Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 99

Spring ploughing is getting closer and closer, and people in fangjiazhuang are gradually busy.

Boss Li has recently become addicted to collecting fertilizer and wanders around Chuang Tzu all day.

"What\'s that?"

After picking up a lump of cow dung, boss Li straightened up happily, but he saw the crowd coming from Li Jiazhuang.

In an instant, boss Li threw away his basket, turned and shouted to several bear children playing in the field: "the people of Li family village are coming to beat the young master! Go and call someone!"

Without saying a word, several bear children ran to the village residential area not far away.

Boss Li himself rushed over with a bamboo clip and flushed all over his face.

"The people of Li family village beat the young master!"

"The people of Li family village killed the young master!"


With the shrill cries of the children, the whole residential area of fangjiazhuang became restless.

"Son of a bitch! Where\'s the kitchen knife at home?"

"Dad, don\'t go to the old man."

"I haven\'t been able to walk yet! I have to turn over some people in Li family villa today to avenge the young master!"

"Brother, why did you take all the snakes?"


Everyone, men and women, old and young. Kitchen knife, firewood chopper, pot shovel, rolling pin

Everyone gathered at the intersection. An old man with a shaky walk stood up, drank and asked, "what does the young master do to us?"

Everyone shouted, "OK!"

The old man drank again and asked, "what should we do if the people in Li family village beat the young master?"

Everyone blushed and shouted, "fuck the people of Li family villa!"

The old man waved his hand, coughed and shouted, "then... Cough... What are you waiting for! Rush... Cough... Go up... Cough!"

"Kill it!"

The crowd rushed towards Lijiazhuang.

A boy of seven or eight years old also ran with a wooden stick, but he stumbled over a stone on the ground and scratched his hands and feet.

"The young master gave me sugar, and the young master gave me sugar..."

The child got up, gritted his teeth and rushed over.

As soon as the old man saw that no one cared about himself, he hurriedly shouted to his grandson, "three children, carry me quickly."

But Fang Xing was not flustered at all. He took out his telescope and observed the crowd in Li Jiazhuang. When he saw that those in front of him were well dressed and powerful, he shouted to Xin Laoqi:

"Old seven, it\'s estimated that the front is a servant. Beat me hard!"

Xin Laoqi nodded at the speech: "young master, you can rest assured!"

"Put the shield up!"

Ten servants and ten shields set up a "wall" directly on the flat ground.

Looking at the approaching crowd, Fang Xing took out a cylinder from his bag.

"It\'s really a mob! Fortunately, I have secret weapons."

Fang Xing, who found something good, has now changed his gun. He grabbed the safety pin, pulled it hard when the crowd was almost close, swung his arm round, and threw the cylinder towards the middle of the crowd.


When the cylinder began to smoke, the crowd hit the shield.


Just like the impact of the wave, all the servants are gritting their teeth and sticking to it, and even the farmer who originally stayed behind also went up to resist it.

Boss Li just arrived. He jumped up from behind the shield and gave a man with a dung clip.

"Ah! My face!"

"Hold on!"

Xin Laoqi was shouting. He knew that the first wave of impact must be blocked, or the shield array would be scattered.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"My eyes!"

"I can\'t see!"

At this time, Fang Xing\'s second tear gas had been thrown out, the middle of the crowd had been shrouded in smoke, and there was a sound of cough and scream.

As soon as the impact was reduced, Xin Laoqi immediately found it acutely. He shouted, "fight back! Fight back!"

The servants came out from behind the shield and beat the swing sticks in their hands towards the opposite side.


Needless to say, the power of shaking the staff naturally went back one after another. The servants who were highly expected by Li Mao were beaten and wailed.

The crowd was already disturbed by tear gas. At this time, when I saw that the mainstay servants were defeated, I immediately shouted, turned and ran away.

Paralyzed! The rent of the Li family is not low. I can\'t even eat enough and sell shit!

A wolf ran to the pig at the scene. Fang woke up and shouted, "throw away the shield and chase it!"

Everyone in Li family village is running away. Why do you need a shield at this time!

The shields were lost, and the lightly armed servants chased their peers. As for those farmers, just drive them back according to Fang Xing\'s arrangement.

Standing on the roof of his residence, Li Mao was annoyed when he watched his side running around after more than a dozen people.

Turning back, Li Mao said to the middle-aged man behind him, "master Mao, please do it yourself."

The middle-aged man arched his hands and said, "young master Li, just watch it!"

Since Li Mao was humiliated by the little daughter-in-law of fangjiazhuang, he invited the expert.

At ordinary times, more than ten servants can\'t walk a few laps under master Mao\'s hand, so fangjiazhuang\'s is not much better?

Li Mao said grimly, "master Mao, remember to beat me hard!"

The middle-aged man arched his hands and then jumped off the roof. His posture was very light.

In just a few minutes, all the households in Li family village ran away, leaving only those servants struggling to support them.

"Hit! Hit hard!"

Xin Laoqi turned over an opponent with one stick, and his blood red eyes were flying around. A servant who wanted to attack him from the side saw it, screamed and ran away.

Ling Dang is eager to rush up beside Fang Xing, but Fang Xing holds her head down and can only sob reluctantly.

"Young master, here we are!"

At this time, the galloping vibration behind him made Fang Xing\'s body freeze. He got up, slowly turned back and saw the farmers holding simple weapons.

Fang Xing felt that his eyes were hot, like a child bullied outside. When he was depressed, he saw countless partners shouting.

Li Mao\'s legs almost softened when he saw this behind the scenes.

Isn\'t the population of fangjiazhuang similar to that here? But it\'s all out!

"Little... Young master!"

The entourage behind him was frightened by the surging crowd and almost peed.

"Young master, let\'s go quickly."

Li maoben wanted to see Master Mao first, but when he looked into the distance, he just saw master Mao and two servants of fangjiazhuang.


Master Mao leaped into the air and split the long stick in his hand head-on.

"What a move to split Huashan!"

The servants who were beaten and started to escape stopped when master Mao just went upstream from the crowd, hoping that the sacrifice could turn the situation around.

Master Mao did not disappoint everyone\'s high expectations. He rushed up with extraordinary momentum and looked at his self-confidence.