's words, "how can my subordinates have a soft meal?"

Xie ruzhuo's room is not ambiguous. Liangtian's house is equipped with jade articles. She doesn't give little to Hongrui. She tears and shouts no to the girl.

It is Xie Ru Zhuo to scold her conversely, "the woman has capital in the hand, can firm spirit rise.". That old ghost is a rough man, and with such a master, how can you hold a man without money? When you pass the gate in the future, you have to master the old devil's money in your own hands to save him learning to be bad. "

This is obviously for Wen Ruyu.

Xiao Junxi only watched two people coming and going. They were angry and funny. After the wedding date was agreed, it was dark that day.

Later, Wen Ruyu rubbed a meal again, which was not willing to leave the king's house in Xiao Junxi's eye knife.

Now from the wedding day of Hongrui, there are several days left. So most of the time, Hongrui is chatting with the boring Xie rucao to relieve her boredom, and at the same time, she keeps embroidering her wedding dress.

According to the rules, a woman's wedding dress has to be embroidered by herself, which is auspicious. In addition, Hongrui's embroidery work is excellent, so her clothes are not fake.

It snowed yesterday. Xie rucao was not surprised by Xiao Junxi's "foot ban order". She was not allowed to go anywhere except in this small yard. She could only take it with her in the room.

Fortunately, there are red pistil in, from time to time to pick up anecdotes with her, Xie ruzhuo is not so boring.

"Does the princess know something interesting happened in the capital these two days?"

Smell speech, Xie Ru Zhuo suddenly came to interest, eight trigrams of ask a way, "is who family?"

Red pistil pursed a smile, way, "is Qi Wang Fu."

See Xie Ru Zhuo's eyes lit up, red pistil also don't lose her appetite, now speak up with interest.

"In fact, it's not a big deal. Didn't the emperor give two side concubines to Prince Qi some time ago? But one of the side concubines had some fun with Shen side concubines at the beginning. As a result, they pinched up somehow. In the process of fighting, fortunately, they hit the passing Princess Qi

Speaking of this, red pistil and deliberately sold a pass, way, "Princess know later how?"

Xie Ru Zhuo Chi asked, "is it the fetus in the belly of the princess?"

Hongrui shook her head and said with a smile, "the princess is also smart. Others think her stomach is pregnant. Who knows that she actually stuffed a piece of cotton bag in it, which is just what she thought. But thanks to this cotton bag, she saved her baby. But this side imperial concubine can be miserable, not only was reprimanded by the king of Qi, it is said that has not entered her room for many days

Xie rucao stroked green fingernails, slowly stirred up a sneer, "this side imperial concubine is not a long eye."

It's just that whether it's not eye-catching or designed is another matter.

Read, Xie Ru Zhuo suddenly had an idea, low voice ordered a few words.

Red pistil some don't understand a way, "princess, you such words --"

Xie rucao's mouth is smiling, but his eyes are cold. "Yes, I just want to make the fire of king Qi's house burn more vigorously."

Since Qin Wanyi was hit by Chuang Tzu Yan, she has been having nightmares these days. Every time she wakes up, her first reaction is to reach out and touch the mattress under her body to see if there is blood.

This morning, as soon as Qin Wanyi woke up from her nightmare, she heard the noise of a servant girl outside the door, which made her brain more and more uncomfortable.

"What's the noise out there?"

Hearing Qin Wanyi's voice, Ning'er, the servant girl, hurriedly came in from the outside. She first made a salute and said, "master, you wake up."

Qin Wanyi nodded, rubbed her forehead and asked, "what's the matter outside? Why is it so noisy?"

Hearing the speech, Ning'er's expression slightly shrunk, and then said in a low voice, "princess, just now I caught a servant girl and put some words out of her mouth. Do you want to hear it?"

Qin Wanyi saw that her look was not right. Her heart sank, but she didn't say it on her face. She just said, "let her in."

After a while, a maid of sixteen or seventeen years old was pushed in. There was a look of fear on her face. When she saw Qin Wanyi, she immediately knelt down and said, "Hello, my maid."

Qin Wanyi slightly answered, and then motioned Ning'er with her eyes. Ning'er understood, and immediately asked, "repeat what you just said. If there is a word wrong, carefully peel your skin!"

The servant girl seemed to be scared and didn't dare to hide it. She trembled and repeated the previous words again, "Princess Hui, the servant girl is the servant girl in the yard of Zhuang's side imperial concubine. When the servant girl was cleaning the yard a few days ago, she accidentally saw Zhuang's side imperial concubine discussing things with Shen's side imperial concubine. The servant girl was curious and listened. Hear them say -- "

At this point, she did not dare to say anything. After swallowing, she continued to say in Ning'er's threatening eyes, "I'm far away. I don't really hear it. I just hear what the two side concubines are planning to say. Mingming Shen side imperial concubine out of the yard when the two people are still very good, but that afternoon, the two side imperial concubine after meeting suddenly quarreled. Then you go to the backyard. "

Although Qin Wanyi obeys the rules, she is not stupid. These days, she suspected that there was something fishy. Now after hearing this, she confirmed that it was a conspiracy.

When she remembered who had taken her to the backyard that day, Qin Wanyi immediately lowered her face and said, "bring cui'er in!"

There was already a servant girl with an unknown cui'er waiting at the door. Hearing this, she suddenly pushed cui'er in.

Cui'er had been wronged before, but when she saw the look on Qin Wanyi's face, she immediately shivered and knelt down to say, "maid, please say hello to the princess."

"Tell me, do you confess by yourself, or do you confess after I report the matter to the king?"

Qin Wanyi has found cui'er guilty at this time, and she can't listen to her explanation.

At the end, Qin Wanyi was upset by cui'er's crying. She immediately yelled to the outside, "drag her out for me and beat her hard. When will she tell the truth and bring her in again?"

As long as the thought of her baby almost left her, Qin Wanyi felt that her heart was blocked and she couldn't get out anyway.

Seeing this, cui'er's face turned white and cried out, "princess, spare your life, princess, spare your life!"

"Do you say it or not?"

Seeing that Qin Wanyi was really angry, cui'er didn't dare to hide it any more. She cried and begged, "I really didn't betray the princess, but that day Shen said that the plum blossoms in the backyard were blooming very well, and asked me to take you to have a look. She returned fifty liang of silver to her maidservant. She should not be greedy. She asked the princess to spare her this time

Cui'er is the big servant girl beside her, but now she does this kind of thing, which really makes Qin Wanyi cold hearted. She took a deep breath, stood up immediately and said in a hateful voice, "follow me to see the Lord!"

Ning'er said to one side, "princess, this --"

"What's the matter?"

Qin Wanyi's face is not good. Ning'er doesn't dare to hide it, so she has to report it in a low voice. "Go back to the princess, and the prince goes to Shen's side. It's said that Shen's side doesn't feel well because of the cold weather."

She didn't say it was OK. As soon as she said it, Qin Wanyi gritted her teeth more and more angrily. She said in a hateful voice, "Oh, what a sick person. Let's go now! I want to see what ails her, the woman who murdered the emperor's heir

I don't know when it began to snow outside. As soon as I pushed the door, I saw the snow mixed with the wind.

Qin Wanyi shivered, wrapped her cloak tightly, and angrily walked towards Ciyuan.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I smelled a fragrant plum blossom. This plum tree is different from other varieties, but it is a five color plum. It has five flowers and different pedicels. The blooming flowers hurt Qin Wanyi.

This is a reward from the palace a few days ago. They all gave five plum trees. I didn't want to move all of them to Ciyuan. It can be seen how biased Xiao Junhan's heart is.

But now is not the time to worry about this. Qin Wanyi squeezed her handkerchief tightly and took a deep breath. Then she pushed the door and went in.

A warm wind swept my face, and then I heard a soft female voice smile, "don't make trouble, Lord. It's day now. It's not good for people to see it!"

Two people in the room hold together, Xiao Junhan's hands are still restless in her back, a side evil smile way, "this is your room, you don't shout, who will come?"

As soon as his voice fell, he felt a cold wind coming. Subconsciously, he raised his eyes and suddenly froze.

Shen Jingci felt the stiffness of his hand, and then looked back. She was so busy that she let go of Xiao Junhan and said in surprise, "princess, why are you here?" But a light of resentment flashed through my eyes.

She just came to the interest, this Qin Wanyi came, pregnant is not honest, really hate very much!

Qin Wanyi frowned and saw nothing in the room. She first asked Xiao Junhan for peace, and then said in a cold voice, "I'm here today to ask for justice, and I'll ask the king to make the decision!"

Although Xiao Junhan didn't like Qin Wanyi very much, he was granted by the emperor. Now he is pregnant with his child, so he has some respect.

Seeing her saying this, she immediately came up to her and helped her to sit down. She softened her voice and said, "what's the matter? I've been so angry in the early morning. Who's the one who doesn't have a long eye? Just send it away and sell it. Don't be angry with your body. "

Hearing the words, Qin Wanyi sneered and raised her eyes. "I'm afraid you can't bear it. I don't have the courage to do that!"

This made Xiao Junhan a little confused, and also made Shen Jingci's heart sink behind him.

"You are the princess. In addition to the king, you are the biggest in the palace. You can tell me who makes you dare not deal with it?"