The Abandoned Daughter

Chapter 348

Except for Xie Huainan, who is far away from the border, Xie Ruyin, who is seriously ill and has not recovered, and the two daughters of the Xie family, all the people of the Xie family gather together.

The setting sun in the sky is like blood, which seems to indicate the future fate of the Xie family. But the people in Sanfang didn't know how much they took advantage of it.

After getting two properties and more than 100 mu of good land, Xie Shensi began to talk about it again, "father, our shops have been paid into the public accounts for many years. According to me, at least half of these shops should belong to us."

Smell speech, Xie Shenxing immediately can't help saying, "third brother, don't be too greedy!" When dividing the field, Xie Shensi took up more than others. It's too much to ask for more in this shop.

Although Joe didn't speak, she didn't want to look at her.

After hearing this, Lu was discontented and said, "my second brother is really an official. I don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. If I don't say anything else, I'll just say that you didn't know about the flood the year before last. So my family didn't invest much money in it! Besides the daily expenses of food and clothing, didn't our Sanfang make the most effort that time? It's all white money. Now we need more shops, isn't it? "

Ji said in a deep voice, "Lu, don't go too far." She didn't like this daughter-in-law at all, and now she is even more disgusting. In her opinion, without Lu's help, Xie Shensi may not have the meaning of separation.

If Lu used to be afraid of Ji, but now she is going to separate her family. Later, she is the mother of the family, and her fear of Ji is less. Because retorted, "mother, this is too eccentric, isn't it? The elder brother and the second brother have official positions. Unlike my master, he is just a businessman. This shop is the icing on the cake for them, but for us, it's a timely help! "

She will say this, if others don't agree, it seems to bully them.

But this is Ji's heart disease for many years, and it is also the place where he feels ashamed of his little son. Therefore, when he said this, Ji didn't refute it again.

Seeing Lu's choking on them, Xie rucao gave a sneer in her heart, but said faintly on her face, "have you forgotten how the Xie family defended the third uncle in the Jinluan palace before? Over the years, whether it's Xie Rulan's basket or the third uncle's fault, can't the other rooms of our family suddenly ignore it? This man must be content. "

Xie rucao's voice was not big, but the needle saw the blood, and Lu's face suddenly turned red.

She gritted her teeth to refute, and because of Xie rucao's identity, she didn't dare to say too ugly words. She just couldn't help but said in a hard voice, "Sanfang hasn't treated other rooms badly these years!"

Xie Shenyan looked at all this coldly. Seeing that Xie rucao wanted to talk again, he waved his hand and said, "well, we don't want the shop on the public account. You can look at it."

If you don't want the big room, the five or five points will just be given to the second room and the third room.

Li didn't want to make Er Fang suffer a loss. After hearing this, he felt a little sorry and said, "it's not right. Big brother will suffer a big loss."

Xie Shenyan's impression of Li's family is still good. He said happily, "it's all a family. I'm the eldest brother. I should let my brothers do it."

Seeing his master's words, even though he felt a little uncomfortable, he should be reconciled. "Master, this is also a way. Although we are separated, we can't be distracted because of it. Otherwise, we will make others laugh."

Xie Sheng praised Qiao's understanding of propriety, then glared at his little son and said, "OK, the shop is settled. Now that we've separated the houses, if you want to move out, move. I won't stop you. "

Xie Shensi and his wife got a lot of benefits. This time, they sincerely thank Xie Shengli. Seeing that the people in the house didn't like to see them, they laughed a few times and left.

When the two of them left, Xie Rufei was discontented and said, "what happened to this kind of person in our Xie family? It's really annoying!"

Xie Shenxing was so busy that he glared at her and said, "don't talk nonsense!"

But where would Xie Rufei listen to him? Because of Su Bixin, Xie Rufei had already left his heart. At the moment, seeing Xie Shenxing scold himself, he can't help but reply, "Dad wants to be a good man, just do it, don't take me with you!"

Then, she did not wait for Xie Shenxing to speak. She went to Ji's side and said, "grandma, I don't care if others want to move out, but granddaughter doesn't want to separate from you. I want to accompany you at home."

She a face of coquetry, called Ji's love and pain, said with a smile, "grandma can't ask for it."

Li also said with a smile, "that's the reason. I've been used to being a shopkeeper these years. I really want to manage the accounts. I'm the first two. I just have to trouble my second sister-in-law. I'll continue to worry about the second room in the future."

Hearing this, Qiao said with a smile, "what do you mean? We Xie family can live in peace, not only our mother but also our younger generation."

Xie ruchuo has been silent. Now when he hears this, he says, "well, our Xie family is clean. But the second aunt can be more careful. The house is spacious. Yong'an, a monkey, has to jump up and down in your yard. "

Li immediately said with a smile, "we Xie family now have such a little baby, he is very welcome to me."

Speaking of this, Li smiles at Xie rucao's stomach and asks, "well, you're two months pregnant, too. My second aunt hasn't officially congratulated you. I wish you success next year!"

She opened her mouth, Xie Rufei and other children followed suit, especially Xie Huailin was very happy, excitedly yelled, "I'm going to be an uncle, the fourth sister is going to have a baby boy!"

Previously, when Xie Ruyun came back with her little son, Xie Huailin had seen the soft and glutinous little boy, but the elders were afraid of him bumping and didn't give him a hug, just let him look closer. Rao is like this, or let Xie Huailin happy not. Now looking at Xie ruzhuo's stomach, Xie Huailin is happy and worried. She lies beside Xie ruzhuo and touches her stomach carefully, looking forward to it.

Seeing him like this, everyone in the room began to laugh. Xie ruzhuo hugged Xie Huailin and fed him cakes as usual.

See the atmosphere in the house so harmonious, Ji sighed, because of Xie Shensi, the separation of uncomfortable mood also fade a bit.

Maybe the master is right. Since the family has been broken up, it's better to break it up and then establish it. Only in this way can the Xie family be more stable in the future.

In the evening, Xie ruzhuo stayed at Xie's house for dinner. Qiao didn't see her daughter for a long time. She was so happy that she ordered the kitchen to make many of her favorite meals.

Xie ruzhuo's stomach is a little bit full. He laughs and pleads, "although my daughter has more food in her stomach, she can't eat any more. Mother, please forgive me."

Qiao's heart ached that she had lost weight recently. She sighed and put down her chopsticks. She said, "when I was pregnant with Yong'an, I couldn't eat and sleep. It's just that you are so young that you have to be very careful with this baby. If you can't eat it, you have to eat it at least. "

Smell speech, Xie Ru Zhuo has to answer repeatedly, smile way, "mother rest assured, I will pay attention to some."

It's rare for her to come back. Now she's pregnant again. Joe's natural worry is very much. He has been nagging for a long time, focusing on how to maintain her fetus.

Finally, Qiao asked hesitantly, "now that you are pregnant, what did the LORD say?"

See Qiao some difficult to say, Xie Ru Zhuo immediately understand come over, because of the way, "the LORD said the room does not need people to wait on."

What she has accepted since childhood is that her husband is her wife. But in this life, Xiao Junxi's kindness to her has gone beyond this limit. Xie ruzhuo also tried to mention the concubine. Instead of being happy, Xiao Junxi was angry with her on the spot.

What did he say?

"Zhuo'er treats me like life. Naturally, I will pay it back twice. It's hard for you to have children for me. How can I do something sorry for you? Since you are loyal, you and my husband and wife should be loyal to each other. "

At that time, she said it was false that she was not moved. This man always brought her too many surprises.

Seeing the obvious satisfaction on Xie rucao's face, Qiao put down his heart slightly and said with a smile, "your husband and wife are harmonious, and mother will be relieved."

As soon as she finished her words, she saw Bizhi come in at the door and said with a smile, "King Jing is here. He said that he is coming to pick up the princess back to the palace."

Smell speech, Xie Ru Zhuo's face suddenly some bashful flustered, again see Qiao Shi's full face of narrow and happy, is some embarrassed way, "mother, I go back first."

Qiao sent Xie ruzhuo to the second gate. Xiao Junxi was already waiting for her at the Chuihua gate.

The sky is dim, he holds a handle eight treasures glass wind lamp, with the wind slightly swirling, add a touch of light for the night.

Qiao's when first a ceremony way, "minister wife to King please."

Xiao Junxi dodged to avoid her ceremony and said with a smile, "mother-in-law doesn't need to be polite. She shouldn't have come to disturb her mother-in-law and zhuo'er to talk about the past, but it's hard to go at night. I can't rest assured. I hope my mother-in-law won't blame me. "

Qiao's joy was too late to meet him. He waved his hand and said with a smile, "the Lord is missing his wife, but the minister's wife has left her for a long time. You go back slowly. "

After a few words of greetings, Xiao Junxi personally helped Xie ruzhuo into the carriage, and the couple went to King Jing's house.

On the second day, the idea of canonization came to Xie's family. After a lot of complicated praise, the most important thing was the last sentence, "Xie's family is like LAN. Today, he was canonized as LAN GUI Ren and lives in Ilan Xuan, the side hall of Huayang palace."

The main hall of Huayang palace is not inhabited by others, it is Jingfei.

Lu was very happy when he got the news. He not only felt confident, but also resented that Xie ruzhuo didn't work for Xie Rulan. Otherwise, with Xie Rulan's condition, he would be a concubine in any case!

After the second room Li sighed, he was glad that Xie Rufei didn't enter the palace. Her daughter has been spoiled since she was a child. She won't treat her badly if she marries any husband in the future. Why do you have to wait on an old man in the inner courtyard of the deep palace?

This words she didn't dare to say with Xie Shenxing, just tactfully mentioned Xie Rufei's marriage. After all, the girl is no longer young, and she is old enough to say goodbye.

However, in two days, the third room of the Xie family officially moved out of the Xie family, and the separation of the Xie family spread all over the streets, and became a new round of conversation with the new ladies.